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Stories 1621 - 1640 | << Prev   Next >>

Comey: There&#39;s No Evidence Obama Wiretapped Trump
Comey: There's No Evidence
Obama Wiretapped Trump

Comey: There's No Evidence Obama Wiretapped Trump

He also confirms investigation into Russian meddling, possible ties to Trump campaign

(Newser) - FBI Director James Comey's testimony before Congress on Monday is making headlines on two main fronts: First, he publicly contradicted a series of tweets from President Trump in which Trump alleged that then-President Obama had wiretapped him during the campaign. "I have no confirmation that supports those tweets,...

Comey Could Throw Water on Trump's Wiretap Claims Today

FBI director will testify before House committee

(Newser) - FBI Director James Comey testifies before the House Intelligence Committee on Monday and there may be some angry tweets from the White House soon afterward: Comey is widely expected to tell lawmakers that there is no evidence to support President Trump's claim that former President Obama had him wiretapped,...

Zoo Sues, Says Racy Ad Traumatized Its Raccoon

Lawsuit complains of 'erotica' over topless model

(Newser) - A Moscow zoo is suing an advertising company for misuse of one of its animals. The bizarre claim? That the company used a raccoon from the zoo in an "erotic" ad and traumatized it. Officials at the Animals Aren't Toys zoo say Tomas the raccoon returned from the...

4-Year-Old Braves Siberian Wolves, Snow to Help Grandma

Saglana Salchak hiked for miles after her elderly grandmother fell ill

(Newser) - Most preschoolers face foes on the playground, but Saglana Salchak recently spent hours fighting off subzero temperatures, hunger, and the threat of wolves as she hiked for miles through Siberia to seek help for her ailing grandmother. The Guardian reports that the then-4-year-old, who lived with her elderly grandparents in...

Trump's Russia Ambassador Pick: Jon Huntsman

White House official reveals news before formal announcement

(Newser) - A White House official says former Utah Gov. Jon Huntsman Jr. is President Donald Trump's choice to be the next US ambassador to Russia, the AP reports. Huntsman will be nominated for the diplomatic post as senior members of Trump's administration face questions about their contacts with the...

House Takes Step Forward on Russia Meddling Probe

First hearing scheduled for March 20

(Newser) - The House is moving forward with an investigation into Russia's alleged attempts to tamper with the US election, scheduling the first public hearing on the matter for March 20, Intelligence Committee Chairman Devin Nunes announced. FBI Director James Comey, National Security Agency Director Mike Rogers, former CIA Director John...

Russia Has a Beef With Beauty and the Beast

Bans kids under 16 from seeing the movie over its gay character

(Newser) - Sorry, kids: Children under age 16 won't be able to see Disney's Beauty and the Beast in Russia because it includes a gay character, the Russian Culture Ministry said Tuesday. The ministry told the AP that its decision for the 16-plus rating followed petitions by ultraconservative lawmaker Vitaly...

Meet the Diplomat at Center of Russia Story
At Center of All These
Russia Stories: Sergey Kislyak

At Center of All These Russia Stories: Sergey Kislyak

Ambassador is said to be a master networker

(Newser) - As Attorney General Jeff Sessions remains mired in controversy about his contact with Russian ambassador Sergey Kislyak, more info is emerging about the man NBC News refers to as "the shadowy apparatchik at the center of Trump's Russia crisis." Kislyak, who has held his post since 2008,...

Report Sees a Problem With Sessions' Explanation

Says he met with Russian as a senator, but he used political funds to pay airfare

(Newser) - The Wall Street Journal has just complicated Jeff Sessions' explanation about his conversations with the Russian ambassador. The attorney general has acknowledged that he met at least twice with Sergei Kislyak during the campaign, but he says he did so in his capacity as a senator rather than as a...

Sessions Will Recuse Himself From Russia Probe
Will Recuse
Himself From
Russia Probe

Sessions Will Recuse Himself From Russia Probe

There had been calls for him to do so

(Newser) - Following the revelation that Jeff Sessions met with the Russian ambassador twice last year and failed to disclose it during his confirmation hearing to become attorney general, Sessions has said he will recuse himself from any investigation having to do with alleged Russian interference in the 2016 election, Politico reports....

