military tribunal

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9/11 Suspects Ask to Confess
 9/11 Suspects Ask to Confess 

9/11 Suspects Ask to Confess

Alleged plotters drop attempts at legal defense, face execution

(Newser) - Five men charged with plotting the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks told a military judge today they want to immediately confess at their war-crimes tribunal at Guantanamo Bay, setting up likely guilty pleas and their possible executions. The five said they decided to abandon all efforts to defend themselves against the...

Six Months for Hamdan? Scrap Military Trials
Six Months for Hamdan? Scrap Military Trials

Six Months for Hamdan? Scrap Military Trials

It's time for a new system with elements of civilian courts

(Newser) - Salim Hamdan’s five-and-a-half-year prison sentence is a "stunningly unjust" joke, writes an enraged Andrew McCarthy in the National Review, especially because bin Laden’s driver will eligible for release in 6 months. Absurdly, he is now in a better position than his fellow detainees who haven’t been...

Hamdan Case Lends Tribunals Credibility
Hamdan Case Lends Tribunals Credibility

Hamdan Case Lends Tribunals Credibility

Proceeding prepares Gitmo court for moving on to bigger targets

(Newser) - The conviction of  Osama bin Laden’s driver on a relatively minor charge, and the imposition of a light sentence, may vouch for the integrity of the Guantanamo military court and clear the way for trials of upper-echelon detainees, the LA Times reports. The White House is particularly eager to...

Bin Laden Driver Too 'Primitive' to Be a Terrorist: 9/11 Planner

Defense rests in first Gitmo war crimes trial

(Newser) - Ex-Bin Laden driver Salim Hamdan's defense rested today after insulting yet possibly exonerating testimony from 9/11 mastermind Khalid Shaikh Mohammed, the LA Times reports. In the final testimony of Hamdan’s Guantanamo war crimes tribunal, Mohammed asserted in a written statement that Hamdan “did not play any role” in...

Bin Laden Driver's Soft Spot: McDonald's Fries

FBI agents discovered he liked them during interrogations

(Newser) - Osama bin Laden’s driver warmed up to interrogators after he was given McDonald’s french fries, Reuters reports. He "even appreciated that McDonald's fries are not good cold," an FBI agent testified yesterday at Salim Hamdan’s war crimes trial. In another instance, he perked up when...

Gitmo Trial Describes al-Qaeda Inner Circle

Driver was key member of organization: prosecutor

(Newser) - Arguments in the trial of Salim Hamdan gave a view of al-Qaeda's inner circle today, as prosecutors opened by painting Osama bin Laden's driver as a key member of the organization, the Miami Herald reports. The lead prosecutor depicted Hamdan as a constant presence in high-level al-Qaeda operations and argued...

'Insane' Gitmo Rules Frustrate Lawyers

Red tape strangles proceedings

(Newser) - Lawyers for the five Guantanamo prisoners facing military tribunals find themselves drowning in red tape, with security rules undermining even the most basic proceedings, Reuters reports. From office supplies to legal backup for the three detainees representing themselves, support is hard to come by. "You have from the sublime...

Fall Gitmo Trials Could Present Campaign Landmine
Fall Gitmo Trials Could Present Campaign Landmine

Fall Gitmo Trials Could Present Campaign Landmine

But whether either candidate could find advantage remains uncertain

(Newser) - If everything goes right, the trial of the five Guantanamo Bay detainees charged in connection with the 9/11 attacks could begin within days of their seventh anniversary—and just as the presidential campaign begins its most heated stretch, Politico reports. Such a development would usually be a gift to Republicans,...

Gitmo Prisoner Must Be Tried or Freed, Court Rules

Administration's 'enemy combatant' designation invalidated

(Newser) - In a rebuke of the Pentagon's Guantanamo policy, a federal appeals court has ruled that a prisoner was improperly designated an "enemy combatant," the New York Times reports. The ruling—issued Friday and announced today but not released in full because parts of it are classified—ordered that...

Gitmo Will Be Transformed, Not Closed
Gitmo Will Be Transformed, Not Closed

Gitmo Will Be Transformed, Not Closed

Court ruling strips base of its legal rationale for US

(Newser) - The Supreme Court's ruling yesterday against the Bush administration will not shut down the Guantanamo Bay detention center. But by concluding that detainees can appeal their detention in US civilian courts, the high court stripped away its reason for being, erasing the government's claim that an offshore prison was beyond...

