Republican Party

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Kasich: I'm in a 'Struggle for the Soul' of the GOP

And if Ohio governor can't find it, he hints he may leave the party

(Newser) - John Kasich revealed over the weekend he's been doing some soul-searching, but it's not his own soul he's scrutinizing. The Ohio governor chatted with Jake Tapper Sunday morning on CNN's State of the Union, and he had harsh words for both major political parties. He admitted...

Trump's DACA Decision Also Threatens GOP

Republicans at odds over program's end

(Newser) - President Trump's expected decision to dismantle the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program after a six-month delay may not simply split apart families. The move, expected to be announced Tuesday, may also further divide a splintered Republican Party, reports Politico . While GOP lawmakers including Sen. Lindsey Graham and Rep....

House Eats at ObamaCare: Replacement Passes
House Eats at ObamaCare.
Here's What Comes Next

House Eats at ObamaCare. Here's What Comes Next

Get ready to learn more about 'reconciliation'

(Newser) - "Hopefully we're going to have a wonderful day, and a wonderful vote," said President Trump Thursday morning. His wish was granted: The House voted 217-213 to pass an updated version of the American Health Care Act, the GOP's ObamaCare replacement. The Wall Street Journal reports 216...

Intruder Spent 11 Hours at GOP Policy Retreat

Woman allegedly leaked recordings of meetings

(Newser) - Private conversations among Republican lawmakers during a policy retreat last week at a Philadelphia hotel were secretly recorded and shared with media outlets. But the leak isn't upsetting lawmakers so much as the circumstances around it. A woman posing as the wife of a member of Congress managed to...

GOP Lawmakers Worried About Political Fallout of 'Trumpcare'

Recording of private GOP meeting reveals 'disarray'

(Newser) - An audio recording of a private Republican meeting this week reveals that GOP lawmakers are "in disarray" and "far from agreement" when it comes to repealing and replacing the Affordable Care Act, the New York Times reports. According to the Washington Post , lawmakers expressed concerns they wouldn't...

GOP Flip-Flops, Won't Gut Ethics Office After Outcry

Republicans reinstate old Office of Congressional Ethics rules

(Newser) - That was quick. Less than 24 hours after voting to gut the Office of Congressional Ethics in a secret meeting Monday, House Republicans passed a motion during an emergency meeting Tuesday to restore the independent office's old rules following a "firestorm of criticism," the Los Angeles Times...

&#39;Egomaniacal&#39; Trump Has Brought GOP Back to 1950s
There's No
Room for
Women in
Trump's GOP

There's No Room for Women in Trump's GOP

The 'egomaniacal' candidate has brought the party back to the 1950s

(Newser) - Until Donald Trump's "enablers" are cleared from the GOP "women would frankly have to have been lobotomized to believe anything the Republican Party tells them," SE Cupp writes in the New York Times . Cupp says she was spurred to write a piece about the sorry state...

GOP Tries to Defuse Talk of &#39;Rigged&#39; Election
GOP Tries to Defuse
Talk of 'Rigged' Election

GOP Tries to Defuse Talk of 'Rigged' Election

'We are going to run a good, clean election in Ohio'

(Newser) - With Election Day looming, some GOP leaders and officials are speaking out in defense of the election system itself instead of their party's candidate. Jon Husted, Ohio's secretary of state, is among those pushing back against Donald Trump's "irresponsible" claims that the election is rigged , the...

'Miracle Nobody Was Killed': NC GOP Office Bombing

'Nazi Republicans' was spray-painted on Hillsborough office wall

(Newser) - A local Republican Party office in North Carolina was damaged by fire and someone spray-painted an anti-GOP slogan referring to "Nazi Republicans" on a nearby wall, authorities said Sunday, per the AP . A news release from the town of Hillsborough said someone threw a bottle filled with flammable liquid...

'Unshackled' Trump Just Turned on His Own Party

Says Democrats are more loyal than Republicans

(Newser) - In a Twitter storm on Tuesday, Donald Trump implied he'd been chained to the Republican Party for too long. But in the wake of recent denouncements from dozens of Republicans, including Paul Ryan, "the shackles have been taken off me and I can now fight for America the...

