Dollar Shave Club

3 Stories

Razor Wars Get Hairy: Gillette Sues Dollar Shave Club

Gillette accuses online service of patent infringement

(Newser) - For nearly 120 years , Gillette has comfortably assumed dominance in the US shaving market. But now it's taking on an online upstart in the courts: The company filed a suit Thursday against Dollar Shave Club, trying to stop the subscription service from selling razors Gillette says infringe on a...

Can Dollar Shave Club Cut Gillette?

Probably not, but investors are taking notice: WSJ

(Newser) - By now you have probably seen, laughed at, and forwarded Dollar Shave Club's debut viral video (and if you haven't, you should ). But how serious is the company as a business? The Wall Street Journal takes a look today, and concludes that the company is "surely...

Awesome $1 Razor Ad Goes Viral
 Best Ad Ever Hawks $1 Razors 

Best Ad Ever Hawks $1 Razors

Dollar Shave Club offers 'f***ing great' razors, cheap

(Newser) - If you're tired of shelling out $19.99 for a pack of disposable razors, you might be interested in Michael Dubin's new start-up, Dollar Shave Club . And even if you're hairless or don't believe in shaving, you might be interested in Dubin's ad for the...

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