Republican Party

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Hyperbolic Newt's Antics Highlight Desperate GOP

(Newser) - Newt Gingrich is back, and he’s here to stay. “It’s Gingrich time,” Paul Waldman writes for  the American Prospect. That’s not a good thing, for the Republicans or the country. “This is Newt's time again not only because there's a leadership vacuum in the...

GOP Faces Battle Issues Over Sotomayor

Party split over how fiercely to fight Obama's nominee

(Newser) - The battle over Sonia Sotomayor's nomination to the Supreme Court is beginning to heat up within the Republican Party, the Washington Post. GOP senators have been largely restrained in their response to the nomination, acknowledging that an overly aggressive position would be political suicide among Latino voters. Conservatives, meanwhile, have...

Cheney, Limbaugh Can't Touch Powell in Popularity

Ex-veep far less popular than his target for criticism

(Newser) - When Dick Cheney got in a fight with Colin Powell, it looks like he was punching above his weight class. Cheney dismissed Powell’s views on the Republican Party’s direction, saying, “I didn’t think he was still a Republican”—a comment echoed by Rush Limbaugh. But...

Why Sotomayor's a Lock
 Why Sotomayor's a Lock 

Why Sotomayor's a Lock

Savvy Obama's pick would be political suicide for the GOP to oppose

(Newser) - The way to really win a fight is to be in too strong a position for it to even start, and President Obama is showing some of that kind of savvy with his Supreme Court pick, writes Mark Halperin in Time. Nominating Sonia Sotomayor maneuvers Republicans into a position where...

Rush Has a Butt Fixation

 Rush Has 
 a Butt 

Rush Has a Butt Fixation

(Newser) - Lots of detractors say Rush Limbaugh talks out of his ass, but they’re missing something crucial, writes Gabriel Winant for Salon: He talks about his ass, too. And everyone else’s. Constantly. Limbaugh apparently has what Freud would call an anal fixation—specifically a fixation on anal rape. He’...

Parker Takes Hammer to Steele
 Parker Takes 
 Hammer to Steele 

Parker Takes Hammer to Steele

GOP chairman 'means well,' but isn't fit for the job

(Newser) - Almost every demographic is quitting the GOP—despite a chairman who aims to win over everyone, including “one-armed midgets,” writes Kathleen Parker in the Washington Post. “The emerging consensus is that [Michael] Steele, though he means well, has the wrong personality for the job,” she notes....

Dems Go to Bat for Pelosi as Accusations Fly

Speaker 'not in any trouble' as loyal caucus backs her in CIA ruckus

(Newser) - Republicans have all but slapped a bulls-eye on Nancy Pelosi over what she knew about CIA interrogation practices, but as the Washington Post reports, House Democrats have rallied behind the speaker. In a sign of the considerable unity of the party caucus, several leading Democrats said yesterday that they believe...

Palin Shopping Spree OK: Feds
Palin Shopping Spree OK: Feds

Palin Shopping Spree OK: Feds

Commission nixes complaint that RNC's $150K in clothing purchases broke law

(Newser) - The Federal Election Commission dismissed today a complaint that the Republican National Committee broke the law when it bought $150,000 in clothes for then-vice presidential candidate Sarah Palin, the Anchorage Daily News reports. The FEC said purchases were “coordinated party expenditures” for campaign purposes, and did not violate...

'Pro-Sex' McCain Talks Sex on Colbert

Also discusses gay marriage, but not Sarah Palin

(Newser) - Meghan McCain likes sex—a point she made several times last night on The Colbert Report, Gawker reports. Asked by host Stephen Colbert to explain her “pro-sex” stance, she started out by saying abstinence is unrealistic—and ended with “I would never want to practice anything I didn’...

Poll: GOP Support Down Across Demographic Groups

GOP backing has shriveled since 2001 among all but weekly churchgoers

(Newser) - The GOP has failed to gain followers in any demographic group since 2001, and support has shrunk among all groups except frequent churchgoers, according to the latest Gallup figures. The biggest drop in support —down 10%—was among college grads. But the percentage of respondents calling themselves Republicans was...

