
Read recent news stories and current events about Russia on

Stories 1701 - 1720 | << Prev   Next >>

Intelligence Officers Worry About Trump Payback
Intelligence Officers Worry
About Trump Payback

Intelligence Officers Worry About Trump Payback

Bolton claims hacking could be 'false flag'

(Newser) - In a development that characters in a Tom Clancy novel would probably dismiss as far-fetched, intelligence figures fear that the next president might retaliate against the CIA and other agencies that have linked Russian hackers to election interference . "There is not just smoke here. There is a blazing 10-alarm...

CIA Says Russia Worked to Get Trump Elected. Now What?

Fallout continues over CIA's report on Russia meddling in election

(Newser) - The fallout from Friday night's "bombshell" report from the CIA that Russian hackers directly interfered with the US election in order to get Donald Trump elected continued Saturday. Here are seven things you need to know:

CIA Bombshell: Russia Acted to Give Trump the White House

Meanwhile, Russia also hacked GOP, but leaked nothing damning

(Newser) - Reversing months of vague muttering about Russian influence, the CIA secretly told "key senators" that Russian hackers actively tried to put Donald Trump in the Oval Office, reports the Washington Post in one of a pair of damning reports Saturday on Russia's efforts at influencing an American election....

Obama Orders 'Full Review' of Election Hacking Claims

He wants it before he leaves office

(Newser) - President Obama wants a "full review" of allegations that Russia interfered in the US election via hacking to be completed before he leaves office, reports Politico . Homeland Security adviser Lisa Monaco made the announcement Friday, noting that the review would also cover threats from outside Russia, per the Huffington...

Russia Doped Its Athletes on 'Unprecedented Scale': Investigator

1K athletes in 30 sports in recent years

(Newser) - The Russian doping scandal just keeps getting bigger: A new report implicates 1,000 athletes in 30 sports over recent years, along with officials at various levels of government. The upshot is sure to be increased pressure to penalize Russia ahead of the 2018 Winter Games. In the report—which...

GOPers on 'Collision Course' With Trump Over Russia

He's downplaying alleged election meddling

(Newser) - Some leading Senate Republicans are on a "direct collision course" with Donald Trump over the election, according to the Washington Post . The GOP senators—including prominent Trump critics John McCain and Lindsey Graham—are planning to launch an aggressive and wide-ranging probe of alleged Russian meddling in the election...

5.4K Lbs. of Supplies Explode in Skies Over Siberia

Russian cargo spaceship en route to International Space Station crashes

(Newser) - The International Space Station crew may find themselves short of a few presents this Christmas: A Russian Progress 65 cargo spacecraft carrying around 5,400 pounds of supplies to the station broke up over Siberia on Thursday, minutes after it was launched from the Baikonur Cosmodrome in Kazakhstan, Bloomberg reports....

Putin: 'We Are Ready for Cooperation' With US

Russian leader softens rhetoric in annual speech

(Newser) - “We aren’t looking for enemies," Vladimir Putin said Thursday during his annual state-of-the-nation speech. "We need friends." He says he's hoping one of those friends is the US under President-elect Donald Trump, who Putin wants to work with as equals, Bloomberg reports. "We...

Oil Price Soars After OPEC, Russia Deal
How Russia, OPEC
May Have Just
Driven Up Gas Prices

How Russia, OPEC May Have Just Driven Up Gas Prices

Deal cuts output for first time in 15 years

(Newser) - It's a victory for international agreement, but not for consumers: OPEC nations and Russia have managed to overcome their differences because of their common desire to drive up oil prices, Reuters reports. They have agreed on their first joint output cut since 2001, a move that sent the price...

Holocaust-Themed Skating Number Doesn't Go Over Well

One of the skaters on Russian reality-TV show is wife of Putin's spokesman

(Newser) - Using the theme song from the 1997 Holocaust film Life Is Beautiful wasn't what raised eyebrows Saturday during an ice-skating performance for a Russian reality show. It was the overall Holocaust theme that produced what the Jerusalem Post calls a "largely cold reception" to Olympic champion Tatiana Navka...

