Mitt Romney

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Debate's Real Winner: 'Binders Full of Women'

Romney phrase immediately goes viral

(Newser) - The real winner of the debate? Mitt Romney's line about "binders full of women," which became an instant meme. The Atlantic Wire and CNN round up some of the fun the Internet had with the line:
  • One picture going around shows Hugh Hefner in a library with

Fact-Checking Last Night's Debate

Obama, Romney both played a little loose with the truth

(Newser) - As usual, the truth took a bit of a beating in last night's presidential debate. At least one fact was checked during the debate —Obama's assertion that he did, indeed, use the term "act of terror" to describe the attack on the US consulate in Libya...

Aggressive Obama Edges 2nd Debate
 Aggressive Obama 
 Edges 2nd Debate 

Aggressive Obama Edges 2nd Debate

Prez made vital comeback from Denver disaster, pundits say

(Newser) - President Obama actually showed up for the second debate, and while the feisty contest was nowhere near as one-sided as his Denver defeat, most pundits say that the president made the comeback he needed. Some 46% of viewers thought Obama won the debate, while 39% called it for Mitt Romney,...

Obama Goes on Offensive in Debate No. 2

This one is a lot feistier than round one

(Newser) - President Obama and Mitt Romney wrapped up their second debate tonight, and this time both candidates came to play. The early consensus is that Obama got aggressive and did much better than in the first go-round, though Romney didn't retreat much from his aggressive attacks—on the economy in...

Really? Obama Listens to Nicki Minaj?
Obama Listens
to Nicki Minaj?

Really? Obama Listens to Nicki Minaj?

Pop-culture shoutouts have gotten ridiculous in this campaign

(Newser) - Frank Bruni thinks he's caught President Obama in a lie, but to prove it, somebody has to subpoena his iPod. On Friday, Obama said he occasionally listened to Nicki Minaj—who once called the administration " lazy bitches ." But Obama had been asked to weigh in on the...

Obama's Next Softball Interview: Us Weekly

Romney turned down opportunity

(Newser) - President Obama hasn't done a full press conference in a while, notes Politico , but he's now taking not-so-hard-hitting questions from readers of a gossip mag. Us Weekly is soliciting readers' questions to be answered in an issue arriving on newsstands Friday, Oct. 26. Obama will take queries "...

What Not to Do While Your Rival's Talking

Listen closely, minimize note-taking, and avoid tics: experts

(Newser) - To prep for debates, candidates have to work on more than just talking: They must perfect their listening, too. With split screens constantly in use, President Obama and Mitt Romney may want to give some serious thought to the AP's list of do's—and especially don'ts:
  • Don'

ScarJo, Longoria Release Incensed Pro-Obama Ad

 Now Jay-Z Does 
 Pro-Obama Ad 

Now Jay-Z Does Pro-Obama Ad

Plus: ScarJo, Eva, Kerry are quite unhappy with Romney's politics

(Newser) - President Obama brought in the big guns for his latest video: Jay-Z. The rapper appears in a new, nearly 2-minute video for the Obama campaign that's basically a mutual lovefest. "When the president got into office initially, what he represented to a nation of kids was hope,"...

Town-Hall Challenge: Can Romney, Obama Look Human?

Channeling Bubba could be the answer

(Newser) - It's Round 2 for President Obama and Mitt Romney tonight. Romney is riding high from his trouncing of Obama in the Denver debate, but pundits say neither candidate is a natural at the town hall format, making tonight's debate at Long Island's Hofstra University a potential challenge....

Kochs' CEO: 'Consequences' if Wrong Guy Wins Election

Warns workers they could 'suffer' in letter

(Newser) - Koch Industries president Dave Robertson has sent a missive to employees warning that they could "suffer the consequences, including higher gasoline prices, runaway inflation, and other ills," if President Obama is reelected, Yahoo News reports. The letter was included in a voter information packet sent to workers at...

