
Stories 201 - 220 | << Prev 

Innocent Con Freed After 27 Years
Innocent Con Freed After
27 Years

Innocent Con Freed After 27 Years

DNA testing confirmed he wasn't guilty of rape

(Newser) - A man who spent 27 years in prison for a rape he didn't commit was released yesterday after DNA evidence proved he hadn't assaulted his accuser. Charles Chatman, now 47, had maintained his innocence throughout his time in jail, refusing to give an account of the crime to the parole...

Winehouse Whines About Jailed Hubby, Cancels Tour

Can't do songs justice without 'my Blake'

(Newser) - Walking disaster Amy Winehouse canceled all remaining tour dates for the rest of the year, for what her label is calling "health issues." The singer says she can't perform while husband Blake Fielder-Civil is in prison. "I can't give it my all without my Blake," she...

US Releases 9 Iranian Prisoners
US Releases
 9 Iranian Prisoners

US Releases 9 Iranian Prisoners

Men arrested in Iraq said to be no threat after nearly a year

(Newser) - The American military released nine Iranian prisoners in Iraq today, including two captured when US forces stormed the Iranian consulate in Irbil last January. The men were initially accused of being members of Iran's Quds Force, an arm of the Revolutionary Guards Washington has accused of funding and arming Shiite...

What's Torture? Don't Ask a Med Student

25% would inject saline in detainee who thinks it's lethal, says study

(Newser) - Many medical students don't know the Geneva conventions enough to identify torture techniques, Time reports. More than a third say it's okay to threaten removal of a prisoner's food or water, and more than 25% would inject a saline solution into a detainee who believes it's lethal. A recent study...

Myanmar Junta: 'You Are No Longer Monks'

Prisoners recount abject conditions after peaceful protests

(Newser) - Buddhist monks rounded up in protests in Myanmar faced torturous conditions, a recent detainee told Reuters. During days of interrogation, monks were beaten and denied medical treatment, water, and toilets. Prisoners were stripped of their iconic robes. “You are no longer a monk,” a guard told the prisoner,...

Abuse Exposed at Guantanamo
Abuse Exposed at Guantanamo

Abuse Exposed at Guantanamo

Newly released transcripts reveal interrogators denying prisoners medicine

(Newser) - Newly obtained reports of hostility and friction at Guantanamo Bay have been released today by the AP. These transcripts of hearings, held last year, tell of interrogators denying detainees medicine and angry inmates tossing feces at guards. One Yemeni prisoner warned that more captives would commit suicide if guards didn’...

Prisoners Sue Over Religious Book Limits

In the wake of post-9/11 crackdown, First Amendment concerns arise

(Newser) - The removal of  hundreds of thousands of  religious books  from federal prison libraries is drawing fire—not just from inmates, but from chaplains and other religious leaders. In the wake of 9/11, the Bureau of Prisons issued an approved list of religious books for institutions it controls, the Times reports,...

Freed Scholar Recounts Iran Prison Ordeal

Esfandiari recalls determination not to 'succumb to despair'

(Newser) - It took a daily routine for Haleh Esfandiari to stay level-headed during her 105-day stint in Iran's notorious Evin prison. The Iranian-American scholar paced her room for 3 to 4 hours a day, read, and wrote a book in her head to ward off depression. She was treated respectfully, but...

Judge Allows Noriega Extradition
Judge Allows Noriega Extradition

Judge Allows Noriega Extradition

Ex-general wants to dodge French charges by returning to Panama

(Newser) - A federal judge today rejected former dictator Manuel Noriega's request to return to Panama following his release from a Miami prison next month, the Miami Herald reports. Noriega sought to avoid extradition to France, where he faces a 10-year sentence for a conviction in abstentia on money laundering charges. Noriega...

Pakistani Court Frees Terror Suspects

Bin-Laden go-between among dozens released before trial

(Newser) - Dozens of Pakistani terror suspects have been released from jail without trial following orders from the nation's supreme court that they be freed. The bold move by the judiciary against President Musharraf's tenuous rule is bound to elicit protests from the US and Britain. The most notorious prisoner released is...

