
Read recent news stories and current events about Russia on

Stories 1821 - 1840 | << Prev   Next >>

Obama: Climate Change Affects Military, Too

He calls it an 'economic and security imperative'

(Newser) - Why are world leaders gathering near Paris for climate talks when there's a war going on in Syria? "Because this one trend, climate change, affects all trends," President Obama said at a news conference on Tuesday, reports the New York Times . "This is an economic and...

Downed Russian Pilot's Body Heading Home

Turkey is flying man it shot down back to Russia

(Newser) - The Turkish prime minister says Turkey has taken delivery of the body of a Russian pilot who was killed after Turkish F-16s shot down a Russian warplane. Ahmet Davutoglu says the pilot's body was brought to the border province of Hatay "through Turkey's initiatives" early Sunday and...

Turkish President Was 'Truly Saddened' By Plane Downing

He says he wishes it hadn't happened

(Newser) - Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan on Saturday voiced regret over Turkey's downing of a Russian warplane, saying his country was "truly saddened" by the incident and wished it hadn't occurred. It was the first expression of regret by the strongman leader since Tuesday's incident in which...

Russian Soldier Joins Ranks of 'Unexplained Dead'

Russia won't give official confirmation of where many of its soldiers died

(Newser) - A 27-year-old Russian soldier joined the ranks of what Reuters calls the "unexplained dead"—servicemen killed in secret military engagements both inside Russia and beyond its borders. "I'm away on a work trip." Those were the last words—written in a terse note—Fyodor Zhuravlyov...

Report: Iran General Saved Russian Pilot

He coordinated with Russia, Syrian commandoes

(Newser) - How exactly did a Russian pilot make it out of enemy territory alive after his plane was shot down by Turkish jets? He was helped by the commander of foreign operations for Iran's Revolutionary Guards, according to an Iranian news agency. The Fars New Agency—citing a Russian agency,...

Putin: Russia 'Ready to Cooperate' Against ISIS

French president says they agreed to 'strike terrorists only'

(Newser) - The presidents of France and Russia agreed Thursday to tighten cooperation in the fight against ISIS, although they remained at odds over their approach toward Syrian President Bashar Assad. ISIS has claimed responsibility for deadly attacks against both of the countries' citizens in recent weeks, and Francois Hollande and Vladimir...

Russia: Here's How We'll Punish Turkey

Erdogan says he'd shoot down warplane again

(Newser) - A tug-of-war over a Russian warplane shot down by a Turkish fighter jet at the border with Syria escalated Thursday, with Moscow drafting a slew of economic sanctions and the Turkish president saying on a defiant note that his military is ready to do the same if another air intrusion...

Turkey: Here's Proof We Warned That Russian Plane

Country releases one-sided audio

(Newser) - The Russian pilot rescued after his plane was shot down by Turkish forces on Tuesday has thus far staunchly denied Turkey's claims that he and his fellow pilot were warned at least 10 times in the minutes before they were shot down. "There was no contact at all,...

Russian Pilot: 'No Contact at All' Before Plane Shot Down

He also says there's 'no way' they were in Turkish airspace

(Newser) - The Russian pilot rescued after his plane was shot down by Turkish forces on Tuesday says there's "no way" his plane was in Turkey's airspace, the BBC reports. Capt. Konstantin Murakhtin also denies Turkey's claims that he and his fellow pilot were warned at least 10...

Russia: Jet Downing Was 'Planned Provocation'

But Russia won't go to war with Turkey, says minister

(Newser) - Russia's foreign minister says the country isn't about to go to war with Turkey, but adds that the downing of a Russian warplane on Tuesday "looks very much like a pre-planned provocation," per Politico . "We have serious doubts this was an unintended incident." The...

Russia: 2nd Pilot Rescued in Syria

Putin says man from downed plane will get state award

(Newser) - A Russian pilot whose plane was shot down by Turkey on Tuesday is alive and safe at a Russian base in Syria, Vladimir Putin says. Russia says the man was rescued from Syrian rebels during a 12-hour overnight operation involving Syrian and Russian forces. "I understand he is already...