Romney, Ryan Smack Obama on China

Romney would label China currency manipulator 'on day one'

(Newser) - Both Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan had harsh words today for President Obama's handling of the US relationship with China, after the US Treasury announced that it would delay a regular foreign exchange report—which includes the possibility of naming China a currency manipulator—until after the election, NBC...

'Million Muppet March' Will Support PBS Funding

Demonstration planned for Nov. 3 in DC

(Newser) - PBS supporters are planning a "Million Muppet March" at Washington DC's National Mall on Nov. 3 to defend government funding for the network, Reuters reports. Organizers aren't sure yet how many will actually attend, but "it does seem like we might get close to the biggest...

Romney's Latest Endorsement: Lindsay Lohan

'It's a long story,' she explains

(Newser) - Somehow, we don't see Mitt Romney stumping with his latest endorser: Lindsay Lohan. It seems the starlet is concerned with unemployment—and there are so many jokes to make here about why that might be, we won't even go there—and that's why she's voting Romney,...

Romney: People Don't Die at Home Because They Lack Insurance

The White House and liberal critics beg to differ

(Newser) - A comment from Mitt Romney on health insurance is making waves, especially among critics on the left. Speaking to the Columbus Dispatch editorial board (in all-important Ohio), Romney sought to convey the notion that sick people wouldn't be left high and dry with the repeal of ObamaCare. His quote:...

Swing States Poll: Romney's a Better Leader

Debate gives Mitt a boost, but most voters had already decided

(Newser) - Mitt Romney's debate performance is helping him in the race's key battlegrounds—but only by inches. A new New York Times /Quinnipiac/CBS poll found essentially no movement in Colorado, Virginia, or Wisconsin, with Obama's debate loss apparently being offset by strong unemployment numbers. But there is good...

Soldier's Widow Loves Romney References

But mother of former SEAL wants him to knock it off

(Newser) - Mitt Romney has been telling the stories of two slain servicemen on the campaign trail of late, and the families' reactions could not be more different:
  • Chris Horton: The sniper was killed in Afghanistan, and his widow, Jean, loves that Romney has been talking about him. "I'm not

Obama Needs to Talk About Snuffleupagus
 Obama Needs to Talk  
 About Snuffleupagus 
Dana Milbank

Obama Needs to Talk About Snuffleupagus

Dana Milbank: Focus on the imaginary parts of Romney's plans

(Newser) - Barack Obama is focusing on the wrong Muppet. His campaign's new Big Bird attack ad may have garnered lots of attention, but "Big Bird is not the problem," writes Dana Milbank of the Washington Post . "The problem is Snuffleupagus." Snuffy, if you don't recall,...

Mitt: Abortion Not on My Agenda

But spokesperson walks back Romney's comments

(Newser) - Mitt Romney appeared to shake the etch-a-sketch on abortion yesterday, saying he didn't foresee passing any laws limiting abortion rights. "There's no legislation with regards to abortion that I'm familiar with that would become part of my agenda," he told the Des Moines Register , though...

Hot Debate Question: Sausage or Pepperoni?
 Hot Debate 
 Sausage or 


Hot Debate Question: Sausage or Pepperoni?

But you'll need a debate ticket first

(Newser) - Want a lifetime of free pizza? It's within reach, if you're in the audience at the next presidential debate at Hofstra University on Oct. 16. Any audience member who asks President Obama or Mitt Romney about their favorite pizza toppings will get the prize, Pizza Hut says. One...

Has Obama Blown It?
 Has Obama Blown It? 

Has Obama Blown It?

Debate annihilated his lead

(Newser) - President Obama may have thrown away the whole election with his woeful performance in last week's debate, writes Andrew Sullivan at the Daily Beast . The latest Pew poll numbers show that Obama's lead has been eradicated, with Romney now enjoying a 4-point lead after a 12-point swing. Romney...

Stories 241 - 260 | << Prev   Next >>