Republican candidates

Stories 161 - 172 | << Prev 

Romney 1st, Cain 3rd in New Poll

Michele Bachmann's support evaporating

(Newser) - Mitt Romney has regained his undisputed frontrunner status in the race for the Republican nomination, according to the latest Fox poll. The poll of Republican primary voters found Romney holding steady at 23%, while Rick Perry was down 10% from a month ago, dropping into second place with 19%, Reuters...

Christie Still Not in, but Doesn't Kill Hopes

New Jersey governor points to his earlier denials when asked

(Newser) - Chris Christie gave a high-profile speech at the Ronald Reagan library last night and left Republicans who want him to run for president with at least a glimmer of hope, according to Politico and the Star-Ledger . The New Jersey governor, asked if he'd enter the race, pointed to a...

As Bachmann Fades, Santorum Plots 'Slow and 'Steady' Rise

He hopes to mimic Mike Huckabee's success in Iowa

(Newser) - Rick Santorum may not have Mike Huckabee’s charm, but he’s hoping he can repeat the ex-governor’s performance in Iowa. The former Pennsylvania senator has “essentially moved” to the state, where he aims to win over onetime supporters of Michele Bachmann and Rick Perry, writes Shushannah Walshe...

5 Things Conservatives Wouldn't Like About Christie

He's closer to center on matters such as immigration, gun control: Dan Amira

(Newser) - Be careful what you wish for, conservatives. So warns Dan Amira at New York's Daily Intel blog, who thinks Republicans pleading for the New Jersey governor to enter the race might be making the same mistake they did with Rick Perry—"allowing themselves to become enamored with the...

Bill Kristol: Please Save Us, Chris Christie

The GOP field is decidely lacking, he writes in Weekly Standard

(Newser) - After watching last night's debate, Bill Kristol says the official response of his conservative Weekly Standard is: "Yikes." What's more, he thinks lots of right-leaning observers feel the same way, even if they won't say it. None of the candidates seemed quite up to the...

GOP&#39;s Government Haters Happy to Work for It
GOP's Government Haters
Happy to Work for It

GOP's Government Haters Happy to Work for It

Candidates, like voters, often two-faced on government: Gregg Easterbrook

(Newser) - For a group of people who loudly denounce government, most of the GOP presidential contenders sure have spent a lot of time working for it—as politicians, as an attorney for the IRS, as an Air Force serviceman, and in other ways, observes Gregg Easterbrook at Reuters . People who have...

GOP Voters to Palin: Don&#39;t Run
 GOP Voters to Palin: Don't Run 

GOP Voters to Palin: Don't Run

But Giuliani might thrash Obama, poll finds

(Newser) - Sarah Palin is leaving the door open for a presidential run —but most Republican voters want that door slammed shut, according to the latest McClatchy-Marist poll . More than 70% of Republican and Republican-leaning voters don't want Palin to run for the presidency, the poll found. If Palin and...

Support Slipping for President Obama in New York Times/CBS Poll

 Obama Support 
 Slipping; GOP 
 in Discord 

Obama Support Slipping; GOP in Discord

59% of independent voters disapprove of prez

(Newser) - President Obama is in hot political water but Republican contenders aren't faring much better, a new poll says. Obama's disapproval rating hit 50% for the first time in the New York Times/CBS poll, and reached 59% among the all-important independent voters. His overall approval rating, 43%, isn't...

Paul Ryan: I'm Not Running

Wisconsin GOP congressman puts rumor to rest

(Newser) - So much for rumors that Wisconsin Rep. Paul Ryan will enter the GOP fray for the Oval Office. He nixed that today, the Wall Street Journal reports. "While humbled by the encouragement, I have not changed my mind," he said. Ryan has slammed the current crop of Republican...

GOP Needs Bachmann —as a Perry Buffer

Steve Kornacki: She can clear the way for a more electable candidate

(Newser) - Michele Bachmann is bad news for the GOP on two fronts, writes Steve Kornacki at Salon . She might somehow win the nomination and thus "cost her party an utterly winnable election," or, more likely, she could push the other candidates too far to the right and play into...

Mike Lupica: Michele Bachmann, Rick Perry a Gift to Barack Obama
 Perry a Gift 
 to Obama 

Bachmann, Perry a Gift to Obama

Mike Lupica: GOP destroying its chances with 'fringe candidates'

(Newser) - With the economy weak, the president is looking vulnerable; “the Republicans have Obama right where they want him,” writes Mike Lupica in the New York Daily News . But with Michele Bachmann and Rick Perry in the lead, the party is shooting itself in the foot. For his part,...

At GOP Event, Perry 'Down-Home', Bachmann a 'Diva'

Michele comes off as too stand-offish for just folks, says Politico

(Newser) - Now that Michele Bachmann has Texas Gov. Rick Perry's hot breath on her neck, she's looking more like a ... diva. That's the assessment of Politico , which found Perry coming off as a get-along, down-home kind of guy at his first major campaign event with Bachmann. Bachmann, on...

Stories 161 - 172 | << Prev