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Kerry: We Stand by Ukraine
 Kerry: We Stand by Ukraine 

Kerry: We Stand by Ukraine

White House pledges in $1B in aid for Kiev

(Newser) - The White House today promised to back up its support of the new Ukraine government with $1 billion in loan guarantees and aid, reports the Los Angeles Times . It would be part of a bigger package from the IMF, assuming Congress signs off. John Kerry was delivering the specifics in...

Putin: We Reserve Right to Use Force in Ukraine

Doing so would be legit, because Yanukovich asked for such help

(Newser) - Vladmir Putin today addressed the situation in Ukraine in no uncertain terms, stating that Russia has no intention of annexing Crimea or using force in the region, but that it "will do so as a last resort. Russia reserves the right to use all means to protect citizens in...

Pro-Russia Forces Fire Warning Shots in Crimea

Putin orders troops on exercises back to base

(Newser) - A supposed Russian deadline for Ukrainian troops to get out of the Crimea region passed today without incident, though what appear to be the first shots of the crisis were fired at an air base in the region this morning, reports the AP . Pro-Russian troops who have seized the Ukrainian...

Pentagon to Russia: No More Cooperation From US

Meetings, visits, conferences all nixed over Ukraine, spokesman says

(Newser) - The Pentagon says it is suspending exercises and other activities with the Russian military, in light of Moscow's military involvement in Ukraine. A Pentagon spokesman, Navy Rear Adm. John Kirby, said today that the US military has "put on hold" all military-to-military engagements, including bilateral meetings, port visits,...

US, Russia Clash at UN, Russia Invades City of Kerch

Ukrainian border guards: We were overwhelmed by Russian troops

(Newser) - US and Russian ambassadors expressed very different viewpoints on Ukraine today during an urgent UN Security Council meeting in New York, CNN reports. US Ambassador Samantha Power said Russian troops are entering Ukraine over an "imaginary threat," and the military action "is a violation of international law....

Obama: US Is Looking to 'Isolate' Russia

Says Moscow is 'on wrong side of history'

(Newser) - President Obama says the US is taking a series of economic and diplomatic steps that would "isolate" Russia, declaring today that Moscow "is on the wrong side of history" in Ukraine—not to mention in violation of international law. Vladimir Putin, he warned, as per the AP , faces...

How Should Washington Deal With Russia?

Pundits call for sanctions

(Newser) - With Russia taking control of Crimea, experts agree on the gravity of the situation: In the New York Times , Charles King calls it "the gravest crisis in Europe since the end of the Cold War." How should Washington proceed? Pundits weigh in:
  • At CNN , Fareed Zakaria calls for

Russia: Ukraine Ultimatum Report 'Total Nonsense'

Denies it threatened attack if Ukrainian forces failed to withdraw

(Newser) - Russia is hitting back at earlier reports that it had issued an ultimatum to Ukraine, with RT quoting a Defense Ministry spokesman as saying it's "total nonsense." "We’re interested in keeping friendly relations with the people of Ukraine and in preserving stability," another defense...

Crimea Crisis: Obama&#39;s Toughest Test?
 Russia: Troops 
 Are Staying Put 

Russia: Troops Are Staying Put

Obama faces test in Ukraine crisis

(Newser) - Russian troops won't leave the Ukraine until the situation is "normalized," foreign minister Sergei Lavrov said today, arguing that Russia was defending its own citizens by invading. The people who ousted pro-Russian president Viktor Yanukovych "intend to make use of the fruits of their victory to...

Russia Has 'Control of the Crimean Peninsula'

Secretary of state will meet with officials in Kiev, source says

(Newser) - A senior administration official says Secretary of State John Kerry will travel to the Ukrainian capital of Kiev Tuesday to meet with government officials. Kerry's trip comes as the US and other Western nations weigh a response to Russia's military advance into Ukraine. Kerry has raised the possibility...

Ukraine Navy's New Leader Switches Sides

Denys Berezovksy makes stunning announcement to TV reporters

(Newser) - Newly appointed to lead Ukraine's navy, Rear Admiral Denys Berezovksy made his first move 24 hours later: defecting to the Russian side. Berezovksy today told reporters that he supported the Crimea region's new and unofficial pro-Russian leader, the BBC reports. Standing alongside that leader—Prime Minister Sergiy Aksyonov—...

Kerry: Putin Will Suffer for 'Stunning' Move Against Ukraine

Outlines possible consequences, looks to pull out of G-8 meeting in Sochi

(Newser) - Even as Russian troops were moving in Ukraine today, John Kerry was busily blasting Vladimir Putin's "stunning, willful" invasion in Crimea as "an incredible act of aggression." Speaking this morning on Meet the Press, the secretary of state says that he's spoken to his G-8...

Obama to Putin: Pull Out of Ukraine

Presidents speak on phone for 90 minutes: White House

(Newser) - President Obama has called on Vladimir Putin to de-escalate tensions in Ukraine by pulling his forces back to bases in the country's Crimean region and to refrain from any interference elsewhere in Ukraine. The White House says Obama delivered that message to Putin during a 90-minute telephone conversation. But...

Ukraine's Military At the Ready: Acting PM

But Arseniy Yatsenyuk 'convinced' Russia won't intervene

(Newser) - Ukraine's acting prime minister is "convinced" that Russia's military won't intervene in his country—but Ukraine's military is prepared for action. If Moscow were to make such a move, "this would be the beginning of war and the end of all relations," says...

'Told Ya So': Palin Recalls '08 Ukraine Prediction

On campaign trail, she warned Russia might invade based on Obama policies

(Newser) - Sarah Palin is happily sticking it back to critics who mocked her comments about Russia back in the 2008 campaign, reports CNN . The reason is this quote from a speech of hers in Reno:
  • "After the Russian army invaded the nation of Georgia, Senator Obama's reaction was one

Russia Approves Use of Troops in Ukraine

While Ukraine insists they're already there

(Newser) - Tensions in the Ukraine just keep escalating. Although President Obama warned Russia not to send troops, Vladimir Putin today got official permission to do just that. The Russian president asked parliament to let him send forces to the "territory of Ukraine" to protect ethnic Russians in the region of...

Obama Warns Russia Over Ukraine Intervention

President says 'there will be costs' if Moscow uses force

(Newser) - After another day of fast-moving and confusing developments in Ukraine, President Obama warned Russia to butt out of that nation's affairs. Obama said "there will be costs" for any military intervention, though he declined to specify what they may be. He said the US is "deeply concerned"...

Russian Invasion? Gunmen Blockade Crimea Airports

Ukraine says it is 'military invasion and occupation'

(Newser) - More ominous developments in Crimea: Armed men have blockaded two airports in the peninsula, a day after pro-Russian gunmen took control of the regional parliament building . There are conflicting reports on who the airport gunmen are and whether they have actually taken control of the airports. At the airport in...

Russia Sends Spy Ship to Cuba

It's docked in Havana, without explanation

(Newser) - Vladimir Putin continues to be a busy boy in the wake of the Olympics. AFP reports that a Russian spy ship docked in Havana yesterday without explanation. The Viktor Leonov carries 200 sailors and is presumably chocked not only with high-tech weaponry but electronic eavesdropping equipment as well, notes the...

Pro-Russia Gunmen Seize Crimea Parliament

Hoist Russian flag over barricade

(Newser) - Ukraine puts its police on high alert after dozens of heavily armed pro-Russia gunmen stormed and seized control of government buildings in Ukraine's Crimea region early today and raised a Russian flag over a barricade. The men occupying the local parliament building did not immediately voice any demands but...

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