Head Start

2 Stories

White House Wants Sweeping Preschool Overhaul

Critics cite costs, logistics, but educators say better pre-K needed

(Newser) - The Obama administration is outlining the "federal-state partnership" it wants to use to widen preschool programs, emphasizing small class sizes and rigorous curricula in its outreach to 4-year-olds in low- and moderate income households, reports the Wall Street Journal . The outline expands on President Obama's State of the...

Want Equality? Occupy Preschool
 Want Equality? 
 Occupy Preschool 
Nicholas Kristof

Want Equality? Occupy Preschool

Invest in early education to prevent wide disparity

(Newser) - Occupy Wall Street protesters are raging against inequality, proposing new taxes and regulations to get there. But Nicholas Kristof thinks he knows “the single step that would do the most to reduce inequality,” he writes in the New York Times : expand early childhood education. “That will seem...

2 Stories
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