Syrian uprising

Stories 281 - 300 | << Prev   Next >>

Annan: Risk of 'All-Out Civil War' Growing in Syria

He says world needs action, not words, from Assad

(Newser) - Kofi Annan's plan may be Syria's last hope for peace, but Annan himself didn't sound too optimistic today. "The specter of all-out civil war, with a worrying sectarian dimension, grows by the day," the UN envoy told a meeting of the Arab League in Qatar....

Syria 'Investigation': Rebels Carried Out Houla Massacre

As rebels report more mass executions

(Newser) - Bashar al-Assad was framed, he tells ya, framed. Syrian investigators today concluded that the infamous Houla massacre was the work of rebels trying to drum up global outrage against the regime. "Government forces did not enter the area," the general heading up the inquiry said, according to the...

Clinton Calls Out Russia on Syria

'Their policy is going to help contribute to a civil war'

(Newser) - Hillary Clinton didn't mince words today when it came to Russia's persistent backing of the Bashar al-Assad regime in Syria. The Russians "keep telling me they don't want to see a civil war," Clinton told youth leaders in Denmark today, according to Voice of America...

Syrian Rebels to Assad: You Have 'Til Tomorrow

Peace plan is off unless regime implements ceasefire, rebel group says

(Newser) - The Free Syrian Army has warned the Syrian government it will renew its fight to overthrow Bashar al-Assad's regime unless it complies with the United Nations peace plan by lunchtime tomorrow. The rebel group, which controls parts of some towns and cities as well as large areas of countryside,...

Russia, China Stand in Way of New Syria Action

Russia today announces it won't back foreign military intervention

(Newser) - Turkey and Japan today joined a number of nations who have given Syrian diplomats within their borders the boot, as the head of the UN observers in Syria revealed that 13 bodies had been found with their hands tied in the country's east, reports Reuters . But the developments...

Fulbright Scholar Killed Filming Syria Violence

Activist returned to homeland to document uprising

(Newser) - Syracuse University is mourning a graduate film student who returned to his homeland of Syria to document the country's uprising. Bassel Al Shahade, 28, was killed while filming attacks by government forces in the embattled city of Homs, reports the Post-Standard . Associates say Shahade, a Fulbright scholar, was a...

UN: 80% of Houla Victims Were Executed
UN: 80% of Houla Victims Were Executed

UN: 80% of Houla Victims Were Executed

US, other countries kick out Syrian diplomats, envoys

(Newser) - If you thought the details coming out of Houla couldn't get any worse, brace yourself: The UN today reported that more than 80% of the 108 dead were executed. Less than 20 were killed by artillery fire, according to a rep for the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights,...

Annan Has Message for Every Syrian Holding a Gun

Lay down your arms, he says

(Newser) - Kofi Annan arrived in Syria today on the heels of the Houla massacre , and he came with tough words for both sides, reports CNN . Annan, who promised his meeting with President Bashar al-Assad tomorrow would include "serious" discussions, had a message for "everyone with a gun": Put down...

Now China Condemns Syria Massacre

41 more killed in Hama, say activists

(Newser) - Even China is stepping up its rhetoric against the violence in Syria, today condemning Friday's massacre of 108 people, including 34 children, in Houla, reports Reuters . But China, much like Russia , is still avoiding directly attacking the government of Bassar al-Assad. "China feels deeply shocked by the large...

UN Security Council Condemns Syria Massacre

Security Council scrambles to react to Houla massacre

(Newser) - The United Nations Security Council held an emergency meeting today and condemned Syria's killing of more than 100 people, including 34 children, in brutal attacks last week, the BBC reports. The head of the UN's observer mission in Syria briefed the council via video link, saying 108 people...

Syria: We Weren't Behind Houla Massacre

Regime denies responsibility in shelling that killed 90 Friday

(Newser) - Syria's foreign ministry spokesman has denied government troops were behind an attack on a string of villages that left more than 90 people dead. Friday's assault on Houla , an area northwest of the central city of Homs, was one of the bloodiest single events in Syria's 15-month-old...

Syrian Violence Spills Into Lebanon

Gun battles rage in Beirut

(Newser) - Don't look now, but the Syrian conflict might not be confined to Syria anymore. Gun battles broke out in Beirut today between factions supporting and opposed to Syrian President Bashar al-Assad, the New York Times reports, in Lebanon's most intense outbreak of violence since the Syrian uprising began....

US Helping Arm Syria Rebels... But Not Actually Arming Them

Gulf nations providing cash, US providing information

(Newser) - Syrian rebels have been receiving large shipments of arms in recent weeks with the help of the US, but the Obama administration is going out of its way to stress that it's not forking over weapons or money. Instead, the Washington Post reports, Washington is coordinating efforts to arm...

Deadly Blasts Rock Damascus, Syrian Intel HQ
 Deadly Blasts 
 Rock Damascus, 
 Syrian Intel HQ 

Deadly Blasts Rock Damascus, Syrian Intel HQ

Officials say at least 50 dead, 370 wounded

(Newser) - At least 50 people were killed and some 370 wounded in two huge, nearly simultaneous bomb blasts in Damascus today, targeting the headquarters of the feared "Palestinian Branch" intelligence services, Syrian officials said. The bombs hit the busy al-Qazaz district, and according to an AP reporter on the scene,...

1.5M Syrians Need Food, Shelter: Red Cross

Fighting has turned local as many lack basics

(Newser) - As the crisis in Syria shows no signs of abating, the Red Cross warns that 1.5 million people lack the very essentials: food, water, shelter, power, and sanitation. Tens of thousands in the country have either moved in with other people or are living in public buildings, and about...

Syria Heads to the Polls
 Syria Heads to the Polls 

Syria Heads to the Polls

But opposition decries elections as sham

(Newser) - Even as violence continues in Syria despite last month’s ceasefire, voters today headed for the polls for a parliamentary election that the government insists is a sign of political reform. But the opposition calls it a sham: "All of this is a theater show,” one man tells...

Syria Uses Skype Malware to Spy on Activists: Tech Firm

Impersonators send infected files

(Newser) - The Syrian government is hacking into the computers of activists and secretly surveilling them by spreading malicious software through Skype, reports TechWeek Europe . Recently, an activist thought she was Skype-chatting with an ally, but she suddenly realized her friend was in jail and could not possibly be online. She received...

Syrian Forces Kill 4 in University Raid

Student protest met with live ammunition

(Newser) - Syrian security forces stormed student dorms at a university in the northern city of Aleppo following anti-government protests there last night, killing at least four students and wounding several others with tear gas and live ammunition, activists and opposition groups say. Around 1,500 students had been protesting in student...

20 Dead in Syria in 2 Explosions

Additional attacks reported in Damascus, as ceasefire called failure

(Newser) - Two large explosions rocked the northwestern Syrian city of Idlib, killing as many as 20 people, reports al-Jazeera . Both bombs exploded near air force intelligence and military security buildings, and most of those killed were members of security forces, although some civilians were also reported to be among the dead....

Huge Blast Kills 70 in Hama
 Huge Blast Kills 70 in Hama 

Huge Blast Kills 70 in Hama

Government, rebels have different stories for what happened

(Newser) - A massive explosion rocked Hama today, leveling buildings and, depending on who you believe, either killing at least 16 (Syrian state media's count) or up to 70, including 13 children and 15 women (the rebel count). The sides also have different stories for what caused the blast; rebels say...

Stories 281 - 300 | << Prev   Next >>