Rahm Emanuel

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Howard Dean: Dems Must Not Cave on Health Care

(Newser) - Howard Dean didn't get the health cabinet post he wanted, and doesn't want the job that's open—surgeon general—but is pushing President Obama's health-care plan just the same, the Washington Times reports. "Democrats can’t cave," says the former doc. Obama’s plan is "perfect,"...

Dems Paint Cantor as GOP's New, Obstructionist Face

Ads, op-eds, even Obama paint rising star as obstructionist

(Newser) - With Dick Cheney gone and Rush Limbaugh already tiresome, Democrats need a new go-to bugbear—and House Minority Whip Eric Cantor is their guy, reports Politico. Democrats are using his name to tar other Republicans in ads and calling the young Virginian out in op-eds. The president himself said of...

Dem Strategists Hatched Plan to Target Limbaugh

Carville, Greenberg conspire to shine spotlight on Rush

(Newser) - Democrats think the hubbub surrounding Rush Limbaugh is solid political gold, and they didn’t strike it by accident. When operatives James Carville and Stanley Greenberg tossed Limbaugh’s name onto a poll last fall, they discovered that Americans can’t stand the conservative talk icon, reports Jonathan Martin in...

White House Reporters Trade Puff for Access
White House Reporters Trade Puff for Access

White House Reporters Trade Puff for Access

The 'beat sweetener' laudatory profile is early-term tradition

(Newser) - Readers of just about any national news outlet might’ve noticed a flood of good press about top White House aides lately. It’s not coincidence, and it’s not bias, Michael Calderone writes for Politico. Called a “beat sweetener,” such pieces aim to cultivate sources by praising...

Blago's Book Bad News for Emanuel
Blago's Book Bad News for Emanuel

Blago's Book Bad News for Emanuel

Ex-gov likely went with small publisher so he could bash Rahmbo

(Newser) - Why is Rod Blagojevich’s tell-all book coming from such a small publisher? The press release says it’s so everyone’s favorite ex-governor can share his story “without restriction over content,” but Cindy Adams of the New York Post thinks she knows the real reason. Blago’s...

Reformer Wins Rahm Primary
 Reformer Wins Rahm Primary 

Reformer Wins Rahm Primary

Without cash or unions, Quigley triumphs in crowded race

(Newser) - An Illinois official who ran on a message of reform won yesterday's Democratic primary to fill Rahm Emanuel's vacant seat in Congress, reports the Chicago Tribune. Mike Quigley, commissioner of Cook County, took 22% of the vote in a crowded field despite lacking both campaign cash and union support. "...

Angry McCain Slams Obama Over Earmarks

Old spending bill proves minefield for Democrats

(Newser) - Democrats were hoping they could sneak the $410 billion omnibus spending bill from last fall quietly through the Senate and onto the president’s desk, to make way for the 2010 budget. But John McCain is having none of it. “If it seems like I’m angry, it’s...

Wacky Race to Fill Emanuel's Seat Wide Open

With 23 candidates in the running, it's still anyone's game

(Newser) - The race to replace Rahm Emanuel in the House is ridiculously wide open, the Wall Street Journal reports, with a whopping 23 candidates vying for his seat. That field will be winnowed tomorrow in a special simultaneous primary, but with the traditional kingmakers—the Democratic Party and Chicago Mayor Richard...

Iraq Timetable Unlikely to Change: Gates
Iraq Timetable Unlikely to Change: Gates

Iraq Timetable Unlikely to Change: Gates

Limbaugh the 'intellectual force' behind GOP: Emanuel

(Newser) - It’s “fairly remote” that deteriorating conditions in Iraq will delay President Obama’s withdrawal timetable, Robert Gates told NBC’s Meet the Press. The defense secretary also insisted that the US military will achieve “significant success” once it leaves Iraq. As for his bosses, Gates said Obama...

Obama Gets Rail Rolling With $8B Stimulus

Prez plots $8b high-speed train network

(Newser) - America's railways are about to get a huge handout: At today's signing of the stimulus package, $8 billion will be allocated to high-speed rail. Though the money will be divvied up according to Transportation Secretary Ray LaHood's master plan, the expansion is truly President Obama's pet project, reports Politico. "...