Supremes Give Guantanamo Detainees Day in Court

Terror suspects have habeas corpus, get access to federal trials

(Newser) - Terror suspects have the right to challenge their detention in US federal courts, the Supreme Court ruled 5-4 today, in yet another blow to the Bush administration's terrorism policies. The ruling dismisses the military tribunals currently in effect in Guantanamo Bay as an inadequate substitute for a court review of...

Alleged 9/11 Leader Faces Gitmo Tribunal

Doubts about fairness attend trial of Khalid Sheikh Mohammed

(Newser) - Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, the alleged mastermind of the September 11 attacks, will be arraigned today at a special military tribunal at Guantánamo Bay, reports the Washington Post. Five years after his arrest in Pakistan, the detainee and four others will appear in a specially designed, $4 million courtroom to...

Gitmo Defense Lawyers See Case as a 'Privilege'

They take it pro bono to 'rein in' federal abuse

(Newser) - Defending a Guantanamo Bay detainee isn't a normal pro bono case for Seattle corporate lawyers used to making $575 an hour, the Post-Intelligencer reports: But Harry Schneider and Joe McMillan say the "effort to rein in" what they see as President Bush's legal abuse is motivation enough. "Even...

Charges Dropped Against '20th Hijacker'

Case against other accused 9/11 planners will go forward

(Newser) - The US has dropped charges against Mohammed al-Qahtani, who allegedly planned to be the “20th hijacker” in the 9/11 attacks, Reuters reports. The US military tribunal at Guantanamo Bay rejected the charges against Qahtani “without prejudice,” meaning that the Saudi citizen may yet face prosecution. The charges...

Gitmo Prisoner Hails 9/11 at Court Hearing

He plans to skip future court sessions

(Newser) - A terror suspect told a military court at Guantanamo yesterday that he didn't recognize its legitimacy, and praised the 9/11 attacks. "I believe that Osama bin Laden has succeeded in a great way in attacking you," said Ibrahim Ahmed Mahmoud al Qosi, the Sudanese man accused of being...

Pentagon Charges Inmate in Terror Strike

Critics cry foul as military plans tribunal for Ghailani

(Newser) - The Pentagon charged a Guantanamo inmate today in the 1998 US embassy bombing in Tanzania that killed 11 people, the New York Times reports. Prosecutors are seeking the death penalty for Ahmed Khalfan Ghailani, saying he remained an al-Qaeda agent after the attack and worked as a bodyguard to Osama...

New Gitmo Hearing for Osama Driver
New Gitmo Hearing for Osama Driver

New Gitmo Hearing for Osama Driver

Third trial for man who drove bin Laden in 9/11 escape

(Newser) - The man who drove Osama bin Laden when he evacuated his compound just before  9/11 was the subject of a hearing yesterday on whether he can be tried as an unlawful enemy combatant. Salim Ahmed Hamdan, who was paid $200 a month as a driver and bodyguard for bin Laden,...

Gitmo Gears up for Terror Trials
Gitmo Gears up for Terror Trials

Gitmo Gears up for Terror Trials

US builds new courtroom complex at base

(Newser) - A high-security mobile courtroom complex is under construction at the Guantanamo Bay Naval Base as officials prepare to  try 9/11 suspect Khalid Sheikh Mohammed and other high profile al-Qaeda figures. Military tribunals will try as many as 80 detainees at the complex, three at a time, Reuters reports. Critics complain...

Brit Resident to Be Released From Gitmo

Four others the UK wants freed are 'still significant threat,' says US

(Newser) - One of five British residents has been cleared for release from Guantanamo, the US announced, following demands from authorities in London that all the prisoners be freed. The man, whose name and nationality were not disclosed, won't be returned to his homeland because of concerns he would be mistreated there,...

Gitmo Charges Against 2 Are Dismissed

Judges find flaw that could undermine the case of every other detainee

(Newser) - The system of military tribunals for Guantanamo detainees was thrown into chaos yesterday when military judges separately struck down charges against two detainees. The rulings were both on technicalities: the detainees, one 15 years old when captured 5 years ago, were designated "enemy combatants" and not "unlawful enemy...

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