More Than Three Dozen GOP Lawmakers Un-Endorse Trump

Plus Arnold Schwarzenegger

(Newser) - More than three dozen Republican lawmakers either rescinded their endorsements of Donald Trump or urged their supporters not to vote for him Saturday, reports Deadspin , which is keeping a running tally. Notable names include Sen. Kelly Ayotte, Sen. Mike Lee, Gov. John Kasich, and Sen. John McCain. "Donald Trump'...

First Elected Official Quits GOP Over 'Bigot' Trump

David Johnson compares Trump's campaign to that of Hitler

(Newser) - The first elected official to leave the GOP over its presumptive nominee compares Donald Trump's campaign to the rise of Adolf Hitler and says he won't stand idly by anymore. Iowa state Sen. David Johnson, 65, who has served in the Iowa Legislature for 18 years, changed his...

Calling Trump a 'Health Hazard,' BuzzFeed Kills $1.3M Ad Deal

CEO: 'Trump campaign is directly opposed to freedoms of our employees'

(Newser) - There've been no shortage of complaints about how the media is handling the candidacy of Donald Trump—but now one media outlet is putting its advertising revenue where its mouth is and axing a deal to run ads this fall from the Republican National Committee. That outlet is BuzzFeed...

GOP Pundit Matalin: I'm Now a Registered Libertarian

She swears it has nothing to do with Trump

(Newser) - One of the staunchest longtime Republicans, known for her party strategizing and punditry, has switched teams, the New York Times reports. Mary Matalin turned in her Republican registration for a Libertarian one, she announced Thursday, though she insisted to a skeptical Bloomberg Politics panel in an interview that her seemingly...

Boehner: Ted Cruz Most 'Miserable SOB' I Ever Worked With

He's 'Lucifer in the flesh,' says former speaker

(Newser) - Ted Cruz and Donald Trump don't have to wonder whether they'd get John Boehner's vote in the general election. Trump, whom Boehner calls his golfing and texting buddy, is the lesser of two evils and would surely win his vote, Boehner says. But when speaking of Cruz,...

Cruz Sweeps Wyoming
 Cruz Sweeps Wyoming 

Cruz Sweeps Wyoming

Trump again shut out in a Western state

(Newser) - Painstaking organization and in-person campaigning paid off again for Ted Cruz on Saturday as he nailed down all 14 delegates up for grabs at the Republican convention in Wyoming. The result leaves Donald Trump facing yet another loss in a string of defeats in Western states, reports the AP . Saturday'...

Priebus' Bungling May Destroy the GOP

'Over his head,' writes Washington Post pundit

(Newser) - The last time a major US political party broke apart was 160 years ago. The issue: slavery. Dana Milbank predicts the GOP might follow in the Whigs' footsteps over a matter far less serious: Donald Trump. Republicans are split over "whether to embrace as their nominee a man who...

Don't Hold Your Breath for Nevada Caucus Results

The caucus is underway

(Newser) - The Nevada Republican caucus is underway, but don't hold your breath for results. Politico's Jon Ralston tweets they're hoping to have results before 11pm PT but may not be able to declare a winner until Wednesday afternoon. During the 2012 caucus, it took the state days to...

Ben Carson Dismisses Obama as 'Raised White'

'He didn't grow up like I grew up,' says presidential contender

(Newser) - Ben Carson has strong words about the first black American president: "He's an 'African'-American. He was, you know, raised white," Carson tells Glenn Thrush in a Politico interview published Tuesday. "He didn't grow up like I grew up," says Carson, who was...

GOP Braced for Hunger Games Convention Scenario

It could be first brokered convention since 1948

(Newser) - Republican strategists who had spoken of a smooth nomination process just a few months ago are now braced for a battle royal at the Quicken Loans Arena. Insiders tell the Washington Post that GOP bigwigs gathered Monday and discussed the possibility of a brokered convention in Cleveland in July. The...

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