Mitt Romney

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We Need to Wake Up on Global Warming
 We Need to Wake Up 
 on Global Warming 

We Need to Wake Up on Global Warming

Businessweek cover story makes the case, bluntly

(Newser) - It's no surprise that Hurricane Sandy's wake has dredged up chatter about global warming , but chatter isn't enough for Paul M. Barrett at Businessweek . In a piece accompanied by this attention-grabbing cover (via the Huffington Post), he looks at evidence from scientists to insurance agencies suggesting that...

Rove: Romney's Going to Win a Squeaker

Poll numbers, early results all in Romney's favor, says Karl Rove

(Newser) - Political guru Karl Rove may be predicting a Mitt Romney win next week, but at least he's keeping his predictions more modest than Dick Morris' " landslide ." Instead, Rove notes in the Wall Street Journal that Romney has a thin lead in national polls—he's ahead in...

Obama Gains in Swing States
  Obama Gains in Swing States 
Poll Numbers

Obama Gains in Swing States

But he and Romney are dead even nationally

(Newser) - Hurricane Sandy has thrown polling into disarray—Gallup, for instance, has suspended its daily tracking poll—but some data is still trickling in for those desperate for presidential election score updates. Here's what we know today:
  • President Obama has expanded his lead in Michigan, and now leads 48% to

Romney Looks to Swing 3 Blue States

Campaign, super PACs eye Pennsylvania, Michigan, Minnesota

(Newser) - With the election less than a week away, Mitt Romney is making a push in some seemingly unlikely places. Pennsylvania, Michigan, and Minnesota have all gone blue since at least 1988—and Minnesota has the longest blue streak of any state, going the way of the Democrats since 1972. Still,...

Get Ready for a Romney Landslide
 Get Ready for a 
 Romney Landslide 
dick morris

Get Ready for a Romney Landslide

GOP's Dick Morris sounds very, very confident

(Newser) - The rest of the political universe seems to think the race is pretty close, but the GOP's Dick Morris predicts a huge night for Mitt Romney and the GOP. In a column for the Hill headlined "Here comes the landslide," Morris maintains that the debates proved President...

Romney Bought Prop Donations for Relief Event

Red Cross says it's grateful, but would really rather have money, blood

(Newser) - When Mitt Romney's campaign made the hasty decision to transform yesterday's planned Ohio campaign event into a Hurricane Sandy disaster relief rally, they were afraid no one would get the message in time to bring donations, hence ruining the photo-op. So campaign aides ran to Walmart the night...

Presidential Campaigns Set to Resume

Mitt back on trail today, Obama following suit tomorrow

(Newser) - With Election Day less than a week away, President Obama and Mitt Romney are preparing to get back on the campaign trail—or at least those parts of it not flooded by superstorm Sandy.
  • Romney resumes his campaign schedule today with three rallies in Florida, while Obama will start campaigning

Sandy Proves Romney Was Wrong to Diss FEMA

Eugene Robinson recalls small-government point during debate

(Newser) - There's something of a Sandy-related brouhaha swirling around comments Mitt Romney made in the ancient days of 2011: Seems that when asked during a Republican debate about disaster relief, Romney sounded like he wanted to gut FEMA, saying he'd shift responsibility for disaster management to the states—or...

How Romney May Be Linked to Meningitis Outbreak

Salon looks at his lax regulation

(Newser) - Less than a week before Election Day, a potential hit to Mitt Romney’s campaign: Salon reports that the recent meningitis outbreak in the US can be linked to Romney’s failure to regulate when he served as governor of Massachusetts. Numerous problems had been reported at the New England...

How Romney Used Mormon Church to Defer Taxes

Bloomberg reports on loophole he used

(Newser) - Since 1996, Mitt Romney has been deferring some of his taxes through something called a charitable remainder unitrust, a tax shelter Congress cracked down on little more than a year after Romney set his up. As Bloomberg describes it, the trust “allowed rich people to take advantage of the...