Russia: Marine Killed in Mission to Rescue Shot-Down Pilot

Russia claims one of its rescue helicopters was shot at

(Newser) - Things were already tense between Russia and Turkey on Tuesday after Turkey shot down a Russian warplane —an act Putin called a " stab in the back ." Now Russia is claiming a marine was killed during a mission to rescue one of the warplane's pilots, CNN reports....

Putin to Turkey: Downing Jet Was 'Stab in Back'

He promises 'serious consequences' over the move

(Newser) - Vladimir Putin wasted no time in labeling Turkish military officials "accomplices of terrorists" in a statement condemning the downing of a Russian plane Tuesday. Russia's president says the country suffered a "stab in the back" when Turkish F-16s fired air-to-air missiles at the Su-24, which Putin says...

Russia: Turkey Shot Down Warplane at Syria Border
 Turkey Shoots Down 
 Russian Warplane 

Turkey Shoots Down Russian Warplane

Moscow insists jet didn't cross Syrian border

(Newser) - As the BBC puts it, "this is exactly the kind of incident that many have feared since Russia launched its air operations in Syria." That assessment comes after Turkish fighter jets shot down a Russian warplane Tuesday, claiming it had violated Turkey's airspace and ignored multiple warnings,...

Russia Shows Solidarity With France With Adorable Puppy

Russia hopes little Dobrynya can replace a police dog that died earlier this week

(Newser) - Russia is sending a German shepherd puppy named Dobrynya to France in the cuddliest show of international solidarity possible, the Independent reports. In Russian folklore, Dobrynya was "the personification of strength, kindness, bravery and selflessness," according to Sky News . In a statement, a Russian official called the puppy...

ISIS: This Soda Can Bomb Downed Russian Plane

Group also claims to have executed 2 captives

(Newser) - The Islamic State says it took advantage of a gap in security when it smuggled a soda can bomb into the cabin of the Russian passenger jet that broke apart over Egypt . After militants discovered a "way to compromise the security" at Sharm al-Sheikh Airport, "a bomb was...

Report: Bomb on Russian Jet Was in Passenger Cabin

Russian newspaper says it wasn't hidden in cargo

(Newser) - Now that Moscow is on board with the thinking that a bomb brought down a Russian passenger jet over Egypt, a newspaper in Russia is reporting that the explosive was in a surprising place: the main passenger cabin. The Kommersant quotes an anonymous investigator who says the device was likely...

Russia: Homemade Bomb Brought Down Plane

Putin vows to hunt down attackers

(Newser) - The Russian passenger plane that crashed in Egypt last month was brought down by a homemade bomb placed on board in a "terrorist" act, the head of Russia's FSB security service told President Vladimir Putin on Tuesday. "According to our experts, a homemade explosive device equivalent to...

Russian TV 'Accidentally' Leaks Nuclear Torpedo Plan

The new weapon would make sure "everything living will be killed'

(Newser) - Plans for a new Russian nuclear torpedo system that could hypothetically wipe out every living thing along a wide swath of US coastline were accidentally leaked on state-controlled television, the BBC reports. Or at least, the Kremlin claims it was an accident. According to the Independent , a document titled "...

Russia&#39;s Doping a &#39;State-Sanctioned Regime&#39;
 Russia's Doping a 
 'State-Sanctioned Regime' 

Russia's Doping a 'State-Sanctioned Regime'

Authors say country could be banned from next year's Rio Olympics

(Newser) - Russian athletes should be banned from the Rio Olympics and future track and field competitions, say authors of a scathing new report on the country's systematic doping program . The report, the result of a 10-month investigation from an independent commission of the World Anti-Doping Agency, says top athletes, coaches,...

Stories 1821 - 1840 | << Prev   Next >>