Republican Party

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GOPers Focus on Jobs in SOTU Responses

McMorris Rodgers, Paul, Tea Party's Lee offer rebuttals

(Newser) - President Obama's State of the Union address was swiftly followed by a flurry of rebuttals from the GOP, offering a diversity of responses that highlight the ideological conflicts in the party, the Washington Post notes. Washington Rep. Cathy McMorris Rodgers, the highest-ranked female Republican in Congress, delivered the official...

Haters Really Hate Democrats: Poll

They're sick of both parties, Obama, but going to vote GOP

(Newser) - Had it up to here with the president and both parties on the Hill? You're a "hater," according to a new poll, and odds are, if there were an election today, you'd vote for a Republican in your House district. Some 72% of haters would choose...

Obama Wins &#39;Worst Year in Washington&#39;

 Obama Wins 
 'Worst Year in 

Obama Wins 'Worst Year in Washington'

Scandals, ObamaCare steamrolled high hopes: Chris Cillizza

(Newser) - It's been a tough year for plenty of Beltway insiders—even Sunny the dog . But in Chris Cillizza's estimation, one figure stands above—or perhaps below—the rest: the president himself, who had 2013's "Worst Year in Washington." "When historians write the story of...

Ted Cruz's Sidekick Gets Cold Shoulder From GOP

Many Utah Republicans want GOP Sen. Mike Lee gone

(Newser) - Mike Lee may have plenty of Tea Party pals on Capitol Hill, but back in his home state of Utah, the GOP senator is growing decidedly less popular. Since the government shutdown, approval ratings for Ted Cruz's strongest ally have fallen, and his fellow Republicans are some of his...

GOP Mega-Donor Trying to Make Party More Gay-Friendly

Paul Singer is pushing for a workplace anti-discrimination bill

(Newser) - Chris Christie has stopped fighting gay marriage , but most other Republican politicians aren't so willing. So how can the party appear a little less ... hateful? GOP "mega-donor" Paul Singer thinks he has the answer. He's spearheading a push for the party to back less divisive gay rights—...

The 7 Biggest Shutdown Losers

Hint: Most of them are Republicans

(Newser) - "There are no winners here," White House press secretary Jay Carney told reporters yesterday afternoon. This is because Jay Carney is not a political pundit who lives to declare winners in Washington dust-ups. But even taking Carney at his word about winners, there sure were a heck of...

Best Thing for GOP Is if Tea Party Splits With It

David Frum thinks 'extremism' is killing the party's political prospects

(Newser) - Former Bush I speechwriter David Frum has a few words for Tea Party politicians who might be considering a split from the GOP to form a third party: Good riddance. Such a split might be the only hope for the party's long-term chances, writes Frum at CNN . Tea Party...

GOP Popularity Hits All-Time Low: Poll

Plus, 60% of public would throw out all of Congress if it could

(Newser) - America is sick of the Republican Party, a new poll suggests. Just 24% of the public has a positive view of the GOP in the Wall Street Journal / NBC News survey. That's the lowest in the history of the poll, which dates back to 1989. The Tea Party...

Poll: Tea Party, GOP Not Really Into Each Other

Support for conservative movement nears record low

(Newser) - The Tea Party movement continues to make its presence felt on Capitol Hill, but its influence over the American people is on the wane. A new Gallup poll shows support for the movement nearing an all-time low at 22%, compared to 27% who oppose the movement. Those who oppose the...

Ted Cruz Making Enemies on Both Sides of the Aisle

Frank Bruni thinks it will backfire; Dana Milbank blames GOP's own system

(Newser) - Ted Cruz is taking the "fast track" to Senate stardom, and that means capitalizing on conflict, writes Frank Bruni in the New York Times . He hasn't been around long, but he's already made "groundless and shameless" accusations against Chuck Hagel, offered Dianne Feinstein some constitutional pedantry,...

