Arab Spring

Stories 221 - 240 | << Prev   Next >>

Arab League May Boot Syria
 Arab League May Boot Syria 

Arab League May Boot Syria

Emergency meeting today in Cairo could recognize opposition

(Newser) - Arab League officials will hold an emergency meeting today in Cairo to discuss suspending Syria from the organization because of Bashar al-Assad's continued bloody crackdown against protesters, reports the AP . Already several Arab states have recalled their ambassadors to Syria, where the death toll in uprisings has reportedly topped...

Gadhafi Son Sought as Fighting Rocks Sirte

NTC fighters on verge of taking Gadhafi's hometown

(Newser) - Forces fighting for Libya's new regime say they are on the verge of taking Sirte, Moammar Gadhafi's hometown and one of just two Libyan cities still held by pro-Gadhafi fighters. But a spokesman for the National Transitional Council says that contrary to earlier reports, there has been no...

Blogs Blame Military for Egypt Violence

White House condemns violence; Coptics profess innocence

(Newser) - Eyewitness accounts of last night’s violence in Cairo are pouring in through social media, and they paint an ugly picture of Egypt’s security forces, the New York Times observes. “Army vehicles deliberately crushed protesters using APCs, shot at them at random as they drove at them. This...

Protesters Force Closure of Air & Space Museum

Egypt activist address protester in New York City

(Newser) - About 200 anti-war protesters forced the closing of the Air and Space Museum yesterday afternoon, after clashing with the museum's guards at the building's entrance, reports the Washington Post . October 2011, a group opposed to US involvement in Afghanistan and allied with Occupy DC, was demonstrating against the...

Yemen's Saleh to Step Down 'in Coming Days'

Activists doubt president's latest promise, but officials say he means it

(Newser) - Faced with continuing protests and a military insurection in Yemen, President Ali Abdullah Saleh took to state television to announce—yet again—he would step down "in coming days," reports the BBC . "I reject power and I will continue to reject it, and I will be leaving...

Liberian, Yemeni Women Win Nobel Peace Prize

Johnson Sirleaf, Gbowee, Karman to share prize

(Newser) - This year's Nobel Peace Prize has been awarded to three women the Nobel committee wants to reward for "their non-violent struggle for the safety of women and for women’s rights to full participation in peace-building work." The prize will be shared between Liberian leader Ellen Johnson...

US, Yemen at Odds Over Counterterror Strategy

US doesn't want to get involved in a Yemen civil war

(Newser) - The US and Yemen shared a counterterrorism victory with the death of Anwar al-Awlaki , but behind the scenes, relations are growing tense. Yemen complains the US isn’t helping fight al-Qaeda-affiliated militants within its borders, while the US has publicly called for Ali Abdullah Saleh’s ouster, and is wary...

UN Tries to Threaten Syria With Sanctions

...but China, Russia veto resolution; Turkey vows to press ahead

(Newser) - Russia and China yesterday vetoed a European-backed UN Security Council resolution that threatened sanctions against Syria if it didn't immediately halt its military crackdown against civilians. It would have been the first legally binding resolution adopted by the Security Council since President Bashar al-Assad's military began using tanks...

Scattered Syrian Opposition Forms United Front

10 protesters killed in latest violence

(Newser) - Syria’s diverse opposition has finally come together in an official coalition, a move that should help the movement gain international support as violence continues, with at least 10 protesters killed yesterday. The new Syrian National Council brings together protest organizers, Kurdish groups, Syria’s banned Muslim Brotherhood, and others;...

Yemeni Jet Mistakenly Bombs Army, Kills 30

Dead soldiers had defected, demanded Saleh's resignation

(Newser) - A government warplane mistakenly bombed an army position in southern Yemen, killing at least 30 soldiers and wounding many more, military and medical officials said today. The officials said the bombing, which took place last evening in the southern Abyan province, targeted an abandoned school used as shelter by soldiers...

