
Stories 181 - 200 | << Prev   Next >>

Unemployment Plunges to 6.3% —From 6.7%

As jobs report shows 288K jobs were created last month

(Newser) - Today's jobs report shook out far better than economists had expected: In April, 288,000 jobs were created, and the unemployment rate dropped to 6.3% from 6.7% . The expectations had been 215,000 and 6.6%, the Wall Street Journal reports. Those 288,000 jobs mark the...

Today's Jobs Report? 'Call It a Wash'

192K new jobs, unemployment rate holds at 6.7%

(Newser) - Last month, the US added 192,000 jobs and the unemployment rate remained 6.7%. The immediate response seems to be free of either wails or applause. Economists had expected 200,000 new jobs and the unemployment rate dropping a bit to 6.6%—or, as Quartz put it in...

Hey Colleges: Stop Asking Broke Grads for Money

Schools have a lot of nerve given recent grad unemployment, Alexander Aciman writes

(Newser) - At the end of senior year, Alexander Aciman made the mistake of donating $25 to his college's alumni fund. Now, he knows that's "a lot like inviting a vampire into one's home," he writes at the New Republic . He's now constantly bombarded by calls...

Only 11% of Long-Term Unemployed Find Jobs
Study Reveals Bleak Reality of Long-Term Unemployed

Study Reveals Bleak Reality of Long-Term Unemployed

Only 11% in any given month had found work a year later

(Newser) - The situation is even bleaker than it might seem for the 3.8 million Americans classed as long-term unemployed, a new study finds. Only 11% of the long-term unemployed in any given month had found work a year later, according to research from three Princeton University economists, and they are...

Fed: Unemployment Isn't Our Guide Anymore

Yellen suggests interest rates might rise in mid-2015

(Newser) - The Federal Reserve will no longer rely on the unemployment rate as its be-all, end-all indicator of economic health, it announced today. Until now, the Fed has set its goal at 6.5% unemployment. But as the jobless rate nears that threshold , the central bank said it would keep rates...

Long-Term Unemployed May Get Benefits After All

Senators reach compromise on retroactive assistance

(Newser) - Long-term unemployed people who lost their benefits at the end of last year now have hope of getting that money after all. A group of bipartisan senators struck a deal today to extend the benefits for five months, retroactive to December, reports Politico . Because five Republicans already have signed on...

Unemployment Ticks Up to 6.7%

175K jobs added in February

(Newser) - Pretty decent news in today's jobs report: 175,000 jobs were added in February; economists had expected 152,000. The unemployment rate ticked up from 6.6% to 6.7%. It had been expected to drop to 6.5%, but the AP explains why you shouldn't be alarmed:...

Jobless Rate 6.6%, but That Fails to Impress

Just 113K new jobs created

(Newser) - Another disappointing jobs report: Just 113,000 jobs were created in January; economists had expected 189,000, and the average monthly gain in 2013 was 194,000. The unemployment rate did tick down to 6.6% from 6.7% , as had been expected; that's a 5-year low, the...

300 Companies Promise to Help Long-Term Jobless

Apple, Walmart, others will reassess hiring practices

(Newser) - President Obama says he has secured a pledge from more than 300 companies to rethink their hiring practices with the goal of helping the long-term unemployed. The president is meeting with top business leaders today at the White House, but he offered some details to CNN about the initiative last...

Jaws Drop Over December Jobs Report

Unemployment rate down to 6.7%, but meager 74K jobs were added

(Newser) - A pretty dismal number on today's jobs report: Just 74,000 jobs were created in December, the smallest monthly increase in three years; economists had expected 200,000. And while the unemployment rate fell to 6.7% from 7.0%, it was "for all the wrong reasons,"...

Jobless Bill Clears Key Senate Vote in Squeaker

Republicans cross aisle for unexpected success

(Newser) - A bill to revive extended unemployment benefits squeaked through its first procedural vote 60-37, a narrow win that outlets including Politico are characterizing as a surprise. Six moderate Republican senators voted with Democrats to renew the recently expired benefits: Kelly Ayotte, Susan Collins, Dan Coats, Dean Heller, Lisa Murkowski, and...

Dems Raising a Ruckus Over Jobless Benefits

President Obama plans to keep issue in the news

(Newser) - President Obama plans to climb the bully pulpit this week and hammer Congress—but really, just congressional Republicans—for failing to extend long-term unemployment benefits. The White House has concocted a plan to keep the issue in the news on a daily basis, Politico reports. Tomorrow, Obama will invite a...

Unemployment Down to 7%
 Unemployment Down to 7% 

Unemployment Down to 7%

203K new jobs added in November

(Newser) - Today's jobs report beat expectations, with 203,000 new jobs added in November and the unemployment rate sliding to 7.0%. Economists had expected 180,000 new jobs and an unemployment rate of 7.2%, down from October's 7.3%, the Wall Street Journal reports. The unemployment rate...

More Women Working Now Than Before Recession

Record 67.5M women in US workforce

(Newser) - The number of women in the US workforce has hit a record 67.5 million—meaning more women are working now than were before the recession, the Wall Street Journal reports. The previous record for women was 67.4 million in 2008, Labor Department figures say; meanwhile, men haven't...

For 2M Jobless, Benefits Set to Dry Up

Congress isn't looking likely to pass an extension

(Newser) - Some 1.3 million Americans could lose their unemployment benefits at the end of the year, with another 850,000 seeing benefits expire in March 2014 if Congress doesn't extend an emergency plan that ends Dec. 31. And though congressional Democrats and the White House are urging an extension,...

At NJ Fire Dept., Veterans Go to Head of Line

Vets get preferential treatment; 43 hired so far this year

(Newser) - Unemployment is a big problem for veterans, so New Jersey's North Hudson Fire Department is doing what it can to help: The department has hired 43 veterans this year, and the fire chief says he plans to hire 10 to 20 more in the near future. The vets who...

October Jobs Report Surprisingly Strong

Shutdown didn't torpedo numbers after all

(Newser) - Last month's government shutdown was supposed to throw a wet blanket on this morning's jobs numbers, but they turned out to be fairly strong. The economy added 204,000 jobs in October, almost double what analysts expected, reports the AP , which calls it an "unexpected burst of...

Unemployment Drops to 7.2%
 Unemployment Drops to 7.2% 

Unemployment Drops to 7.2%

148K new jobs added in September, though hiring slowed

(Newser) - The September jobs report is out today, delayed thanks to the government shutdown, and it reveals that the unemployment rate ticked down to 7.2% last month, while 148,000 jobs were added. Economists had expected the rate to hold steady at 7.3%, the Wall Street Journal notes, but...

Today's Jobs Report 'Pretty Meh'

Unemployment rate ticks down to 7.3%, 169K new jobs added

(Newser) - The unemployment rate fell to 7.3% in August, and 169,000 jobs were added, today's jobs report reveals. The rate had been expected to hold steady at 7.4%, but 175,000 new jobs were expected. On the decidedly bad-news front, the number of new jobs added in...

Unemployment Falls to 7.4%, a 4-Year Low

...but dig deeper and jobs report starts to look pretty bad

(Newser) - Unemployment fell to a 4.5-year low of 7.4% in July, after employers added 162,000 jobs, the Labor Department announced today. But don't celebrate. That 162,000 figure was the lowest since March, and significantly less than analysts were expecting—those surveyed by Bloomberg expected to see...

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