Syrian uprising

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Big Move in Syria: Defectors Form Army

Formation of Free Syrian Army could lead to turnaround in uprising

(Newser) - A turnaround in the Syrian protests? That’s what supporters are hoping—and opponents are fearing—as a group of defectors attempts to organize an armed movement against President Bashar al-Assad. Until now, the protesters have been largely peaceful and mostly unarmed, and though defections had occurred in the past,...

Syria Pulling Injured Out of Hospitals

Military beating wounded as they're taken out, a doctor tells Human Rights Watch

(Newser) - The Syrian government is continuing to snatch patients from hospitals and prevent doctors from helping the wounded, now in the city of Homs, according to Human Rights Watch, which spoke with doctors and other witnesses. The tactic was also reported in Damascus last week , but Wednesday's crackdown in Homs...

Now Ahmadinejad Wants Syria to Stop the Violence

Iran caught in the middle as Assad's government threatened

(Newser) - The latest plea for an end to Syria’s crackdown on protesters comes from Mahmoud Ahmadinejad—a man not exactly known for his nonviolent credentials. "Regional nations can assist the Syrian people and government in the implementation of essential reforms and the resolution of their problems," Iran’s...

Syria Fires on Protesters, Slays 7 as Holiday Begins

On first day of Muslim holiday, security forces still firing at protesters

(Newser) - Syrian security forces killed seven people today as they opened fire to disperse thousands of protesters rallying against the regime on the first day of a Muslim holiday that marks the end of Ramadan. Activists say security forces fired at protesters in the southern province of Daraa, in the central...

Fears Rise Over Syria's Huge Chemical Arsenal

It's said to be biggest stockpile in world

(Newser) - As unrest continues in Syria, concerns are rising over Syria’s chemical arsenal: The weapons it contains are among the world’s most dangerous, and they’re easy to transport, the Washington Post reports. Syria holds quantities of sarin, a deadly nerve agent that can be released into the air...

Syria Uprising: 5 More Protesters Killed
 5 More Killed in Syria 

5 More Killed in Syria

Arab League statement calling for peace rejected

(Newser) - Five more people were reported shot dead in Syria today, including a 12-year-old boy, as security forces continued cracking down on critics of President Bashar Assad. Meanwhile, Syria rejected a statement from the Arab League calling for an end to the violence as well as elections, an army withdrawal, the...

3 Killed as Hordes March Against Assad

Witnesses report seeing the most demonstrations to date

(Newser) - Yesterday, tens of thousands protested in Syria , and people died. Today, much more of the same. Reuters reports that at least three people are dead after Syrians today marched against President Bashar al-Assad's rule, and witnesses say the number of demonstrations that have erupted since last night in Damascus...

Syrian Forces Kill 5 as Tens of Thousands Protest

Special protests called for final Friday of Ramadan

(Newser) - Tens of thousands protested across Syria today, and in many places they met with security forces using live ammunition to disperse them. The theme of the demonstrations was "patience and determination," according to the AP . "We are here to tell the regime that nothing is finished, nothing...

Cartoonist's Hand Broken After He Mocked Assad

American embassy dubs it a 'government-sponsored, targeted, brutal attack'

(Newser) - Syria’s most acclaimed political cartoonist was severely beaten yesterday, not long after he published a cartoon that showed Bashar al-Assad hightailing it out of town with Moammar Gadhafi, the New York Times reports. Masked gunmen grabbed Ali Farzat off the streets of Damascus at about 4:30am, activists said....

Assad to World: Stay Out, We're Crushing Resistance

In rare TV appearance, Syrian President says regime is stable

(Newser) - Syrian President Bashar Assad said today his regime is in no danger of collapse and warned against any foreign military intervention in his country as the regime tries to crush a 5-month-old popular uprising. In his fourth public appearance since the revolt against his family's 40-year rule erupted in...

Syria Kills 2 Protesters After &#39;End&#39; to Military Effort
Syria Fires on Thousands of Protesters; 10 Dead

Syria Fires on Thousands of Protesters; 10 Dead

Wave of arrests follows West's calls for Assad to step down

(Newser) - Despite their president’s claim that military operations are over , Syrian security forces have shot at thousands of protesters across the country, killing at least 10 today following two deaths last night . The first attacks came hours after Barack Obama called for President Bashar Assad to step down , the AP...

Obama: Assad 'Slaughtering' His People, Must Go

US to announce new sanctions against Syria later today

(Newser) - After weeks of brutal violence that has left more than 2,000 Syrians dead, President Obama today called for Syrian President Bashar al-Assad to resign for the first time and announced new sanctions against the country, reports the AP . "We have consistently said that President Assad must lead a...

Syria Military Operations Have Ended: Assad

But activists say 18 were killed yesterday, shooting continues

(Newser) - Syrian President Bashar Assad told the United Nations chief that military operations in his country have ended, even as activists said today that security forces shot dead 18 people nationwide and intense shooting erupted in the flashpoint city of Latakia. In New York, UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon spoke to Assad...

Syria Tracks, Intimidates Protesters Around the World

US government, Syrian-Americans accuse Syria of threatening dissidents

(Newser) - Not content to oppress and kill dissidents at home, Syria is tracking and intimidating opponents around the world, as well as their relatives and friends in Syria, reports the Wall Street Journal . At least six Syrian-Americans tell the paper that their protests and activism in the United States have led...

19 Die as Syrian Gunboats Shell City

'We are being targeted from the ground and the sea,' resident says

(Newser) - Syrian gunboats firing heavy machine guns pounded impoverished districts of Latakia on today, killing at least 19 people in a renewed assault on the Mediterranean coastal city, activists said. As the gunships blasted waterfront districts, ground troops backed by tanks and security agents stormed several neighborhoods. The sharp crackle of...

Hama in Ruins as Syrian Forces Withdraw

Vehicles burnt, shell casings everywhere in west Syrian town

(Newser) - After a week-long assault on Hama, the Syrian town has been left full of blackened, burned-out vehicles and uncollected garbage, with spent shell casings from all sizes of weapons strewn everywhere, reports the Telegraph in a rare first-hand look at what it calls "evidence of a ferocious, one-sided assault....

US to Demand Assad Go: Sources

Obama administration will call for Syrian president to step down

(Newser) - After months spent turning up the heat on Syrian President Bashar al-Assad, the Obama administration is finally ready to demand his departure. Officials tell the AP that the White House's new, tougher line will come tomorrow or by the end of the week, as a direct response to Assad'...

Syrian Death Toll Rises Above 2K

Other nations ramp up pressure on government

(Newser) - More than 2,050 people have been killed in Syria since the uprising began, according to the Syrian Observatory, and the army is continuing its crackdown on protesters. At least five civilians, including two children, were killed today around Hama, activists tell al-Jazeera . Also today, two civilian deaths were reported...

Saudi King Condemns Syrian Violence

Kuwait, Bahrain, Saudi Arabia withdraw ambassadors

(Newser) - With tanks continuing an onslaught against Syria’s uprising, Saudi Arabia’s king voiced harsh criticism of the crackdown and withdrew his ambassador to the country. “What is happening in Syria is not acceptable for Saudi Arabia,” King Abdullah said in a televised statement, calling on authorities to...

Assad Forces Kill at Least 31 in Continued Crackdown

Toll could hit as high as 69, activists say

(Newser) - Two Syrian rights groups say government forces have killed at least 31 people in the latest phase of their crackdown on dissent, and the toll for the day could rise to 69. Today's casualties were mainly in the eastern city of Deir el-Zour and the central city of Houleh....

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