Syrian uprising

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Syria: 89% Approved New Constitution

West not convinced, though much of opposition may have boycotted

(Newser) - Syria's new constitution was backed by more than 89% of voters, the nation's Interior Ministry announced today, even as violence continues to rage across the country and the West decries the referendum as a sham . The Interior Ministry claims that more than 57% of Syria's 14 million...

West Backed Arab Spring for Corporate Gain: Putin

Warns against attacking Iran, intervening in Syria

(Newser) - Vladimir Putin is talking tough on foreign policy ahead of next Sunday's election. The Russian president has warned Western nations against attacking Iran or intervening militarily in Syria, the AP reports. The growing threat of an attack on Iran over its nuclear program "alarms Russia," Putin writes...

Syria, Iran Policies Reflect &#39;Obama Doctrine&#39;
Syria, Iran Policies Reflect 'Obama Doctrine'

Syria, Iran Policies Reflect 'Obama Doctrine'

President likes to play it cool if US interests aren't directly involved

(Newser) - Why isn't President Obama arming Syrian rebels and handing bunker-busting bombs to Israel to blow out Iran's nuclear plants? Because of the "Obama Doctrine," argues David Sanger in the New York Times : the notion that the US should "use unilateral force when America’s direct...

As Syria Votes, West Decries 'Sham'

Hillary Clinton calls on Syrians to oust Bashar al-Assad

(Newser) - Syria is deciding today on a referendum on a new constitution, with embattled President Bashar al-Assad leading the voting on his central effort to placate those who've sought his ouster for nearly a year now. Assad's detractors, however, were unconvinced, reports the AP , with many in the West...

'Friends of Syria' Meet, Plan to Put Screws to Assad

Opposition activist says they're turning a blind eye as rebels smuggle in weapons

(Newser) - With UN action looking unlikely, diplomats from dozens of countries converged on Tunisia today for a "Friends of Syria" conference to chart a political solution to the Syrian crisis. Their goal is to create a "tsunami wave" of pressure against Bashar al-Assad, stripping away his internal support, CNN...

UN: Syrian Snipers Targeting Children

Regime leaders accused of crimes against humanity

(Newser) - Syrian army snipers are deliberately targeting women and small children, and its security forces are dragging wounded people out of hospitals to be tortured, according to a United Nations report accusing the regime of crimes against humanity. Fragmentation mortar bombs have been fired into densely populated neighborhoods, and the orders...

US Journo Dies in 'Sickening' Homs Shelling

Reporter Marie Colvin's last video said, 'I saw a baby die today'

(Newser) - Two veteran war journalists were killed as Syrian government forces shelled the city of Homs, opposition activists say. The pair were named as Marie Colvin, an American working for Britain's Sunday Times, and French photographer Remi Ochlik, Reuters reports. Three other journalists were injured when a shell hit a...

Syrian Troops Surround Rebel City, Fire on Damascus Protesters

Red Cross pleads for humanitarian truce

(Newser) - Syrian troops are massing outside the rebellious city of Homs, and human rights groups fear that one of the bloodiest crackdowns of the 11-month uprising is imminent. The district of Baba Amr is an opposition stronghold, and residents aim to fight until "the last person," an activist tells...

Senators McCain, Graham Push to Arm Syrian Rebels

They argue that a new government there would weaken Iran

(Newser) - John McCain and Lindsey Graham think the US isn't doing enough to help the Syrian opposition, and have drawn up proposals to provide humanitarian aid and arm rebel fighters. "I believe there are ways to get weapons to the opposition without direct United States involvement," McCain, the...

China to Syria: End Violence, Diss the West

China foreign minister calls for peace in Syria, but wants UN out

(Newser) - China may have voted against the UN Security Council resolution calling for Syrian President Bashar al-Assad to step down , but Beijing says it wants an end to the violence there, reports al-Jazeera . "China supports all the mediation efforts by the Arab League to find a political solution to the...

