
12 Stories

Liz Cheney Now Has a Bestselling Book

'Oath and Honor' soars to No. 1 on Amazon bestseller list, temporarily sells out

(Newser) - Liz Cheney may not yet know if she's going to throw her hat in the ring for the 2024 presidential race, but in the meantime, she can bask in the success of her new book. The former GOP congresswoman's Oath and Honor: A Memoir and a Warning leaped...

Man Who Fled Nazi Germany Now Has a Bestseller

Ulrich Alexander Boschwitz's 'The Passenger' went out of print in early '40s, but now it's back

(Newser) - A novel that's made its way onto a UK bestseller list has finally found its place in the sun, eight decades after a mostly tepid reaction to its first printing. The Passenger, written by Germany's Ulrich Alexander Boschwitz in 1938, tells the story of Jewish businessman Otto Silbermann...

Amanda Gorman's Fans Make Her Books Bestsellers

'I am on the floor,' inaugural poet says

(Newser) - Amanda Gorman has two books coming out, but not until September. After the poet's performance at President Biden's inauguration Wednesday, they went to the top of a bestseller list anyway. "I am on the floor," Gorman tweeted . "My books are #1 and #2 on Amazon...

Republicans Issue Cryptic Remark Over Trump Jr's New Book

'Triggered' is No. 1 on the New York Times bestseller list, but is that legit?

(Newser) - Donald Trump Jr's book Triggered is No. 1 nationwide—but what's the little dagger symbol beside it on the New York Times bestseller list? That indicates bulk purchases improved its ranking, and sure enough, the Republican National Committee paid a bookseller chain $94,800 the week before Triggered ...

A Best-Selling Book, a Behind-the-Scenes Scandal

'Handbook for Mortals' has been yanked from 'NYT' best-seller list for YA fiction

(Newser) - How did a book many have never heard of, from both a new author and a new publisher, suddenly dethrone the book that had been at the top of the New York Times best-seller list for young adult fiction? It wasn't thanks to a publicity campaign or a celebrity...

Modern Literary Mystery May Be Solved

Italian journalist thinks he knows who the real Elena Ferrante is

(Newser) - It's what the New York Times calls "one of the most intriguing literary mysteries in recent history." But now Elena Ferrante, author of several best-selling novels who has lived under that pseudonym since the early 1990s, appears to have been unmasked by Italian journalist Claudio Gatti. In...

Author: My Character's Rape Was Based on My Own

Jessica Knoll says acknowledging gang rape when she was 15 is 'a start'

(Newser) - The author of the best-selling novel Luckiest Girl in the World is starting a frank conversation with her readers, admitting a year after her novel's release that the excruciating rape scene in her book is based on events that happened to her at a party when she was 15,...

Next From Bill O'Reilly: Killing Jesus

Fox News host's latest book to address 'Roman power'

(Newser) - First it was Killing Lincoln, then Killing Kennedy. Now, Bill O'Reilly is readying a third Killing volume—this one on Jesus. In writing the latest book, O'Reilly worked with Martin Dugard, his collaborator from the previous two bestsellers, USA Today reports. "We've uncovered some interesting things...

New Bestseller: Novel About ... Hitler's Return

Germans apparently love it, and soon you can, too, dear English reader

(Newser) - Adolf Hitler doesn't seem like a hilarious subject, but a German writer did indeed write a comic novel about the Führer, and it's now a bestseller in the country. Er Ist Wieder Da ("He's Back") by Timur Vermes imagines Hitler waking up in 2011...

Dying Mom's Wish List Becomes Best-Seller

Kate Greene's last wishes inspired 'Mum's List'

(Newser) - The last wishes of a dying mother have inspired a British best-seller that's soon coming to the US, reports ABC News . The story began when Kate Greene and her husband, St. John Greene—sweethearts since high school—had a son diagnosed with cancer and another born prematurely. Both turned...

Amazon's Best-Selling Book of the Year Is...

'Steve Jobs ': impressive, considering it was released in October

(Newser) - Though it came out in late October, Steve Jobs by Walter Isaacson has already reached the top of Amazon's best-seller list, and is now the best-selling book of the year, MacRumors reports. Amazon had predicted the authorized biography would lead the list. It reached No. 13 soon after its...

Charity Bestseller 'Pack of Lies'
 Bestselling Memoir 
 a 'Pack of Lies' 

Bestselling Memoir a 'Pack of Lies'

Greg Mortenson 'fudged facts,' treats charity like 'personal ATM': journo

(Newser) - A bestselling memoir about an American's efforts to build schools for girls in Pakistan and Afghanistan has been lashed as a " pack of lies " in a 60 Minutes investigation. In Three Cups of Tea, author Greg Mortenson wrote about his experience being nursed to health by Pakistani...

12 Stories
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