Rahm Emanuel

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Emanuel, Graham Hammering Gitmo Deal
 Emanuel, Graham 
 Hammering Gitmo Deal 

Emanuel, Graham Hammering Gitmo Deal

Hard-nosed opposites form odd friendship

(Newser) - Rahm Emanuel and Lindsey Graham have become unlikely friends, and the most visible fruit of that friendship may be a new agreement on Guantanamo Bay. Emanuel hasn’t officially endorsed Graham’s plan—which would close the prison, but put the kibosh on civilian 9/11 trials, and allow the indefinite...

Obama Should Keep Rahm, Fire Gibbs

 Obama Should 
 Keep Rahm, 
 Fire Gibbs 

Obama Should Keep Rahm, Fire Gibbs

Dana Milbank: President should have listened to Emanuel

(Newser) - President Obama should ignore the rising sentiment to fire Rahm Emanuel, writes Dana Milbank. He needs him desperately. Emanuel has become the whipping boy for the first year's failures mostly because he's good at making enemies. Truth is, if Obama had taken Emanuel's advice on everything from health care (go...

Family Guy Takes on Trig Palin
 Family Guy Takes on Trig Palin 

Family Guy Takes on Trig Palin

Female Down's syndrome character mentions Palin-like mom

(Newser) - Now that Family Guy has taken on Trig Palin, can a demand by his mom on Facebook that the program be yanked be far behind? The popular TV series waded into treacherous waters yesterday with an episode in which a bossy female character with Down's syndrome dating Chris Griffin mentions...

White House Details Health Summit
 White House Details 
 Health Summit 

White House Details Health Summit

Republicans still suspicious of Feb. 25 gathering

(Newser) - The White House today sent out invitations for its Feb. 25 health-reform summit, detailed the format for the televised proceedings, and said it would post its own proposal online ahead of time. The leaders of both parties in the House and Senate are on the list, and tasked with choosing...

Democrats Fault Rahm Emanuel on Health Care

Many believe his inexperience in Senate maneuvering stalled bill

(Newser) - Democrats in Congress think Rahm Emanuel’s lack of Senate experience slowed health care reform legislation to a death crawl. Liberals and centrists have different complaints, but agree that the White House chief of staff’s time in the House did not prepare him for Senate maneuvering. “They're a...

Meghan McCain Rips Palin's 'Retarded' Double Standard

'Exactly what's wrong with politics today'

(Newser) - Meghan McCain had some harsh words for Sarah Palin, Tom Tancredo, and the whole Tea Party movement on The View yesterday. McCain, who says she avoided the Tea Party convention because of "ideological differences," said Palin's double standard about the use of the word "retarded" is "...

White House Peace Reigns Despite Woes
 White House Peace 
 Reigns Despite Woes 

White House Peace Reigns Despite Woes

Obama, Biden have forged smooth working relationship

(Newser) - The nation's fraught mood hasn't translated into friction at the White House, writes David Brooks. President Obama and Joe Biden's working relationship got off to a rocky start but it's now remarkably smooth. Biden isn't the butt of jokes in the White House like he is on late-night TV. He's...

Rahm Emanuel Apologizes for 'Retarded' Comment

Obama's chief of staff personally calls Special Olympics CEO

(Newser) - Rahm Emanuel says he's sorry he called liberals “retarded” in August, and he has personally apologized to the CEO of the Special Olympics. "The apology was accepted,” a White House aide tells the Washington Post . The comment has drawn fire since it came to light, and it...

Palin Wants Emanuel Fired for Using the R-Word

Calling Democrats 'retarded' is on par with the N-word

(Newser) - Sarah Palin wielded her Facebook page last night to call for the head of Rahm Emanuel, who reportedly called some liberal groups “f---ing retarded” during a closed-door health care strategy meeting in August. Palin likens the chief of staff's comment to using the “N-word,” and urges President...

Left Takes Out Rage on Rahm
 Left Takes Out Rage on Rahm 

Left Takes Out Rage on Rahm

Emanuel takes heat for the president

(Newser) - Liberals disappointed with Barack Obama are pointing their daggers less at him than at his chief of staff. Rahm Emanuel is not a popular guy on the left these days—many see him as the obstacle to the change they thought Obama would bring. One liberal radio host called him...

