
Read recent news stories and current events about Russia on

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BP Dumping Stake in Rosneft
Economic Fallout Is Swift,
and Global, for Russia

Economic Fallout Is Swift, and Global, for Russia

BP is cutting ties with Russia's state-owned oil firm, among many other companies backing away

(Newser) - BP is "exiting" its 19.75% stake in Russian state-owned oil firm Rosneft, the British oil giant announced Sunday after facing increasing pressure from UK lawmakers to do so. As the New York Times reports, this is "one of the first large companies to abandon Russia after its...

Putin: I'm Putting Nuclear Forces on High Alert

He says 'aggressive' moves by NATO leave him no choice

(Newser) - Vladimir Putin on Sunday again raised the prospect of invoking the nuclear option—and not as a metaphor. In a televised address, the Russian leader announced he was putting the nation's nuclear deterrent forces on high alert, reports the AP , which sees the move as a "dramatic escalation...

US Can Help 'Target No. 1' Get Out of Kyiv. He Won't Leave

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky refuses to evacuate: 'I need ammunition, not a ride'

(Newser) - As the world watches developments in the Russia invasion of Ukraine , all eyes are on Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky, who has been calmly leading his country through the turmoil. And he has the chance himself to get out of the capital of Kyiv, with reports of help offered from the...

As Kyiv Assault Continues, Zelensky Says: 'We Will Win'

Russians continue attack against Ukraine, with president saying Ukrainians won't give up

(Newser) - Russian troops closed in on Ukraine’s capital Saturday after a night of explosions and street fighting sent Kyiv residents seeking shelter or fleeing the city. The country's leader claimed Ukraine's forces had repulsed the assault and vowed to keep up the struggle, reports the AP . “The...

Russia Casts Veto at UN, but US Isn't Finished

Measure condemning attack on Ukraine could go to full General Assembly next

(Newser) - Russia exercised its veto power Friday to block a UN Security Council resolution condemning the invasion of Ukraine, but US officials say that's not the end of the matter. The veto, granted to the Security Council's five permanent members, was anticipated; 11 nations supported the resolution, while China,...

US Freezes Assets of Putin Himself
US Freezes Assets
of Putin Himself

US Freezes Assets of Putin Himself

America joins European allies in the move

(Newser) - The Biden administration said Friday that it will move to freeze the assets of President Vladimir Putin and Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov, following the European Union and Britain in directly sanctioning top Russian leadership. The Treasury Department announced the sanctions shortly after the EU said it had also approved an...

Russian Tennis Star Takes a Public Stand

Andrey Rublev writes 'no war' on TV camera

(Newser) - It's not that Andrey Rublev wasn't pleased with the match he'd just won Friday, propelling him to the finals of the Dubai Tennis Championships. But he'd said the day before that he considered other issues more pressing, ESPN reports. "In these moments, you realize that...

Ukraine's Leader Issues Invitation to Putin

'Let's sit down,' says Zelensky, but Kremlin is imposing tough conditions for talks

(Newser) - For awhile on Friday, headlines were flying around about possible talks between Ukraine and Russia. But instead of clarifying, the possibility of such negotiations has since become mired in confusion and uncertainty. This all began when Ukraine leader Volodymyr Zelensky addressed Vladimir Putin in a video on Friday: “There...

How Western Countries Can Really Hurt Putin
How Western Countries
Can Really Hurt Putin

How Western Countries Can Really Hurt Putin

The argument: seize Russian billionaires' foreign assets

(Newser) - Financial and economic sanctions against Russia could be very effective at ending Vladimir Putin's war against Ukraine "if the West shows the will—and is willing to take on its own corruption," American economist Paul Krugman writes at the New York Times . Sanctions on Russia's oil...

There's One Sanction the US Is Resisting Using

Biden says America won't push to have Russia kicked off SWIFT system

(Newser) - Western countries and the US have responded to the Russian invasion of Ukraine with sweeping sanctions, but they're holding back on deploying what analysts call the "nuclear option" of financial sanctions: kicking Russia off the Belgium-based SWIFT messaging system for global financial transactions. The system "doesn't...

