
Read recent news stories and current events about Russia on

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Warning About Russia: They Can &#39;Shut the Power Off&#39;
Warning About Russia:
They Can 'Shut the Power Off'
the rundown

Warning About Russia: They Can 'Shut the Power Off'

US says hackers have gained entry to power plants, including nuclear facilities

(Newser) - A US security alert on Thursday contained a jarring warning: Russia has infiltrated the US energy grid and could wreak havoc if it chose to do so. "They have the ability to shut the power off," an exec with the digital security firm Symantec tells the New York ...

Russia Responds to Sanctions, Will Expand US 'Black List'

It'll add more Americans to its sanctions list: Sergei Ryabkov

(Newser) - Hours after the Trump administration announced sanctions against 19 individuals and five entities in response to Russian meddling in the 2016 election, Russia vowed to respond in kind. Deputy Foreign Minister Sergei Ryabkov on Friday said Russia would be adding more Americans to its own sanctions list. "From the...

Putin Weighs Retaliation Over UK Spy Case

'Response will come very quickly,' says official after Moscow diplomats are expelled from UK

(Newser) - As the US and other nations line up with Britain and accuse Russia of poisoning a former spy , Moscow remains defiant. Russia has promised to retaliate against the UK for penalties including the expulsion of 23 diplomats . "The response will come very quickly, I can assure you," said...

US Sanctions Russians, Warns of Cyberthreat to Energy Grid

Mnuchin says US won't tolerate 'malign Russian cyber activity'

(Newser) - The Trump administration is imposing sanctions on 19 Russians for alleged interference in the 2016 election, including 13 indicted by special counsel Robert Mueller. The penalties also include the first use of new powers that Congress passed last year to punish Moscow for election meddling. Those targets include officials working...

Haley: 'Russia Is Responsible for the Attack'

UN ambassador comes to defense of Great Britain after nerve agent attack

(Newser) - Nikki Haley came out strong against Russia and in support of the United Kingdom on Wednesday following the nerve agent attack that left a former Russian spy and his adult daughter in critical condition in England, CNN reports. "The United States believes that Russia is responsible for the attack,...

UK Blasts Russia's 'Sarcasm,' Expels 23 Diplomats

Theresa May announces measures against Moscow after it fails to address ex-spy's poisoning

(Newser) - The United Kingdom is pointing 23 Russian diplomats identified as "undeclared intelligence officers" to the exit, reports the BBC , giving them a week to pack up and get out after Moscow failed to give an explanation for how the Russian-produced nerve agent Novichok came to be used to poison...

Rex Tillerson Issues a Parting Warning on Russia

Much work needs to be done on Moscow's 'troubling behavior and actions,' he says

(Newser) - Rex Tillerson didn't thank President Trump in his parting statement after being fired Tuesday —but he didn't call him a moron again, either. Instead, the departing secretary of state praised progress on relations with China and moving toward North Korean denuclearization, but warned of Russia's "...

Nerve Agent That Poisoned Ex-Spy More Toxic Than VX

Novichok agents developed in secret in Russia in the 1970s and '80s

(Newser) - British Prime Minister Theresa May says the chemical used to poison Russian ex-spy Sergei Skripal and his adult daughter in England was a Novichok nerve agent, tied to Russia not only through its name. Novichok—meaning "newcomer" in Russian—is a class of chemical agents developed in the Soviet...

Russian Embassy Taunts US Over 'Strange' Helicopter

Suggests it was part of 'desperate attempt to find traces of #RussianMeddling'

(Newser) - After celebrating House Republicans' verdict of no collusion between President Trump's campaign and Russia, officials at the Russian Embassy in Washington set about comparing investigations of "Russian meddling" to a search for UFOs. The embassy's Twitter account shared two overlapping photos Monday: one showing a helicopter in...

House Republicans Say Trump Did Not Collude With Russia

The House Intelligence Committee refutes the findings of the intel community

(Newser) - Republicans in the House of Representatives on Monday announced they've come to the opposite conclusion in their investigation into possible Trump campaign collusion with Russia as the intelligence community. Per CNN , the House Intelligence Committee has concluded Russian President Vladimir Putin did not attempt to help President Trump win...

