
Read recent news stories and current events about Russia on

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Russia: We'll 'Make Facebook Comply' With Law

Company ordered to store its data locally

(Newser) - In its latest attempt to wrest control of the internet, Russia's communications agency on Tuesday threatened to block access to Facebook if the company refuses to store its data locally. Alexander Zharov, chief of the Federal Communications Agency, told Russian news agencies on Tuesday that they will work to...

Trump Associate Testifies on Russia Interference

Roger Stone says he's aware of 'no evidence whatsoever' of collusion

(Newser) - Longtime Donald Trump associate Roger Stone said Tuesday he's "aware of no evidence whatsoever" that Trump's campaign coordinated with Russians during the 2016 election. Stone spoke to the House intelligence committee for more than three hours as part of the panel's probe into Russian interference in...

Trump on Russian Facebook Ads: &#39;Hoax&#39;
Trump on Russian
Facebook Ads: 'Hoax'

Trump on Russian Facebook Ads: 'Hoax'

President weighs in on the issue for the first time

(Newser) - Facebook announced Thursday it will hand over more than 3,000 ads purchased by Russian accounts during the 2016 election so that Congress can review them as part of the probe into Russian interference. President Trump thinks it's a waste of time. "The Russia hoax continues, now it'...

Film on Czar's Affair Causing Some Problems in Russia

4 people suspected of an arson attack linked to a movie were detained

(Newser) - Matilda, a movie about the last Russian czar's affair with a ballerina, isn't due to be released in Russia until October, but it's already sparked harsh criticism and, it seems, arrests. Russian police have detained four people suspected of an arson attack linked to the movie, officials...

Facebook Will Hand Over Russian Ads to Congress

Company says it wants to help with a 'full accounting'

(Newser) - Facebook is reversing course and will turn turn over to Congress copies of ads bought by Russians in the 2016 election. The company had previously balked on doing so over privacy concerns but has changed course after what Mark Zuckerberg called “an extensive legal and policy review," per...

Mueller Tells White House He Wants Info on 13 Areas

One of those areas: Trump's firings of FBI chief James Comey

(Newser) - Robert Mueller's investigation of alleged Russian campaign meddling appears to be steaming ahead: The special counsel has sent the White House details on 13 areas where investigators are seeking more information and want documents, the New York Times reports. The areas include Trump's firings of FBI chief James...

Trump Using Campaign Funds to Pay Russia Defense Bills: Report

Some money is also coming from the Republican National Committee

(Newser) - President Trump is using money donated to his reelection campaign and the Republican National Committee to pay the legal costs of defending himself in the ongoing Russia probe, Reuters states in an exclusive report. While it's legal and routine for elected officials to use campaign funds to pay legal...

Creator of One of World's Deadliest Weapons Gets Huge Statue

Monument to Mikhail Kalashnikov and his AK-47 unveiled in Moscow

(Newser) - The AK-47 has been called "the Coca-Cola of small arms." It's said to be responsible for 250,000 deaths every year and believed to have killed more people than all other modern weapons combined. On Tuesday, a 30-foot monument dedicated to its designer, Lt. Gen. Mikhail T....

If Russia Fought the West, It Would Look Like This
If Russia Fought the West,
It Would Look Like This
the rundown

If Russia Fought the West, It Would Look Like This

Massive war games underway have neighbors worried

(Newser) - Pity, poor Veishnoria. Russia and Belarus are conquering the nation with a mighty show of military force that began on Thursday. Veishnoria, fortunately, happens to be a fictional nation invented for six days of intense war games. In fact, this year's Zapad games ("Zapad" means "West")...

Report: Feds Wiretapped Trump Campaign Chief Manafort

Agents picked lock before July raid on Va. home

(Newser) - The FBI was listening in on Paul Manafort's conversations long before he became chief of the Trump campaign and it wiretapped him again as part of the investigation of alleged Russian election meddling, source say. The insiders tell CNN that Manafort was initially wiretapped under a secret court order...

