
Read recent news stories and current events about Russia on

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Holder: We Won't Try to Kill Snowden, Promise

Russia and US 'in talks' over fugitive leaker's fate

(Newser) - Come on home, Edward Snowden; the Obama administration promises not to try to execute you or anything! Eric Holder has sent a letter to Russian authorities promising that if they extradite Snowden he won't be charged with any capital offenses, and that even if he were, the administration would...

Snowden's Airport Stay Not Over Just Yet: Lawyer

Denies claims that document allowing Snowden to leave has been produced

(Newser) - Edward Snowden's status is pretty murky at the moment: Though Russian media this morning reported that he had been given the tentative go-ahead to end his month-long stay at Moscow's Sheremetyevo Airport, his lawyer has since denied the report. The Russian reports cited an anonymous law enforcement source...

Snowden Could Walk Moscow Streets by Wednesday

He's hoping to be allowed to leave Moscow airport by then: lawyer

(Newser) - After a month-long layover from hell in Sheremetyevo Airport's transit area, Edward Snowden may finally be able to leave and head into Moscow on Wednesday. The NSA leaker should receive the initial response to his temporary asylum request by then, and that will allow him to exit the Moscow...

In Surprise, Putin Critic Released —for Now

Protests erupted after Alexei Navalny jailed

(Newser) - After a leading critic of Vladimir Putin was handed a 5-year sentence for embezzlement yesterday, protests erupted across Russia, prompting a reported 200 arrests. Thousands of people gathered on the main street to the Kremlin, yelling "freedom!" amid honking cars, the Guardian reports. Today demonstrators got their wish,...

Outspoken Putin Critic Gets 5 Years

Protester Alexei Navalny says evidence was faked

(Newser) - A leader of Russia's protest movement has been found guilty and sentenced to five years in prison for financial theft from a state-run timber firm. Alexsei Navalny is known for using the Internet to attack corruption and the "swindlers and thieves" of Vladimir Putin's United Russia party,...

New Idea: Boycott Russian Olympics Over Snowden

Lindsey Graham offers punishment idea should Moscow offer leaker asylum

(Newser) - Because nothing will show those Russians who's boss like allowing them to win more medals by taking some of the most successful Olympic competitors out of the running, Sen. Lindsey Graham is proposing the US boycott Russia's 2014 Winter Olympics if the country agrees to give Edward Snowden...

Russian War Games the Biggest Since USSR Days

Effort may be aimed at China, Japan: experts

(Newser) - Economic struggles following the Soviet Union's collapse hit Russia's military hard—but today, its power was on full display in the country's biggest war games since the Soviet era. Some 160,000 troops and 5,000 tanks were deployed in Siberia and far eastern Russia, the AP...

Putin on Fate of Snowden: 'How Should I Know?'

But he suggests NSA leaker might accept Moscow's rules

(Newser) - Edward Snowden will be leaving Russia ... just as soon as he can, Vladimir Putin said today. Russia will offer the NSA leaker political asylum only if he agrees to stop "harming" the US with his activities , and Putin discussed the possibility of Snowden agreeing to that condition today. Some...

Snowden to Meet With Activists at Airport
 Snowden Seeks 
 Asylum in Russia: Report 

Snowden Seeks Asylum in Russia: Report

At least for now, he says in meeting with Human Rights Watch

(Newser) - Edward Snowden will seek political asylum in Russia, at least temporarily, he told human rights groups in a meeting today at Sheremetyevo International Airport. The news comes via New York Times reporter Ellen Barry , who cites a Human Rights Watch researcher at the meeting. Snowden say he's fine with...

Kremlin's Anti-Leak Strategy: Typewriters?

Security officials order $15K worth of low-tech machines

(Newser) - With leaks and surveillance concerns flooding the international community, Russia's got a not-so-high-tech defense system: The Kremlin is using typewriters. Security officials are set to spend more than $15,000 on the machines, says an insider. Following news of WikiLeaks, Edward Snowden, and "reports about Dmitry Medvedev being...