Syrian Forces Fire on Funeral
 Syrian Forces Fire on Mourners 

Syrian Forces Fire on Mourners

At least one dead in Damascus

(Newser) - Syrian security forces fired live rounds and tear gas at thousands of people marching today in a funeral procession that turned into a protest in Damascus. At least one person was killed, activists said. It was one of the largest demonstrations in the capital since the 11-month-old uprising against President...

Assad Orders Referendum on New Constitution

It would allow more parties, and include term limit

(Newser) - Syrian President Bashar al-Assad has ordered that a referendum be held later this month on a new constitution that would allow for additional political parties and limit the president to two 14-year terms, Syria's state-run TV station announced today. But opposition leaders immediately dismissed the gesture as an attempt...

Defiant Syrians Changing Streetscape —Via Google

Streets renamed in honor of fallen revolutionaries via Map Maker

(Newser) - Defiant Syrians are winning a virtual battle over President Bashar al-Assad. They're eradicating the name Assad from streets and bridges, and renaming them in honor of fallen Syrian rebels—with the help of Google crowdsourcing program Map Maker . The map modifications are believed to be the first time a...

Arab League Resolution OKs Arming Syrian Rebels

Homs shelling continues as UN warns of civil war

(Newser) - The Arab League has delivered a veiled threat to Bashar al-Assad's regime in the form of a resolution passed Sunday urging Arabs to "provide all kinds of political and material support" to Syrian rebels—and yes, "material support" means guns, diplomats confirm for Reuters . "We will...

Syria Continues Assault on Homs

23 reported killed yesterday as Arab League seeks peacekeepers

(Newser) - Syrian tanks have relaunched their assault on Homs, shelling the beleaguered city for a 10th day today after the government's rejection of the Arab League's attempts to launch a UN peacekeeping mission in the country. The League's push was today also rejected by Russia, which said a...

Al-Qaeda: Help Syria Boot Assad

Al-Zawahri confirms terror group seeking to turn tide in Syrian uprising

(Newser) - Al-Qaeda's chief has called on Muslims from other countries to support rebels in Syria seeking to overthrow President Bashar al-Assad, saying they cannot depend on the West for help. Ayman al-Zawahri, in a videotaped statement released late yesterday, asked Muslims in Iraq, Jordan, Lebanon, and Turkey to join the...

Gunmen Kill Syrian General in Capital

Fighting continues in Homs, elsewhere

(Newser) - Here's yet another milestone that doesn't bode well for Syria: Gunmen killed a Syrian general as he left his home in the capital of Damascus today, reports AP . The attack on Brig. Gen. Issa al-Khouli marks the first time a high-ranking military official has been killed in Damascus,...

US Suspects al-Qaeda Behind Syria Bombings

Group may be looking to exploit the chaos

(Newser) - Al-Qaeda's Iraq branch is moving into the chaos in Syria, and is responsible for two recent bombings and most likely yesterday's bombing in Aleppo , US officials tell McClatchy . Intelligence reports seem to back up Syrian President Bashar al-Assad assertions—disputed by the opposition—that al-Qaeda has been involved...

Doctors' Group: Syrian Forces Commandeer Hospitals

Wounded can't get proper care, says international agency

(Newser) - Many Syrian civilians who have been wounded in their country's violence are unable to get adequate medical treatment—in part because security forces have taken over many public hospitals, an international aid group said today. Doctors Without Borders released a video in Paris showing interviews with 10 wounded Syrians...

Pentagon Weighs Syria Options
 Pentagon Weighs Syria Options 

Pentagon Weighs Syria Options

Arming rebels not being considered 'right now'

(Newser) - As the slaughter continues in Syria, the Pentagon has begun looking at options for supporting the rebels fighting Bashar al-Assad's regime—though officials were quick to note that US policy remains focused on using only non-military options at present. Arming the rebels "is not being considered for now,...

Stories 341 - 360 | << Prev   Next >>