McCain on His Gaffe at Comey Hearing: 'Colossal Screw-up'

Tells 'Esquire' he miscommunicated Lindsey Graham question from phone

(Newser) - John McCain is shaking his head after admitting he messed up a line of questioning during James Comey's testimony in front of the Senate Intelligence Committee. On June 8, the Arizona senator offered what the Arizona Republic called a "distracted and listless line of questioning" toward the ex-FBI...

Advice to Trump Lawyers: Keep Voices Down at Lunch

'NYT' reporter overhears attorneys discussing strategy at restaurant

(Newser) - The New York Times has a front-page story Monday detailing the friction among attorneys on President Trump's legal team over how fully to cooperate with Robert Mueller's Russia investigation. Also interesting, however, is how the newspaper got the scoop: It seems that reporter Kenneth Vogel went to lunch...

NATO Gen. on Russia's War Games: 'We Have to Be Worried'

Official says Russia is not being transparent about exercises

(Newser) - A senior NATO official says there's reason to be concerned about the large-scale Zapad 2017 military maneuvers being conducted now by Russia and Belarus, since they could be seen as "a serious preparation for big war." Gen. Petr Pavel, head of NATO's Military Committee, told the...

Ice Ax That Dug Into Trotsky's Skull No Longer Under a Bed

Keith Melton says he bought it, and that it will be displayed in America

(Newser) - "Who knows if it is the real ax?" says Leon Trotsky’s grandson, Esteban Volkov, dismissively to the Guardian. Keith Melton, for one. The private collector says he staunchly believes that an ice pick he recently purchased and plans to display at the International Spy Museum in Washington is...

Russia Offered Trump Full Normalization, Was Rebuffed

Plan was reportedly delivered to State Department in April

(Newser) - It seems Russia was ready and willing for a fresh start under President Trump only to be rebuffed by the new administration. Citing an official Russian document, BuzzFeed News reports the Kremlin—on the instructions of President Vladimir Putin—delivered a plan to the US State Department in April for...

Russia Takes US Diplomatic Parking Spots in Ongoing Spat

Russia says it's seeking 'full parity' with US diplomats

(Newser) - It appears US diplomats in Russia will be spending less time trying to smooth relations with that country and more time circling the block after Moscow revoked diplomatic parking privileges in two cities, the AP reports. According to a report from Russian state-owned TV, officials painted over parking spots outside...

Flynn 'Rejects Request to Speak to Senate Committee'

He won't comply with subpoena, sources say

(Newser) - Michael Flynn didn't get his deal for immunity —so he's apparently not talking to the Senate Intelligence Committee. Sources tell CNN that the former national security adviser, who is a key figure in investigations of alleged Russian election meddling, has rejected a second request to appear before...

Kushner Should Resign, Lawyers Reportedly Told Trump

'WSJ' says Trump ignored recommendation in June

(Newser) - Members of President Trump's legal team recommended Jared Kushner step down as senior White House adviser over his contacts with Russian officials, reports the Wall Street Journal . Citing multiple sources, the Journal reports the recommendation was based on Kushner's close relationship with Trump and his meetings with the...

Clinton Has 'No Doubt' Trump Team Helped Russians

'Putin wanted me to lose and wanted Trump to win'

(Newser) - Hillary Clinton blames a lot of people for her election loss in new book What Happened, including herself—and Vladimir Putin. She says that she is now "convinced" that there was collusion between members of President Trump's campaign team and Russians seeking to meddle in the election. "...

Report: Russian News Agency Under FBI Investigation

Ex-WH correspondent for Sputnik reportedly turned over thousands of files to bureau

(Newser) - There are plenty of investigations happening on Russia, but a new one may have just been added to the pile. Yahoo News says it learned the FBI is poking around to get info on Sputnik, the news agency funded by the Russian government, with one of the FBI's lines...

Stories 1441 - 1460 | << Prev   Next >>