Russia Convicts a Dead Guy
 Russia Convicts a Dead Guy 

Russia Convicts a Dead Guy

Lawyer who died in police custody guilty of tax evasion

(Newser) - The first dead man tried in Russia has been convicted of tax evasion in a move the Telegraph says will do further damage to Vladimir Putin. Sergei Magnitsky, a lawyer who died in police custody in 2009, testified before his arrest that state officials tried to claim $230 million in...

Russia Cans Bolshoi Boss Amid Scandal

Anatoly Iksanov offered work at culture ministry

(Newser) - Russia's culture ministry has fired the director general of the scandal-plagued Bolshoi Theater. After a January acid attack on artistic director Sergei Filin and amid claims of pimping at the ballet , the country's culture ministry is replacing director general Anatoly Iksanov, the AP reports. Culture minister Vladimir Medinsky...

Snowden Rumors Reroute Plane of Bolivia Leader

France, Portugal won't let it enter airspace on fears NSA leaker is aboard

(Newser) - The Where-is-Snowden chronicles reached a weird new level today when France and Portugal refused to let a plane carrying Bolivia's president cross their airspace, reports AP . Why? Rumors were buzzing that Edward Snowden was stashed aboard the aircraft trying to ferry President Evo Morales home from Russia. Morales himself...

Snowden Made 21 Asylum Requests, Drops Russia Bid

The 'nos' are starting to pile up

(Newser) - Can Edward Snowden afford to be choosy? Authorities in Russia say the NSA leaker has reportedly canceled a request for asylum after balking at the conditions imposed by Vladimir Putin , including no longer leaking information damaging to the US, the AP reports. Snowden has applied for asylum in no fewer...

Has Snowden Applied for Asylum in Russia?

Depends on whom you ask

(Newser) - Although journalists have been staking out Moscow's Sheremetyevo Airport all week, no one has caught a glimpse of Edward Snowden, which means reporting on exactly what he's been doing there has been a little ... messy. Case in point: Multiple media agencies, including the New York Times and the...

Putin: Snowden Can Stay If...

...he stops 'harming our US partners'

(Newser) - Forget Ecuador ; Vladimir Putin says Edward Snowden can stay in Russia if he's so inclined—on one condition. "If he wants to remain here he must stop his work aimed at damaging our American partners," he said at a news conference, according to RT . "As odd...

Russian Meteor&#39;s Shock Wave Circled Earth ... Twice

 Russia Meteor's 
 Shock Wave 
 Circled Earth 

Russia Meteor's Shock Wave Circled Earth —Twice

Scientists make surprising find after analyzing data

(Newser) - Just how powerful was that massive meteor that rocked Russia last February? This powerful: The resulting shock wave circled the Earth twice, reports the BBC . Scientists reached the conclusion after examining data from global stations that measure low-frequency acoustic waves, reports Discovery . This is the first time they've seen...

This Is the World&#39;s Tallest Abandoned Structure
 This Is the 
 World's Tallest 
in case you missed it

This Is the World's Tallest Abandoned Structure

Meet the leaning (TV) tower of Yekaterinburg

(Newser) - It's not the kind of engineering milestone that anyplace wants to have, but the Russian city of Yekaterinburg has learned to live with it—the world's tallest abandoned structure. As explains, the 720-foot tower that dominates the landscape is actually a half-finished TV tower. Soviet engineers...

Putin: Snowden a Free Man, We Won't Extradite

NSA leaker is in transit area of Moscow airport

(Newser) - Vladimir Putin took time out from his visit to Finland today to confirm what everyone pretty much already knew: NSA leaker Edward Snowden is in the Moscow airport, but he's still in the transit zone and has not crossed the Russian border. He's free to go wherever he...

US, China, Russia Brawl Over Snowden

Fight over NSA leaker is going global

(Newser) - Edward Snowden is rapidly becoming one of the biggest one-man international incidents since the end of the Cold War. As the NSA whistleblower, who is believed to still be in Moscow, remains out of sight, angry words are flying between Moscow, Beijing, Quito, and Washington, the New York Times reports....

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