Stimulus in the Bag, Obama Rethinks Strategy
Stimulus in the Bag, Obama Rethinks Strategy

Stimulus in the Bag, Obama Rethinks Strategy

President will push hard for the agenda he wants

(Newser) - President Obama got his way, more or less, on the stimulus, but the process demonstrated Congress' abiding disinterest in bipartisanship. For future big-ticket items—and there are a lot of them—the president will take a tougher approach, Mike Allen and Jonathan Martin write for Politico. Chief of staff Rahm...

Rahm Lives in Illegal Apartment

Chief of staff rents basement of DC house zoned as single-family dwelling

(Newser) - The White House isn’t the only new house Rahm Emanuel will have to get used to, Gawker reports. Barack Obama’s chief of staff rents a basement apartment on Capitol Hill from Rep. Rosa DeLauro, but a private investigator has discovered that the house is zoned as a single-family...

Rahm Eyes Future Return to Congress

He warns contender he may be back one day

(Newser) - White House Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel may be enjoying his new White House gig, but he hasn't written off a return to Congress, reports the Chicago Tribune reports. Emanuel told Illinois State Representative John Fritchey—one of 11 Democrats bidding for his vacated  Chicago post—that "he may...

Obama Roasts DC's Starstruck Elite at Dinner

Celebuprez surprised to see Palin 'palling around with this crew'

(Newser) - Washington's elite came out for one of its swankiest events last night, but even political royalty got slightly starstruck by new crown prince Barack Obama, reports Politico. The new prez regaled some 200 DC bigwigs at the Alfalfa Club with a speech that roasted friends and rivals, including Sarah Palin,...

Emanuel and 3 Pals Never Miss Their Morning Calls

Emanuel, Carville, Begala, Stephanopoulos talk every day

(Newser) - Obama Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel may have his hands full these days, but not too full to touch base every single morning with three longtime pals: James Carville, George Stephanopoulos, and Paul Begala, reports Politico. The four Dems never skip the chance to trade information and gossip, often in...

Rahm Less Partisan, More Powerful

 Rahm Less Partisan, 
 More Powerful 

Rahm Less Partisan, More Powerful

Obama's no. 2 tones down trademark partisanship

(Newser) - President Obama’s chief of staff has a reputation as a feisty, vicious partisan, but he’s trying to tone it down as he takes a central role in the White House, writes Mark Leibovich in the New York Times. Never far from his boss, Emanuel is more “chief”...

Impeachment Is 'Sham': Blago

Illinois governor says his attorneys are being denied due process

(Newser) - Illinois Gov. Rod Blagojevich says he is being denied due process and accused the Illinois legislature of trying to “thwart the will of the people” by impeaching him, the Chicago Tribune reports. Blagojevich added that he wants to call White House Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel to testify on...

Obama Blocks Bush 'Midnight Orders'
Obama Blocks
Bush 'Midnight Orders'

Obama Blocks Bush 'Midnight Orders'

Weapons, anti-abortion regulations halted

(Newser) - One of President Barack Obama's first acts from the Oval Office was to block the last orders of his predecessor executed in his final days of power, Reuters reports. The White House sent a memo to every federal agency yesterday putting a stop to dozens of so-called "midnight regulations"...

Obama Gives Lawmakers on Both Sides More Say

New prez wooing votes for economic plans

(Newser) - So far, Barack Obama’s line about disagreeing without being disagreeable isn’t just lip service. The Wall Street Journal reports that the president-elect and his team have been talking in good faith with members of Congress—including Republicans—about economic policy. Says one senator whom they unsuccessfully lobbied to...

Pelosi Happy to Let Obama Carry Dems' Flag

A Democratic president will offer speaker support, raise challenges

(Newser) - Nancy Pelosi is thrilled to work with “a president whose vision I respect and whose agenda I will help stamp” after 2 years of butting heads with Republicans, she tells the New York Times. The speaker of the House doesn’t mind ceding her role as the face of...

Stories 161 - 180 | << Prev   Next >>