Republicans Slam Party-Purist Outfit

Club for Growth backs unelectable righties, say some in GOP

(Newser) - Some in the GOP have had it with the Club for Growth, an organization that identifies Republicans it deems weak on low-tax, small-government values, the Wall Street Journal reports. Party members argue that the Club backs Republicans too far right to win elections. “If their goal is to increase...

McCain's Mom Not a Limbaugh Fan
Mom Not a Limbaugh Fan

McCain's Mom Not a Limbaugh Fan

'He's not part of my Republican Party,' 97-year-old tells Leno

(Newser) - When Jay Leno asked Roberta McCain what she thought about Rush Limbaugh, she didn’t hold back. “I belong to the Republican Party,” John McCain's opinionated mom said on last night's Tonight Show. “What he represents of the Republican Party has nothing to do with my side...

Crist Run Tests GOP Tolerance for Moderates

(Newser) - With his moderate reputation and warm personal style, Charlie Crist’s Senate candidacy ought to be just what the doctor ordered for Republicans. But the party’s right wing is looking the gift horse in the mouth, writes EJ Dionne of the Washington Post. Conservatives have long distrusted Crist, but...

Huckabee's Plan to Revive GOP Doesn't Add Up

Nate Silver shows why party shouldn't play to social conservatives

(Newser) - Perhaps it's Mike Huckabee's admitted distrust for math, but he's dead wrong about the best strategy to bring back the Republican Party's power, writes Nate Silver on his blog. To make the case that the party shouldn't move to the middle, Huckabee says, "People that are social conservatives are...

Gender Gap in GOP Is Striking, Problematic
Gender Gap in GOP Is Striking, Problematic

Gender Gap in GOP Is Striking, Problematic

Women compose 10% of GOP House, Senate; Dems are 23% female

(Newser) - Women may make up the majority of America, but they comprise just 10% of the GOP House and Senate—compared to about 23% for Dems—and that gender gap "could make the Republicans’ climb back to power even steeper," writes Erika Lovely in Politico. It's not that the...

Climate Change May Usher GOP Into Ice Age
Climate Change May Usher GOP Into Ice Age

Climate Change May Usher GOP Into Ice Age

Republican Party ignores young voters' top concern—at its peril

(Newser) - By steadfastly opposing action on climate change, the GOP is signing its own death warrant, writes David S. Bernstein in the Boston Phoenix. The so-called “Millennial” generation—those born in 1980-2000—is 100 million strong, and doesn’t share Republicans' blasé attitude toward the environment. Says a Harvard analyst,...

Dems Promised Me Seniority: Demoted Specter

(Newser) - Arlen Specter, demoted to junior spots on Senate committees after switching to the Democratic Party, thought things would be different, he told CNN today. Majority Leader Harry Reid “said that I would maintain my committee assignments,” Specter said, “and that my seniority would be established as if...

Dems Spoof 'Marooned' GOP
 Dems Spoof 
 'Marooned' GOP 

Dems Spoof 'Marooned' GOP

Web ad likens Republicans to Survivor cast

(Newser) - A new DNC ad touts the latest Survivor series: the GOP edition, the Huffington Post reports. The Web spot begins with Sen. Olympia Snowe, the “Last of the Moderates,” describing how being a Republican moderate can feel like “being a cast member of Survivor,” and goes...

What the GOP Needs Is a Bill Clinton
 What the GOP Needs 
 Is a Bill Clinton 

What the GOP Needs Is a Bill Clinton

Douthat: Way out of this mess is to find a new breed of moderate

(Newser) - Republican moderates like Susan Collins, Olympia Snowe, and Arlen Specter are right that the GOP has a hole in the center, writes Ross Douthat in the New York Times. The problem is that they’re not the right kind of centrists to fill it. Yankee Republican moderates are either just...

What the GOP Needs Is a John Wayne
 What the 
 GOP Needs Is 
 a John Wayne 


What the GOP Needs Is a John Wayne

Community, not freedom, is the true Western virtue: Brooks

(Newser) - Republicans have admired Westerns for decades, continually flocking to leaders—Goldwater, Reagan, Bush, Palin—who embody the John Wayne ideal of individualism and bravery. But as David Brooks writes, Westerns aren't really about lone heroes, but "civic order": how newcomers build communities in inhospitable regions. For the New ...

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