American Scholar to See Release From Iranian Prison

Held on charges of plotting revolution

(Newser) - One of two Iranian-American scholars jailed in Iran on charges of conspiring with the US government to foment revolution will be freed from prison today if bail is posted. Held in Teheran’s infamous Evin prison since May, Haleh Esfandiari will be released on a $333,000 bail, the AP...

South Korea Begins Taliban Hostage Talks

Hostages said to be safe while negotiations continue

(Newser) - A South Korean team began face-to-face negotiations with the Taliban today, hoping to secure the lives of 21 Korean aid workers abducted last month. The meeting is taking place in an Afghan government-controlled zone where the Taliban has been guaranteed temporary safe passage. Seoul has already cautioned that it doesn't...

Brit Resident to Be Released From Gitmo

Four others the UK wants freed are 'still significant threat,' says US

(Newser) - One of five British residents has been cleared for release from Guantanamo, the US announced, following demands from authorities in London that all the prisoners be freed. The man, whose name and nationality were not disclosed, won't be returned to his homeland because of concerns he would be mistreated there,...

UK Asks US to Release Gitmo Suspects

Brown wants 5 Britons freed from US custody in change of policy

(Newser) - The United Kingdom wants the US to let go of five British residents detained at the terrorist detention camp at Guantanamo Bay. Green PM Gordon Brown made the official request, hinting that he may be distancing himself from the Bush administration and carving a more independent terror policy than Tony...

Cleared Terror Suspect to Leave Australia

Going home to India; but his work visa won't be restored

(Newser) - An Indian doctor cleared of involvement in the failed UK bomb attacks is flying home to India to be with his family, but his Australian work visa won't be restored, the immigration minister announced today. Lawyers for Mohamed Haneef are demanding that his name be cleared completely and will mount...

Court Forces US to Divulge Gitmo Info

Federal judges reject Justice's security claim, orders cases unveiled

(Newser) - A federal appeals court ruled yesterday that the US government must release information on Guantanamo Bay detainees fighting their imprisonment, the Times reports. The decision will be a boon for detainees and their lawyers, who have previously found themselves blindsided in military tribunals where evidence was hidden before the proceedings...

Swedish Court: Let Them Have Porn
Swedish Court:
Let Them
Have Porn

Swedish Court: Let Them Have Porn

Prisons can't keep rapists from their reading, judges say

(Newser) - Sex offenders in Sweden can now have porn in their cells, after a ruling by Stockholm's highest administrative court. The judges told a prison in the northern part of the country that a rapist's rehabilitation was not a good enough reason to screen his reading material any more than that...

Rummy Fired General for Truthful Report on Abu Ghraib Prison

(Newser) - Shortly after the mistreatment of prisoners at Abu Ghraib prison in Iraq became public Major General Antonio M. Taguba was tasked by the Army with investigating and reporting on the situation. He found "Numerous incidents of sadistic, blatant, and wanton criminal abuses were inflicted on several detainees . . . systemic and...

Gitmo Prisoner Kills Himself
Gitmo Prisoner Kills Himself

Gitmo Prisoner Kills Himself

Saudi detainee found dead in cell; fourth suicide at US prison

(Newser) - A Saudi prisoner is dead at Guantanamo Bay in an apparent suicide. US officials are still stingy on details, offering only that "the detainee was found unresponsive and not breathing in his cell by guards." They still haven't released a name.

U.S. Raid Frees 42 Al Qaeda Captives in Iraq

US officials say Diyala residents are turning against Sunni insurgents

(Newser) - U.S. troops freed 42 kidnapped Iraqis from an al Qaeda hideout in Diyala province, north of Baghdad yesterday. Some of the prisoners had been tortured for months, including some who had broken bones and had been hung from the ceiling, AP reports. One captive said he was 14 years...

Stories 201 - 220 | << Prev