Republican Party

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GOP Should Copy Domino's, Admit It Screwed Up
GOP Should Copy Domino's, Admit It Screwed Up

GOP Should Copy Domino's, Admit It Screwed Up

Republicans can rise again if party acknowledges, 'We blew it'

(Newser) - The GOP need not abandon its core principles to become ascendant again—but it has to 'fess up to its failure to deliver what it preaches. The party could take a lesson from Domino’s Pizza, which in a new campaign basically says: "We blew it." The analogy...

Great News for Palin: GOP Poll Snubs Her
 Great News for 
 Palin: GOP Poll 
 Snubs Her 
nate silver

Great News for Palin: GOP Poll Snubs Her

Not one party leader sees her as the 2012 candidate

(Newser) - In a new survey of 109 Republican movers and shakers, not one named Sarah Palin as the likely presidential nominee in 2012. This is fabulous news for her, writes Nate Silver. After all, "2010/12 is "shaping up to be an anti-establishment cycle," he writes, and if the...

Steele Book Tour Has GOP Steamed
 Steele Book Tour Has 
 GOP Steamed 
'Get Him to Stop'

Steele Book Tour Has GOP Steamed

RNC chair predicted party won't take back Congress in 2010

(Newser) - GOP lawmakers are so irate over loose-canon Michael Steele's pronouncements on his book tour—including a prediction Monday that Republicans will not win back the House and Senate in 2010—that they had their aides give his aides a dressing down on a conference call Wednesday. “You really just...

Steele to Critics: Fire Me or Shut Up

Reports say donors shunning RNC because of its chairman

(Newser) - Michael Steele lashed out at his Republican critics today, telling them to “get a life” and “get out of the way.” Steele was responding to the hail of friendly fire he’s been taking lately, including today’s Washington Times report that donors are boycotting the RNC....

Today's GOP Would Have Impeached Gore After 9/11

Detroit response shows partisanship trumps patriotism

(Newser) - The aftermath of the Detroit terror attempt has exposed some ugly truths about American politics, writes Chris Bowers. He lists several in Open Left.
  • The GOP would have impeached Al Gore over 9/11. The "aggressive, partisan response" this failed terror attempt met shows they certainly wouldn't have been saying

Pa. Dem Chris Carney Rejects GOP Overtures

Despite McCain call, he'll remain with Dems

(Newser) - Despite a Republican full-court press that included a call from Sen. John McCain, Pennsylvania Rep. Chris Carney won’t jump ship from the Democratic Party, he tells Roll Call . The GOP has gotten “nibbles” from Carney, a source told Politico earlier, leading to the call from McCain, a fellow...

Upheaval Looms as White Majorities Fade

Voting districts morph as minority power grows

(Newser) - A sea change in American politics looms as white majorities are fading in a burgeoning number of voting districts across America. Nearly half of House members represent districts with at least 30% minority populations, double the rate in the 90s, and a fraction of what's bound to occur in the...

Former Gov. Gary Johnson Eyes Ron Paul's Shoes
Former Gov. Gary Johnson Eyes Ron Paul's Shoes 


Former Gov. Gary Johnson Eyes Ron Paul's Shoes

Republican with libertarian leanings could harness Tea Partiers

(Newser) - Former New Mexico Gov. Gary Johnson, hoping to catch the rising tide of Tea Party-style populist anger, has been polishing up his quirky libertarian bona fides for what looks like a run at the presidency in 2012. Though Johnson is cagey, he has made it clear he’s sticking with...

Palin: Drop 'Greener Than Thou' Act, Arnold
 Palin: Drop 'Greener 
 Than Thou' Act, Arnold 

Palin: Drop 'Greener Than Thou' Act, Arnold

Feud erupts after Schwarzenegger questions climate stance

(Newser) - Two days after Arnold Schwarzenegger suggested her stance on climate change is based more on politics than scientific knowledge, Sarah Palin swung back, saying the California Republican should drop his “greener than thou” act. “Why is Governor Schwarzenegger pushing for the same sorts of policies in Copenhagen,”...

McCain Morphs Into Chief Obama Foe
 McCain Morphs Into 
 Chief Obama Foe 

McCain Morphs Into Chief Obama Foe

Graham calls Arizona senator 'de facto leader of the Republican Party'

(Newser) - John McCain has made the transformation from possible Obama ally to a full-blooded Republican partisan, though insiders aren’t quite sure why. Some see his vocal opposition to the Obama administration’s policies as a concession to the realities of next year’s election, where he may face a challenge...

