
Stories 221 - 240 | << Prev   Next >>

New Dictionary Helps Germans Steer Clear of 'Nazi Words'

Taboo terms tainted by Third Reich

(Newser) - German words like "Endlösung" (final solution) have been tainted, likely forever, by their association with the Nazis. A new dictionary looks at how the horrors of Hitler's regime changed the German language, Der Spiegel reports. The "Dictionary of Coming to Terms With the Past" looks at how...

'French Anne Frank' Diaries a Hit
'French Anne Frank' Diaries a Hit

'French Anne Frank' Diaries a Hit

Account of life in Nazi-occupied Paris only now available

(Newser) - Often called France’s Anne Frank, Helene Berr was a young Jewish student living in Nazi-occupied Paris who, like Frank, kept a diary detailing the journey from her privileged life to the reality of her fate. Just published for the first time, the diary has become a literary phenomenon, selling...

Smith Too Jiggy With Hitler, Say Irate Jews

Legend actor said Nazi chief tried to do 'what he thought was good'

(Newser) - Will Smith finds himself in some hot water with the Jewish Defense League after telling a Scottish newspaper that Hitler didn't mean to do evil, but rather, using "a twisted, backwards logic, he set out to do what he thought was 'good.'"  The JDL denounced Smith's remark...

Nazi Architect's Son Has His Own Designs

Father's shadow hasn't kept Albert Speer from worldwide impact

(Newser) - It’s hard to make a name for yourself when you share a name with your father, harder when the father was a famous Nazi architect and friend of Hitler. Urban planner Albert Speer constantly battles the association, keeping a low profile, and, though he has made his mark worldwide,...

Man's Best Friend Just Following Orders

Hitler-saluting dog is looking for a new home

(Newser) - A healthy, friendly, affectionate and evidently obedient Alsatian is looking for a good home. Taught by his master to affect a Nazi salute on command, Adolf—that's right—is in a Berlin animal shelter. His owner is in jail after showing the trick to police in a country where all...

Competing With Neo-Nazis for the Youth Vote

German officials fight skinhead music with a CD of their own

(Newser) - The government of one East German state is so concerned about the influence of neo-Nazi extremism on the young that it's handing out free CDs of leftist punk music as an antidote. Der Speigel reports that the tactic is borrowed from the far-right NPD party itself, which has been distributing...

Protesters Thwart Neo-Nazi Rally in Prague

'I don't like these idiots with their shaved heads,' says one

(Newser) - Neo-Nazis marching on the anniversary of the infamous 1938 Nazi pogrom Kristallnacht ran into a wall of more than 1,000 counter-protesters bearing the Star of David in Prague's old Jewish quarter yesterday, the BBC reports. Czech police had earlier detained some of the skinheads, members of the Young Nationalist...

German Town Wages Quirky War Against Neo-Nazis

Sausages, samba and saws disrupt rallies

(Newser) - Inhabitants of the small German town of Gräfenberg have taken up ideological arms against far-right demonstrators from the National Democratic Party, Der Spiegel reports, running loud saws, blaring samba music, and projecting images of concentration-camp victims to disrupt their rallies. The conflict started when the town's mayor declared a...

Art Vandals Post Video of Raid on YouTube

Camera-wielding neo-Nazis trash Serrano exhibit in Sweden

(Newser) - Andres Serrano, no stranger to controversy, has seen his current photography exhibition in a Swedish university town vandalized with crowbars and axes. But the latest incident of destruction had a new twist: The vandals who ran through Serrano's exhibition "The History of Sex" last week filmed their act of...

WWII Vets Slam US 'Torture' Techniques

Vet says chess, ping-pong were old grilling tricks

(Newser) - Silent for 60 years, a handful of WWII vets are admitting their old interrogation tricks — and slamming alleged torture techniques used by the US today. Almost two dozen ex-fighters met for a ceremony by the Potomac yesterday, the Washington Post reports, but one refused the award, protesting the Iraq...

Germany's FBI Faces Up to Nazi Roots

Security service's founders were behind thousands of deaths

(Newser) - The German equivalent of the FBI has acknowledged what everyone already knew: It was founded by Nazis. The agency is inviting historians to explore those dark roots, making it the first German security organization to do so, Der Spiegel reports. Owning up to the past is the only way to...