Hey, GOP: You Don&#39;t Want Cruz, You Want Rubio
Hey, GOP: You Don't Want Cruz, You Want Rubio

Hey, GOP: You Don't Want Cruz, You Want Rubio

Rubio's the real threat, but he's being eclipsed: Peter Beinart

(Newser) - Marco Rubio is the person the Republicans should want on their presidential ticket come 2016: Upon reading both Rubio's memoir and a biography of the Florida senator, Peter Beinart was left "with the queasy feeling many Republicans must have had when they began reading Obama books in 2007...

Eye on 2016, Scott Brown Flirts With Iowa

Sure, it's 'premature,' but he's 'curious'

(Newser) - When a former senator from Massachusetts visits the Iowa State Fair, you can bet it's not because he craves fried dough and ring toss. So when the Boston Herald asked, Scott Brown didn't deny that he was visiting because he has presidential ambitions. "I want to get...

Only 3 Years to Go: GOP Hopefuls Hitting Iowa

Rick Santorum, Ted Cruz, Donald Trump make appearances

(Newser) - The campaign season, it seems, has already begun—for 2016. With a scant three years to win over voters, Rick Santorum, Sen. Ted Cruz, Donald Trump , and other potential GOP presidential hopefuls have been making themselves known in Iowa, the Wall Street Journal reports. Santorum, Cruz, and Trump all dropped...

GOP Chair: Not Big on That 'Tolerance' Word

Reince Priebus doesn't 'really care for' it

(Newser) - Sure, the Republican Party's self-assessment may have called for more tolerance , but its chairman isn't much interested in the word itself, he says. Asked on the Christian Broadcasting Network whether evangelicals should be concerned about the GOP's direction, Reince Priebus replied, "I don’t know if...

Liz Cheney Could Incite GOP Civil War With Senate Run

She wants Mike Enzi's seat—so does he

(Newser) - Liz "Daughter of Dick" Cheney's political ambitions have been well known for some time , but some in the party believe her designs on running for a Senate seat in Wyoming in 2014 are a bit premature, the New York Times reports. That's because the seat she wants...

Why Attacks on Hillary's Age Will Never Work

No matter how old she is, she's the candidate for youth: Michael Tomasky

(Newser) - The GOP's new plan of attack against Hillary Clinton, assuming she runs for president in 2016: Go after her age. A New York Times article revealed the strategy yesterday, with Karl Rove explaining the basic idea: "We're at the end of [Clinton's] generation and ... it's...

Palin: Sure, Let's Ditch the GOP

Says she's open to new party if GOP doesn't heed conservatives

(Newser) - Going rogue apparently never gets old: Sarah Palin thinks the Republican Party is straying too far "from the principles that built this party of Lincoln and Reagan," and she's open to ditching the GOP if it keeps up its antics. As the Daily Caller reports, her comments...

Senators Agree to 'Border Surge,' 700-Mile Fence

Security concessions could open door for more GOP support

(Newser) - How do you get Republicans to sign onto an immigration bill? You build a danged fence —a lot of danged fence. A bipartisan group of senators has agreed to bolster the border security provisions in the Senate's immigration reform bill, in the hopes of winning over more GOP...

Ailing GOP Needs a Religious Reformer
 Ailing GOP Needs a 
 Religious Reformer 

Ailing GOP Needs a Religious Reformer

Modernizing party can't forget its base: Michael Gerson

(Newser) - The Republican Party might win the odd national vote in the coming years, but it needs a long-term prescription: Eventually, "there won’t be enough white and gray voters to win national elections," writes Michael Gerson in the Washington Post . But as the party seeks to reform, it...

Ayotte: 'Immigration System Is Broken,' Backs Reform Bill

Brings key GOP support to Gang of Eight measure

(Newser) - Republican Sen. Kelly Ayotte has announced her support for the Senate immigration reform bill, bringing the measure one vote closer to the 60-vote majority needed to avoid a filibuster. "Our immigration system is completely broken; we've got 11 million people living in this country illegally and in the...

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