
Stories 141 - 147 | << Prev 

Troops Bomb Ethics Test
Troops Bomb Ethics Test

Troops Bomb Ethics Test

Pentagon: troops are out of line with "soldier's rules"

(Newser) - U.S. troops in Iraq flunked a survey on battlefield ethics, according to a Pentagon report published yesterday. Of the 1,767 soldiers interviewed, more than one-third endorse torture, two-thirds would not turn in a team member for abusing civilians, and 10% admit to harassing civilians and vandalizing property—all...

Report Uncovered Walter Reed Problems in 2004

(Newser) - The mess at Walter Reed was detailed in a damning task force report in 2004, obtained by Salon, in which soldiers described their frustrations with outpatient care and bureaucratic nightmares. Not only was the report ignored, but the official who sat on it for three years is now up for...

Iraq Is Breaking the Army
Iraq Is Breaking the Army

Iraq Is Breaking the Army

Inadequate training, gear, hobbles troops

(Newser) - The U.S. Army is stretched so thin in Iraq and Afghanistan that it's sending ill-prepared and ill-equipped young people into harm’s way, Time reports. And the surge in troops is only deepening the crisis: Two of the five new brigades bound for the Middle East will skip vital...

The Women's War
The Women's War

The Women's War

The Unprecedented Deployment of Women's in the Iraq War Has Created Unprecedented Challenges for Them and the Armed Forces

(Newser) - Sara Corbett writes in The New York Times Magazine about the role of women soldiers in the Iraq war and the extraordinary toll it is taking on many of them.

Army Battles Officer Shortage
Army Battles Officer Shortage

Army Battles Officer Shortage

Early promotions are used to fill gaps, in violation of regulations

(Newser) - The War in Iraq has left the Army so short of good officer material that the Pentagon is doling out promotions to unqualified soldiers, according to the Boston Globe. In 2006, the Army promoted thousands of soldiers ahead of schedule and against regulations to fill the void left by exhausted...

Pace: Homosexuality Is &quot;Immoral&quot;
Pace: Homosexuality Is "Immoral"

Pace: Homosexuality Is "Immoral"

(Newser) - "Don't ask, don't tell" works fine for Gen. Peter Pace, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, because "homosexual acts are immoral" and should not be condoned any more than adultery within the ranks. Pace defended the Pentagon's current policy on gays to the Chicago Tribune, opposing proposed...

Disabled Vets Get Unequal Treatment

Some wounded soldiers face long waits—the longest in states that sent the most troops

(Newser) - The V.A. is treating some disabled veterans like second-class soldiers, making them wait twice as long for benefits that are, when they finally come, less generous than others get. It all depends on where a soldier lives and how he served—active duty or National Guard. Worst: The more...

Stories 141 - 147 | << Prev