Palin Won't Rule Out Third-Party Run

No need if GOP 'gets back' to conservative base, but she'll see

(Newser) - Sarah Palin might just consider running for president in 2012 on a third-party ticket if the GOP doesn’t get its conservative bona fides back in order. Of course, “if the Republican party gets back to that base, I think our party is going to be stronger and there's...

Dems, Not GOP, Are Party of Big Business
 Dems, Not GOP, Are 
 Party of Big Business 

Dems, Not GOP, Are Party of Big Business

Anti-free market reform is the only thing keeping fat cats alive

(Newser) - The idea that the GOP is the “party of big business” is a convenient fabrication, Jonah Goldberg writes, that handily deflects blame from the progressives who have historically been in bed with the fat cats—particularly the health care industry. Just look at GE during the Great Depression, when...

GOP Base United Vs. Obama, Little Else

For most, leadership is ineffective, or nonexistent

(Newser) - A lot of strong opinions are swirling around the Republican base, but none of them appear to point a way forward for the fractured party. GOP voters and GOP-leaning independents polled are united in their distrust of—even anger at—the Obama administration and Democrats in Congress. But second in...

GOP Eyes Resurgent UK Conservatives

Cameron's centrist style may help show GOP route back to power

(Newser) - Britain's Conservative Party is widely expected to regain power next year after over a decade in opposition, and the US Republican Party is starting to look for lessons from across the Atlantic. David Cameron has led the UK conservatives party to a big lead in the polls after it was...

Palin: Our First WWE Politician
 Palin: Our First WWE Politician 
Matt Taibbi

Palin: Our First WWE Politician

Pick an asshole, any asshole, and she'll rock the house

(Newser) - Sarah Palin is America’s “first WWE politician,” barren of actual political ideas but on a crusade against “assholes,” Matt Taibbi writes. The governor-turned-author is “a cartoon combatant who inspires stadiums full of frustrated middle American followers who will cheer for her against whichever villain...

Beck to Unveil 'Big Plan' at Saturday Rally
 Beck to Unveil 
 'Big Plan' at 
 Saturday Rally 

Beck to Unveil 'Big Plan' at Saturday Rally

Righty pundit OK with destroying Dems and GOP

(Newser) - Glenn Beck has got a “big plan” for 2010, and he’s going to let us in on it tomorrow at a Florida rally that coincides with the beginning of his book tour, insiders tell Politico . The Fox News host’s new direction is likely to involve his 9....

Truth-Twisting Palin Just Gets More Dangerous
Truth-Twisting Palin Just Gets More Dangerous

Truth-Twisting Palin Just Gets More Dangerous

New 'author' irresistible to both right and left: parody editors

(Newser) - Sarah Palin remains a major player on the national stage because "neither the left nor the right can get enough of her," write Richard Kim and Betsy Reed, the editors of Going Rouge, the parody that comes out the same day as the former Alaska governor's memoir, Going ...

Unassuming Thune Could Be GOP's Future
Unassuming Thune Could Be GOP's Future

Unassuming Thune Could Be GOP's Future

Nice-guy populist eyed as 2012 contender

(Newser) - The junior senator from South Dakota is starting to get a lot of attention from the less hysterical sections of the GOP as the party seeks to build on recent successes, writes David Brooks . John Thune never sounds like he's auditioning for a spot on talk radio, but instead puts...

Dobbs 2012: A Nightmare for Republicans
Dobbs 2012: A Nightmare
for Republicans

Dobbs 2012: A Nightmare for Republicans

Ex-anchor could split the tea-bagger vote as an independent

(Newser) - Lou Dobbs has dropped big hints that he plans a career in politics, and the GOP should be worried, warns Joe Conason. A presidential run by Dobbs seems like a strong possibility, but he won't be running as a Republican, Conason writes for Salon . Instead, the newly departed CNN anchor...

Disaffected Right, Left Close Purse Strings to Parties

Miffed at election behavior, partisans boycott DCCC, NRCC, etc.

(Newser) - Frustrated voters are letting Congressional Democrats and Republicans know how they feel—by opening their mouths and closing their pocketbooks. One Dem blogger, miffed at the DNC for perceived inaction in the Maine gay marriage fight, has proposed a boycott on donations to the national committee: “Clearly, money talks....

Stories 381 - 400 | << Prev   Next >>