Ukrainian Hands Soldier Seeds So Flowers Can Grow From Corpse

Brave citizens are resisting Russian aggression, despite deadly risk

(Newser) - She stood just a few feet from two Russian soldiers holding guns. If the Ukrainian woman was intimidated, it didn't show. "You're occupants, you're fascists!" the unnamed woman shouted in their faces, according to the Independent's translation of the viral video shared on Twitter...

Before Deaths, Ukrainian Soldiers Had 4 Words for Russia

'Warship, go f--- yourself'

(Newser) - The 13 soldiers defending a Ukrainian outpost in the Black Sea died after making it very clear to a Russian warship that they had no intention of surrendering, according to the Ukrainian government and reports in Ukrainian media. In audio believed to be from a naval radio channel, a Russian...

US 'Convinced' Russia Plans to Overthrow Ukraine Government

As missiles reportedly strike Kyiv

(Newser) - Explosions are being heard before dawn Friday in Kyiv as Western leaders scheduled an emergency meeting and Ukraine’s president pleaded for international help, the AP reports. The nature of the explosions was not immediately clear, but the blasts came amid signs that the capital and largest Ukrainian city was...

War With Ukraine Is Putin&#39;s &#39;Revenge&#39; Against US
War With Ukraine Is
Putin's 'Revenge' Against US

War With Ukraine Is Putin's 'Revenge' Against US

Stability in Europe rests on the actions of the US and its allies: experts

(Newser) - He may have been launching war against Ukraine, but it was the West that Russian President Vladimir Putin seemed to have in his sights early Thursday. It was the West that created the "fundamental threats" to Russia that prompted military action, he said, per Time . "All of the...

Big Lines From Biden's News Conference on Ukraine

Putin 'chose this war' and will suffer the consequences, says president

(Newser) - President Biden imposed more sanctions on Russia Thursday, including on major banks and individuals with ties to the Kremlin, reports the Hill . Vladimir Putin “chose this war, and now he and his country will bear the consequences," said Biden at an afternoon news conference about the Ukraine invasion...

Did Putin Just Threaten to Use Nuclear Weapons?
Did Putin Just Threaten
to Use Nuclear Weapons?
the rundown

Did Putin Just Threaten to Use Nuclear Weapons?

Russian leader issues an ominous threat to nations that 'interfere' with invasion

(Newser) - Just after Vladimir Putin launched his invasion of Ukraine , he warned other nations of severe "consequences" should they step in. Just how severe? Some are interpreting his remarks as a veiled, or even not-so-veiled, threat to use nuclear weapons. Coverage:
  • The warning: "Whoever tries to interfere with us,

Europe Needs Russia's Gas. That's a Grave Weakness

A look at the implications of the world's dependence on Russian natural gas

(Newser) - One of Russia's most powerful weapons isn't a weapon at all. It's natural gas. As Kenneth C. Griffin and Niall Ferguson write in a Wall Street Journal op-ed, "Without Russian energy, European citizens would struggle to get through winter. Mr. Putin has long understood the leverage...

EU: These Are Among Europe's Darkest Hours Since WWII

Ukraine urges world not to stand by as Russia launches 'full-scale war'

(Newser) - This story has been updated with new developments. As Russian troops pushed into Ukraine Thursday, Ukrainian Foreign Minister Dmytro Kuleba denounced the "war of aggression" and urged other countries not to stand by as Russia invades. "The world can and must stop Putin. The time to act is...

Ukraine Declares Martial Law as Russia Attacks
Russia Attacks as Ukraine
Declares Martial Law

Russia Attacks as Ukraine Declares Martial Law

Russian troops took military action in eastern Ukraine Thursday

(Newser) - Update: This story has been updated to include the latest news, bulleted below. Russian troops launched their anticipated attack on Ukraine on Thursday, as President Vladimir Putin cast aside international condemnation and sanctions, warning other countries that any attempt to interfere would lead to “consequences you have never seen....

Putin: Russian Troops Will Take Action in Eastern Ukraine

Biden says US and allies 'will respond in a united and decisive way'

(Newser) - Update: Vladimir Putin announced early Thursday local time that a special military operation would take place in the separatist region of eastern Ukraine known as Donbas. The Russian president said his country has no plans to occupy Ukraine, per CNN . But he said his troops will take action and any...

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