NBC Complains to White House About ABC's Access

Source says NBC wants more Obama interviews; network denies it

(Newser) - NBC has filed a formal complaint with the White House, saying ABC is getting a disproportionate number of interviews with President Obama. The network cites recent sit-downs with George Stephanopoulos and Charlie Gibson, and alleges that Stephanopoulos’ friendship with Rahm Emanuel is helping the network land the face time, according...

Rahm Emanuel May Head for Exit
 Rahm Emanuel 
 May Head for Exit 
hot tabloid rumor

Rahm Emanuel May Head for Exit

Jarrett poised to take over for chief of staff who can't make nice

(Newser) - Rahm Emanuel’s frustration with the legislative process may lead him out of the White House, but it's not clear whether the president's volatile chief of staff will jump or be pushed. Emanuel, a former congressman, has a famously explosive temper that isn't going over well in the West Wing....

Norquist and Hamsher Team Up to Oust Rahm
Norquist and Hamsher Team Up to Oust Rahm
very odd couple

Norquist and Hamsher Team Up to Oust Rahm

Liberal blogger and conservative activist form strange coalition

(Newser) - Liberal blogger Jane Hamsher and anti-tax conservative crusader Grover Norquist agree on exactly one thing: They both want Rahm Emanuel out of the White House, immediately. The two have joined forces to demand a Justice Department investigation into Emanuel’s ties to Freddie Mac. In a letter signed by both...

Blagojevich Defense Wants Obama to Testify

Lawyers seek investigators' interviews with Obama, Emanuel

(Newser) - Rod Blagojevich's lawyers may attempt to get President Obama to testify in the former Illinois governor's corruption trial. The Blagojevich defense team has sought access to federal investigators' interviews with Obama and Rahm Emanuel conducted last year in order to determine whether to call the president or his chief of...

Black Caucus Openly Feuds With Obama

Members boycott a financial overhaul vote as a warning

(Newser) - Long frustrated by President Obama's inaction on urban issues, the Congressional Black Caucus threw up its hands yesterday and walked out on a vote on financial reform following a heated meeting between Maxine Waters and Rahm Emanuel. The measure passed easily, but Waters said the CBC could side with the...

Senate Dems Say Obama Plans Don't Fix Spending

Say legislation isn't aggressive enough on fee-for-service model

(Newser) - Some Democrats in the Senate are worried that reform legislation under consideration doesn't do enough to rein in out-of-control health care spending. President Obama has promised $2 trillion in savings over the next 10 years, but critics say the proposed changes aren't nearly aggressive enough on the current pay-per-visit system...

White House Move Bad News for Investors
White House Move Bad News for Investors

White House Move Bad News for Investors

It's trying to weaken protections put in place after Enron

(Newser) - Belying its reputation as financial regulatory crusaders, the White House is quietly working to weaken a protection for everyday investors. Rahm Emanuel is pushing lawmakers to back an amendment that would exempt smaller companies from audits of their internal controls, sources tell the Huffington Post. The stricter controls, established by...

Libs to Obama: Fight for the Public Option

Reid wants the president to lean on 3 hold-out Dems

(Newser) - As Harry Reid labors to push through a health reform bill with a public option, albeit an opt-out one, liberals are getting more and more antsy for President Obama to step up and lead this effort. They complain that he’s being too passive in the debate, annoyed that as...

Stop Afghan 'Dithering' as Troops Face Danger: Cheney

'Do what it takes to win,' former VP urges Obama

(Newser) - Former Vice President Dick Cheney tonight accused the White House of dithering over the strategy for the war in Afghanistan and urged President Barack Obama to "do what it takes to win." Cheney, accepting an award from a conservative national security group, added, "Make no mistake. Signals...

Obama Bigwigs Take Aim at Wall Street

Says execs can't have their bailouts, and their bonuses, too

(Newser) - Wall Street is getting ready to hand out some hefty bonuses, and the Obama administration is already crashing the party, with top aides loudly dressing down execs, framing them as would-be fat cats who only last year were on the public dole. "The bonuses are offensive," says David...

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