Spy Poisoned With Military-Grade Russian Nerve Agent

Theresa May tells lawmakers it is 'highly likely' Russia behind poisoning of Sergei Skripal

(Newser) - The Russian ex-spy poisoned in England was exposed to a military-grade nerve agent of a type produced by Russia, says British Prime Minister Theresa May. May told lawmakers during an address in parliament on Monday it was "highly likely' Russia was responsible for poisoning Sergei Skripal, the former Russian...

Leaders Condemn Putin Over Statements About Jews

Russian president appeared to say Jews could have been behind US election meddling

(Newser) - US leaders are hitting out at Vladimir Putin after statements he made appeared to some to be anti-Semitic. The Russian president was defending his government in an interview with NBC News' Megyn Kelly Saturday when he said Jews may have been behind 2016 election meddling. "Repulsive Putin remark deserves...

Russia Says It Test-Fired a Hypersonic Missile

The Kinzhal missile is said to travel at 10 times the speed of sound

(Newser) - Russia says it tested a hypersonic missile capable of traveling at 10 times the speed of sound. According to the BBC , the country's defense ministry released a video showing the Kinzhal missile as it detached from a fighter jet. The officials said the test was a success. "The...

Fisherman Discovers Bag Containing 54 Severed Hands

Hands were found in Siberia near Russia's border with China

(Newser) - A Russian fisherman in Siberia made a grisly find Thursday: a bag containing 54 severed hands, Live Science reports. A photo of the hands shows them lined up and looking much like leather gloves. According to Time , the bag of hands was found on an island in the Amur River...

Military Personnel Swarm City in Russia Spy Probe

Investigators take closer look at two grave sites

(Newser) - An investigation into the apparent poisoning of a Russian double agent and his daughter concentrated Friday on two grave sites in the once-quiet city of Salisbury, the Guardian reports. With some 200 military personnel supporting police efforts, hazmat-suit-wearing experts established tents around two graves: the wife and son of Sergei...

Mueller's New Focus Is a Familiar Name

Blackwater founder Erik Prince's meeting with a Russian businessman under scrutiny

(Newser) - Robert Mueller's Russia investigation has a complex new focus: a meeting between Trump ally Erik Prince and a Russian businessman that took place in the archipelago nation of Seychelles just a few days before President Trump's inauguration. The meeting has been previously reported. In fact, Prince—founder of...

Trump Spoke to Witnesses About Their Interviews With Mueller: NYT

Sources say special counsel is aware of the conversations

(Newser) - Twice recently, President Trump has asked key witnesses in the Russia investigation about their conversations with special counsel Robert Mueller, three sources tell the New York Times . One alleged conversation involved White House counsel Don McGahn; Trump told an aide that McGahn should deny a January Times article that said...

Woman Found Collapsed With Former Spy Is His Daughter

British media identifies her as Yulia Skripal, who was visiting from Russia

(Newser) - A few more details have been released in the puzzling situation of former Russian spy Sergei Skripal, who was found slumped on a bench in the UK on Sunday. The BBC reports the woman who was unconscious beside him is his daughter, Yulia, and that two police officers who responded...

Report: Man Possibly Exposed to Substance Is Former Spy

British media identify the critically ill man as Sergei Skripal, 66

(Newser) - Two people are in intensive care in the UK after potentially being exposed to an unknown substance, and British media are reporting that one of the two was a former Russian spy who was accused of spying for Britain. The Guardian reports Sergei Skripal, 66, is reportedly the man who...

State Dept. Has Spent $0 of $120M on Russian Meddling

Rex Tillerson hasn't used money set aside to fight interference by Russia

(Newser) - The New York Times is out with an attention-grabbing statistic related to the government's effort to fight Russian interference in US elections: The State Department has been allocated $120 million to counter foreign meddling but has not spent a single dollar of that sum. The story chalks it up...

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