Sessions: I'll Step Off Russia Inquiry When 'Appropriate'

AG doesn't seem up for resigning, though, after Russian ambassador chats revealed

(Newser) - More Democrats are calling for the resignation of Attorney General Jeff Sessions over a Washington Post report that he didn't reveal during his confirmation hearing he'd met with Russia's ambassador to the US while Election 2016 was in full swing. The latest to climb aboard the resignation...

Pelosi on Sessions: 'The Attorney General Must Resign'

Fallout over his meetings with Russian ambassador intensifies

(Newser) - Democrats don't just think that Attorney General Jeff Sessions should recuse himself from an investigation into Russian ties with the Trump campaign, they think he should step down from his post, period. "The Attorney General must resign," House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi wrote in a statement, per...

Sessions Didn't Disclose Talks With Russian Ambassador: DOJ

But his spokesperson insists they had nothing to do with Trump campaign

(Newser) - Jeff Sessions spoke with Russia's ambassador to the US twice in 2016, but he didn't disclose those communications during his confirmation hearing to become attorney general. When asked about possible contact between Moscow representatives and Trump campaign members, Sessions specifically said he "did not have communications with...

Republicans Disagree On Sessions' Role in Potential Russia Probe

Some say a special prosecutor is needed

(Newser) - Republicans disagree on whether Attorney General Jeff Sessions should investigate allegations that Russia interfered with the 2016 presidential election. What lawmakers and others are saying:
  • On Friday, California Rep. Darrell Issa told Bill Maher a special prosecutor should be appointed for the probe since Sessions is a Trump appointee and

White House Asked FBI to Dispute Russia Reports

Democrats say this is a clear violation of policy

(Newser) - White House Chief of Staff Reince Priebus asked a top FBI official to dispute media reports that President Trump's campaign advisers were frequently in touch with Russian intelligence agents during the election, a White House official told the AP late Thursday. The official said Priebus' request came after the...

Russia&#39;s Ambassador to UN Dies in NYC
Russia's Ambassador
to UN Dies in NYC

Russia's Ambassador to UN Dies in NYC

Vitaly Churkin was 64; cause of death unknown

(Newser) - Russian officials say its ambassador to the United Nations has died suddenly in New York City. Vitaly Churkin was 64. Russia's deputy UN ambassador, Vladimir Safronkov, told the AP that Churkin became ill in his office at Russia's UN mission and was taken to Columbia Presbyterian Hospital, where...

Why Flynn Probably Won't Face Charges for FBI Statements

Bureau thinks he was being truthful about call to Russian ambassador

(Newser) - Michael Flynn was no more truthful to the FBI about his talks with Russia's ambassador to the US than he was to Mike Pence and other administration officials, officials tell the Washington Post . The sources say that the then-national security adviser told the FBI during a Jan. 24 interview...

Russian Spy Ship 'Loitering' Near Conn. Navy Base

Rep. Joe Courtney says it shows 'aggressive intent'

(Newser) - A Russian spy ship first spotted in international waters off the coast of Delaware has moved further up the eastern coast of the US and was just 30 miles south of a Navy submarine base in Connecticut on Wednesday, reports Fox News . An official says SSV-175 Viktor Leonov, which can...

Russia Has Reportedly Violated Major Nuke Treaty

It's 'testing' Trump, says John McCain

(Newser) - Sen. John McCain says Russia is "testing" President Trump by deploying an operational cruise missile in violation of a Cold War-era nuclear treaty. Officials tell the New York Times that Russia has two battalions of the cruise missile inside the country—one at an operational base and another at...

NYT: FBI Has Uncovered Trump Aides' Russia Ties

They contacted Russians during campaign, sources say

(Newser) - The Trump administration's Russia problem just got a lot worse, according to the New York Times ' sources: Four officials say intelligence agencies have uncovered phone records and other evidence that members of Trump's campaign team and other aides were in contact with senior Russian officials during the...

Stories 1621 - 1640 | << Prev   Next >>
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