Putin Personally Delivers Steven Seagal's New Passport

Putin hopes it's a symbol of improving US-Russian relations

(Newser) - New Russian citizen Steven Seagal received his passport from none other than Vladimir Putin himself during a ceremony Friday, the Washington Post reports. The Under Siege 2 star accepted the passport with an "Aikido-inspired bow." "I want to congratulate you and express the hope that this is...

200 Sites Peddled Fake Election News From Russia
200 Sites Peddled Fake
Election News From Russia
new report

200 Sites Peddled Fake Election News From Russia

'It was like Russia was running a super PAC for Trump's campaign'

(Newser) - Some of the anti-Hillary Clinton news stories that popped up in your social media feeds during the election campaign may have been put there by Russia. That's the conclusion of independent propaganda research group PropOrNot, which provided its report to the Washington Post . PropOrNot found more than 200 websites,...

Families Try to Flee Aleppo, Rebels Stop Them: Report

As conditions have gone from 'terrible to terrifying and now barely survivable'

(Newser) - A Syrian monitoring group alleged Tuesday that rebels are preventing dozens of families from fleeing eastern Aleppo as Russian-backed government forces intensify their bombardment of the besieged quarter, the AP reports. Such claims are difficult to verify and often distorted due to propaganda, but Syrian and Russian state media maintain...

No More Hospitals in East Aleppo After 'Catastrophic Day'

Airstrikes have left 250K residents with very little access to medical care

(Newser) - On Friday, airstrikes led by Russia and the Syrian government, ostensibly meant to target rebel-held areas in Aleppo, caused enough damage to force four hospitals in the city to close, the Guardian reports. And then the final blow: The Omar bin Abdul Aziz facility, the last remaining hospital in East...

Russia Plans to Slaughter 250K Reindeer This Year

Officials say it's about curbing overgrazing, illness—but is it really about oil?

(Newser) - In 2013, 61,000 reindeer in Russia's northern Yamal region, a remote section of Siberia, starved to death when ice and deep snow sealed off the Arctic tundra where they graze. This summer, the region's first outbreak of anthrax in 75 years —an epidemic thought to be...

Putin to International Criminal Court: Russia's Out

The day after Russia was condemned by the ICC for human rights abuses

(Newser) - Russian President Vladimir Putin signed a decree Wednesday to withdraw Russia from the International Criminal Court, which rules on such grave charges as genocide and crimes against humanity, the AP reports. Russia in 2000 signed the Rome treaty that established the Hague-based court but never ratified it. Putin's decree,...

Confession: Russian Spies in NYC Want More 'Drama'

Foreign operatives like Evgeny Buryakov often spend their days at meetings and on LinkedIn

(Newser) - A Wall Street analyst in the Bronx who spent much of his time attending mundane meetings, filing reports, and networking (including on LinkedIn) turned out to be a Russian spy—just part and parcel of the undercover espionage operations that burrow into place in New York City, as reported in...

Around the World, Pro-Russia Candidates Are Winning
Around the World, Pro-Russia
Candidates Are Winning
the rundown

Around the World, Pro-Russia Candidates Are Winning

Add Moldova and Bulgaria to the list

(Newser) - Some think Vladimir Putin actively sought to get Donald Trump elected. If so, the Kremlin remains on a roll. Pro-Russia candidates won presidential elections in Eastern Europe over the weekend in Moldova (Igor Dodon) and Bulgaria (Rumen Radev), reports the AP. The resulting coverage sees some clear trends emerging:
  • "

Ex-US Ambassador to Russia Banned From Country

Michael McFaul believes his connection to Obama played a part

(Newser) - Michael McFaul, US ambassador to Moscow from 2012 to 2014, recently applied for a Russian visa in hopes of aiding President-elect Hillary Clinton in her transition. This clearly didn't work out so well. But beyond the obvious reason, Reuters reports McFaul discovered he had been banned by Russia from...

Trump Camp, Russian Officials in Contact During Campaign: Minister

'Obviously, we know most of the people from [Trump's] entourage'

(Newser) - The Trump camp is saying "nyet," but Russia's deputy foreign minister claims members of his government corresponded with Donald Trump's advisers throughout the US presidential campaign, the New York Times reports. "There were contacts," Sergei A. Ryabkov was quoted as saying by Interfax. "...

Stories 1701 - 1720 | << Prev   Next >>