
Read recent news stories and current events about Russia on

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US, Britain Issue Unusually Strong Warning About Russia

They warn of cyber threat, just as White House loses its cyber czar

(Newser) - Two big developments in the arena of cyber security: First, the US and Britain issued a joint warning, and an unusually strong one at that, about Russia. Second, the White House is losing its well-regarded "cyber czar," along with his boss. On the first development, the New York ...

Trump on New Russia Sanctions: Not So Fast

White House walks back Nikki Haley's comments

(Newser) - A day after Nikki Haley announced that the US would be hitting Russia with new sanctions due to the suspected Syria chemical attack, President Trump is walking back her comments. Haley, the US ambassador to the UN, said on Face the Nation that any Russian companies linked to equipment used...

Doctors Misread &#39;Saline&#39; Bottle, Inject Woman With Poison
'Mom, I'm Dying': Error Leads
to Woman 'Embalmed Alive'
in case you missed it

'Mom, I'm Dying': Error Leads to Woman 'Embalmed Alive'

Russia's Ekaterina Fedyaeva dies after injection of formaldehyde instead of saline

(Newser) - A Russian woman who went for a routine procedure in hopes of soon becoming pregnant ended up dead after doctors mistakenly injected her with formaldehyde instead of saline—leading to her being "embalmed alive," per the Washington Post . Ekaterina Fedyaeva, in her late 20s, had gone in for...

Russia: Airstrikes in Syria Will Bring 'Consequences'

Putin sees US-led military assault as 'act of aggression'

(Newser) - Russia, Iran, and Syria reacted angrily Saturday to the US-led airstrikes that hit Syria overnight, though so far the move hasn't led to the worst-case scenario: direct conflict between US and Russian forces, reports the Washington Post . Vladimir Putin called the airstrikes by the US, France, and Britain an...

Russia: Britain Staged Syrian Chemical Attack

Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov says whole thing was set up as part of 'Russophobic campaign'

(Newser) - As the world watches to see what US President Trump will do in the wake of a suspected chemical attack widely believed to have been carried out by the Syrian government against its own people, there's another theory floating around courtesy of Russia. The BBC reports that, according to...

UK Alleges Russia Previously Tested Door-Handle Attack

Sends letter to NATO detailing evidence of Russia's hand in things

(Newser) - The Skripals have been in Russia's sights for some time, or so alleged the UK on Friday. National Security Adviser Mark Sedwill accused the country of spying on Sergei Skripal and daughter Yulia for a minimum of five years, and offered some specifics in a letter sent to NATO...

New Findings Lend Weight to Russian Role in Poisonings

Watchdog says 'high purity' nerve agent used against Skripals

(Newser) - The international chemical weapons watchdog on Thursday confirmed Britain's finding that a former Russian spy and his daughter were poisoned with a nerve agent, as Russia continued to deny suggestions that it was behind the attack. Investigators from the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons, a Nobel Peace...

Russia Warns US on Syria. Trump's Response: a Taunt

President say 'get ready'

(Newser) - If the US tries to launch missiles at Syria, they will be shot down and the warships or planes they're launched from will become targets, Russia's ambassador to Lebanon said Tuesday night, echoing earlier warnings from Moscow. "If there is a strike by the Americans, then …...

Russians Go After US Drones in Syria With 'Fairly Easy' Tactic

They're reportedly jamming the drones' GPS signals

(Newser) - US military drones patrolling the skies over Syria have an operational issue: Russia is messing with them. Specifically, US officials tell NBC News , Russia is jamming their GPS signals, a tactic that seems to have started in earnest on smaller drones a few weeks ago after chemical attacks were suspected...

Poisoned Ex-Spy, Daughter May Move to US
Skripals May Be
Moving to America

Skripals May Be Moving to America

Sergei and Yulia Skripal could be relocated with new identities

(Newser) - A former Russian spy and his daughter who were poisoned by a nerve agent are not only feeling better , they may move to America. A top Whitehall official tells the Sunday Times that Sergei and Yulia Skripal could be "offered new identities" and relocated to the West—if not...

Trump: 'Big Price' Will Be Paid for 'Mindless CHEMICAL Attack'

The president hits Twitter after Syria strike

(Newser) - President Trump responded to news of a Syrian chemical-weapons attack near Damascus with his own weapon of choice: the tweet. "Many dead, including women and children, in mindless CHEMICAL attack in Syria," he tweeted Sunday, per CNN . "Area of atrocity is in lockdown and encircled by Syrian...

Russia's Postal Drone Program Hits a Literal Wall

First test of delivery system does not go well

(Newser) - Using drones to deliver the mail isn't a new idea, but it's a particularly relevant one in far-flung, snowy Russia. However, it's not one that's going seamlessly, reports Reuters . At a test in Siberia last week, a drone took off with the country's first special...

City Says Cats Keeled Over Dead, Kids Poisoned by Landfill

Moscow's garbage problem is imperiling towns around it

(Newser) - Cats that "keeled over dead" isn't the worst part of what residents of Volokolamsk, Russia, say they're enduring. The city is located 75 miles west of Moscow and has since the summer been on the receiving end of more and more of Moscow's waste—at their...

US Punishes Russian Oligarchs Over 'Malign Activity'

24 Russians hit in latest round of sanctions

(Newser) - The United States hit seven Russian oligarchs and 17 Russian government officials with sanctions on Friday for what it called "malign activity" around the world, as the Trump administration tried to show the president is taking tough action to stand up to Moscow. A dozen Russian companies owned by...

Poisoned Russian Daughter Issues First Statement

'My strength is growing daily,' says Yulia Skripal

(Newser) - Good news on the fate of Yulia Skripal, who was poisoned along with her father in Britain: The 33-year-old issued a statement saying her health is improving. "I woke up over a week ago now and am glad to say my strength is growing daily," she says in...

Russian Oligarchs May Be Next in Trump's Sights

Sources say they'll be target of latest round of sanctions

(Newser) - President Trump's latest round of sanctions against Russia is going to hit some billionaires with close ties to Vladimir Putin, officials say. Sources tell Reuters and the Washington Post that the new sanctions, expected to be in place by Friday, will target Russian oligarchs under powers given to Trump...

Russia Tries to Join Spy Poisoning Probe, Gets Rejected

Brits call proposal 'ludicrous'

(Newser) - The international chemical weapons watchdog on Wednesday rejected Russia's call for a joint investigation with Britain of the nerve-agent poisonings of an ex-spy and his daughter in England. But Russia said the number of countries that abstained from the vote suggested many have doubts about Britain's allegations that...

Report: Mueller Told Trump He Isn't a 'Criminal Target'

But that doesn't mean he's off the hook, analysts say

(Newser) - Robert Mueller has told President Trump's lawyers that he is only a "subject" of his investigation, not a criminal "target," insiders say. Sources tell the Washington Post that the special counsel told the attorneys that he still wants to interview Trump and he is preparing a...

Scientists Can't Confirm Novichok Came From Russia

But the UK says their work is just one piece of the puzzle

(Newser) - Countries have lined up behind the UK to enact consequences on Russia in the wake of the poisoning of ex-spy Sergei Skripal and daughter Yulia, but the scientists who have been analyzing the nerve agent on Tuesday clarified that they haven't been able to establish it was created in...

Trump's Call to Putin Just Got a Little More Controversial

President floated idea of a White House visit

(Newser) - President Trump took flak from critics for congratulating Vladimir Putin on his election victory during a phone call last month. As it turns out, the call appears to have been even chummier than thought. A Putin aide said Monday that Trump invited the Russian leader to the White House, though...

Stories 1281 - 1300 | << Prev   Next >>