Photos Show Auschwitz, on the Weekend

Album reveals death camp guards relaxing after 'a hard day's work'

(Newser) - A photo album of co-workers decorating Christmas trees, playing with dogs, eating blueberries—fond memories, but for the swastikas on the merrymakers' uniforms. The US Holocaust Museum has posted online 116 photos showing how Auschwitz guards "unwound after 'a hard day's work,' " archivist Rebecca Erbelding tells the...

Dodd Fights to Redeem Dad
Dodd Fights to Redeem Dad

Dodd Fights to Redeem Dad

Father's letters illuminate Nuremberg prosecutor turned disgraced US senator

(Newser) - Chris Dodd is not only running for president, he's on a mission to fix his father's reputation. Dodd's late father, Thomas, also a US senator, was censured in 1967 for making personal use of campaign funds. Years earlier, he made his name at the Nuremberg trials, and his son's new...

Zara Bags Swastika Purses
Zara Bags

Zara Bags Swastika Purses

Line yanked after shocked customer complains

(Newser) - Spanish fashion company Zara has withdrawn an entire line of  handbags from stores after a British customer complained that swastikas were stitched into the corners. Zara officials said the original design did not include the offending symbols and they were unaware that they had become part of the handbag. The...

Jewish Hate Grows in Jewish State
Jewish Hate Grows in
Jewish State

Jewish Hate Grows in Jewish State

Neo-Nazi arrests point to frustrations of Israeli non-Jews

(Newser) - Israel may seem an odd place for anti-Semitism, but as more immigrants claim Jewish heritage to gain citizenship through the loose "law of return," though they aren't technically Jewish, neo-Nazism is on the rise. Poverty, unemployment and social exclusion mark the lives of many non-Jews in Israel, reports...

German Cardinal Uses Nazi Term to Describe Art

Says "degenerate" remark unintentional, but critics disagree

(Newser) - Germans are in an uproar after an archbishop labeled some modern art “degenerate,” the same word Nazis used to persecute artists. A spokesman for Cardinal Joachim Meisner said the archbishop didn’t intend to acknowledge “old ideologies,” but the BBC says the term was precisely scripted...

Israel Cracks Neo-Nazi Gang
Israel Cracks Neo-Nazi Gang

Israel Cracks Neo-Nazi Gang

Police find videotapes of gang attacking observant Jews, others

(Newser) - Israelis are glued to the TV over news that police have busted a Neo-Nazi gang on Israeli soil, the Daily Telegraph reports. The Russian immigrant group allegedly filmed its attacks on gays and observant Jews and have vowed to "kill them all." A policeman said, "It is...

Pope Honors Holocaust Victims
Pope Honors Holocaust Victims

Pope Honors Holocaust Victims

Pontiff expresses "sadness, repentance, and friendship" at lives lost to Nazis

(Newser) - Pope Benedict XVI paid tribute today to the 65,000 Austrian victims of the Holocaust at the start of his three-day visit to Austria, BBC reports. Alongside Jewish leaders, the pontiff expressed “sadness, repentance, and friendship” at a monument honoring those killed by the Nazis. Benedict tomorrow leads a...

Swiss Party Aims to Boot Immigrants

Campaign ad draws Nazi comparisons; expected to help in election

(Newser) - Using the image of three white sheep kicking a black sheep out, Switzerland’s biggest political party has begun a campaign to institute mandatory deportation of criminal immigrants and their families. Though critics compare the proposal to Hitler and Stalin practices, the party is expected to prevail in October elections....

Nazi 'Mascot' Tells His Story
Nazi 'Mascot' Tells His Story

Nazi 'Mascot' Tells His Story

Jewish boy became SS plaything, kept secret until 1997

(Newser) - A new book details the secret history of a Jewish boy who became a mascot for the Nazi SS. After fleeing a Belarus village on the day his family was massacred, the 5-year-old was rescued by a Nazi soldier who gave him a new name—Alex Kurzem— and identity as...

Stories 221 - 240 | << Prev   Next >>