Syrians Throw Eggs at US Ambassador

He was on his way to meet an opposition leader

(Newser) - An angry crowd of Bashar al-Assad supporters pelted US ambassador to Syria Robert Ford with tomatoes and eggs today on his way to meet with opposition leader Hassan Abdul-Azim, opposition activists tell the AP . Once Ford was inside Abdul-Azim’s office, the mob stormed the building, trying to break the...

Libya's NTC Thinks Gadhafi Is Hiding in Desert

Latest NTC theory has him near the Algerian border

(Newser) - Moammar Gadhafi remains at large as the fight for his hometown of Sirte continues, but Libya's new leaders have a new theory on where he is: in the desert near the Algerian border. A leader of the National Transitional Council tells Reuters that Gadhafi is likely being protected by...

Yemen Protesters Seize Military Base

But 50 killed in protests elsewhere

(Newser) - Thousands of protesters and some military defectors stormed a small Republican Guard base today in Yemen, seizing it without firing a shot, witnesses tell the AP . Some carried sticks and rocks, and others used sandbags to form barriers in case soldiers inside the base fired. Instead the soldiers fled, leaving...

Yemen Fires on Protesters, Kills 26

100K gather in streets of Sanaa as Saleh loyalists attack, injure some 200

(Newser) - Yemeni government forces opened fire with anti-aircraft guns and automatic weapons on tens of thousands of anti-government protesters demanding ouster of President Ali Abdullah Saleh, killing at least 26 and wounding dozens, witnesses said. After nightfall, Sanaa sank into complete darkness after a sudden power outage, as protesters took control...

Al-Qaeda Drops Posthumous Osama Video

Video intended to mark anniversary of 9/11 attacks

(Newser) - Al-Qaeda celebrated the anniversary of the 9/11 attacks by releasing a 62-minute video that included a message from deceased former leader Osama bin Laden along with one from current chief Ayman al-Zawahiri, the SITE Intelligence group tells the AFP . In the video, titled “The Dawn of Imminent Victory,”...

Syria Pulling Injured Out of Hospitals

Military beating wounded as they're taken out, a doctor tells Human Rights Watch

(Newser) - The Syrian government is continuing to snatch patients from hospitals and prevent doctors from helping the wounded, now in the city of Homs, according to Human Rights Watch, which spoke with doctors and other witnesses. The tactic was also reported in Damascus last week , but Wednesday's crackdown in Homs...

Rebels: Gadhafi Is Surrounded
 Rebels: Gadhafi Is Surrounded 

Rebels: Gadhafi Is Surrounded

New military council says it's a matter of time before he's captured

(Newser) - Libya’s rebel commanders say they’ve got Moammar Gadhafi surrounded, and it’s only a matter of time until they catch him—and this time they mean it . A spokesman tells the Telegraph that they’ve used a combination of high tech methods and human intelligence to narrow Gadhafi’...

Libyan Convoy Rolls Into Niger
 Libyan Convoy Rolls Into Niger 

Libyan Convoy Rolls Into Niger

Could contain Gadhafi or sons, as speculation swirls about destination

(Newser) - A large military convoy consisting of 200 to 250 vehicles entered Niger from Libya yesterday, leading many to speculate it might include Moammar Gadhafi or one of his sons, reports the AFP . One report claimed the convoy was heading through Niger on the way to Burkina Faso, a country that...

Riots Break Out as Mubarak Trial Resumes

Officials expected to testify they were ordered to fire on protesters

(Newser) - Protesters thronged the Cairo courthouse where Hosni Mubarak's trial resumed today, scuffling with riot police, who struggled to contain them, reports the BBC . Anti-Mubarak protesters burned the former president's image in effigy and protested the judge's ban on cameras in the courtroom, while Mubarak supporters were equally...

Libya Rebels at Bani Walid&#39;s Door
 Libya Rebels at 
 Bani Walid's Door 


Libya Rebels at Bani Walid's Door

Hoping for a surrender

(Newser) - Rebel reinforcements arrived outside one of Moammar Gadhafi's last strongholds in Bani Walid today, even as the forces arrayed against the toppled dictator gave the town a chance to surrender and avoid a fight. "We won't go inside Bani Walid unless the Warfala tribe invites us,"...

Stories 221 - 240 | << Prev   Next >>