Hurricane Sends Partisan Attacks Packing

Softer tone as Obama hunkers down, Romney cancels stops

(Newser) - Unlike much of the East Coast, the presidential campaign hasn't been shut down by Hurricane Sandy. But the dynamics of the race have changed significantly, with President Obama in crisis mode in Washington and Mitt Romney canceling events "out of sensitivity for the millions of Americans in the...

Preacher Blames Sandy on Gays and Obama

Romney also at fault, blogs John McTernan

(Newser) - The real cause of Hurricane Sandy has nothing to do with weather patterns: It's the fault of gay people and President Obama, who supports marriage equality, writes an extreme-right Christian preacher on his blog . "God is systematically destroying America," writes John McTernan, according to the Huffington Post...

Romney White House Gives Health Insurers Fits

Industry could fave upheaval if he repeals ObamaCare

(Newser) - CEOs of big health insurance companies are surely salivating for a Mitt Romney presidency, right? Not necessarily, the AP reports. Though the insurance industry is no big fan of certain parts of ObamaCare, it has invested tens of millions preparing for it—and it stands to make scads of dollars...

As Romney Seeks Center, Ryan Sidelined

His new message: Wisconsin's a lot like Ohio

(Newser) - With Mitt Romney trying to win over swing voters, his conservative running mate has taken a diminished public role in the campaign. In speeches, Paul Ryan is sticking to the Romney message rather than touting his own record on matters like the budget and Medicare, the Los Angeles Times reports....

Do Newspaper Endorsements Matter?

Experts, voters doubt it

(Newser) - Both presidential candidates are racking up endorsements as the election draws near, prompting the AP to wonder whether editorial boards' selections do much to sway voters these days. Says a political scientist: "The short answer is no." Still, "at this stage in the campaign, you're looking...

Will Sandy Rain on Campaign?
 East Coast Braces for Sandy 

East Coast Braces for Sandy

Storm could toss election up in the air

(Newser) - Want to hear God laugh? Make a plan in the path of a Category 1 Frankenstorm. Sandy is disrupting lives and presidential campaign schedules all along the East Coast. Here's what's happening:
  • Both President Obama and Mitt Romney have canceled events in Virginia, and Obama today canceled a

Romney Forced Gay Parents to Alter Birth Certificates by Hand

He took a stand against gay parents in Massachusetts

(Newser) - As Massachusetts governor, Mitt Romney refused to let the state alter its birth certificates for gay parents—forcing couples to cross out "father" and write "second parent" in ink, the Boston Globe reports. A Department of Public Health lawyer warned that such hand-written alterations hurt "the integrity...

Obama: Ayn Rand Is for Teens
 Obama: Ayn Rand Is for Teens 

Obama: Ayn Rand Is for Teens

President makes his case, slams Romney, Ryan, in Rolling Stone

(Newser) - The latest issue of Rolling Stone hits the newsstands today, bearing the smiling face of Barack Obama. The interview within is exhaustive, though it mainly treads familiar ground—as the writer, historian Douglas Brinkley notes, "excessive caution is a survival trait" in today's gaffe-driven campaign culture. Some highlights...

Costliest Election Ever: $1B for Each Camp

Obama already hits mark, and Romney is just behind

(Newser) - By the time Election Day rolls around, both President Obama and Mitt Romney will have raised more than $1 billion—making this presidential race the costliest ever seen. Yesterday's financial disclosures reveal that as of Oct. 17, Obama and the Dems had raised $1.06 billion since the start...

In a First, Romney Cracks 50% in ABC/Post Poll

He widens lead among white voters, makes gains on economy

(Newser) - Maybe his momentum isn't slowing after all. A new poll by ABC and the Washington Post puts Mitt Romney up 50-47 on President Obama, which is within the margin of error but marks the first time Romney has hit the 50% mark. Among the reasons for his stronger showing:...

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