Mitt Romney

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What Mitt&#39;s Opening Statement Should Be
What Mitt's Opening Statement Should Be
david brooks

What Mitt's Opening Statement Should Be

David Brooks on an alternative opening to the first debate

(Newser) - In the New York Times today, David Brooks uses his column to lay out the speech Mitt Romney should make to open tomorrow's presidential debate. Brooks' alterna-Romney promises that from now on, he's going to actually be himself. Then he runs down the many problems the next president...

Women Favor Obama By 18 Points
 Women Favor 
 Obama By 18 Points 
Poll Numbers

Women Favor Obama By 18 Points

Quinnipiac gives president a small lead overall

(Newser) - President Obama still holds a small lead over Mitt Romney, and it's thanks entirely to his popularity with women and minorities, according to a new Quinnipiac poll . The poll has Obama ahead 49% to 45% overall, but his support among women is especially strong at 56% to 38%, and...

Netanyahu&#39;s Top Donors Also Show Mitt the Money
 Netanyahu's Top Donors 
 Show Mitt the Money

Netanyahu's Top Donors Show Mitt the Money

Romney writes op-ed criticizing Obama foreign policy

(Newser) - Benjamin Netanyahu hasn't done such a great job concealing that he'd prefer a President Romney to President Obama, and as it happens, his donors feel the same way. Nineteen of Netanyahu's wealthiest US donors also contribute to the Romney campaign, the Republican Party, and/or other GOP candidates,...

Bain Workers Launch Anti-Romney Bus Tour

They're hitting the swing states

(Newser) - Workers for Bain-owned companies are hoping to turn one of Mitt Romney's proudest assets into a weakness. In a bus tour of swing states including Ohio, Pennsylvania, Florida, and Virginia, current and former employees of firms Bain has bought—from Burlington Coat Factory to Dunkin Donuts—are taking a...

Romney in '85: Bain Will 'Harvest' Companies

'Mother Jones' airs another video

(Newser) - Mother Jones is out with another Mitt Romney video, this one from all the way back in 1985, when he was explaining what the new Bain Capital was all about. The choice quote:
  • "Bain Capital is an investment partnership which was formed to invest in startup companies and

At Long Last, Dems Giving to Super PACs

But they've got a long way to go to match GOP

(Newser) - After the Supreme Court paved the way for super PACs, many Democrats were uncomfortable with the idea of limitless political spending—but as Republican-backing groups rake in the cash, it seems reluctant Democrats are coming around. As of the beginning of September, more than 40 donors had given at least...

Romney: Don't Expect Big Tax Cuts

He targets deficit as Obama pushes 'economic patriotism'

(Newser) - With the first presidential debate just days away, Mitt Romney is taking aim at the deficit, an issue even more important than job creation to independent voters, according to a Wall Street Journal poll. He told voters at a rally in Ohio yesterday that despite his tax-cutting plans, they shouldn'...

Paul Ryan Doesn't Call Romney 'the Stench'

Joke column sets off a media mess

(Newser) - The most-talked-about political story today ended up being the story about a story. If you heard references to the "stench" today, here's the tale:
  • Politico columnist Roger Simon wrote a piece about Romney-Ryan with this line: (Ryan) "has been marching around his campaign bus, saying things like,

Obama Opens 10-Point Lead in Ohio, 9 in Florida
Obama Opens 10-Point Lead in Ohio, 9 in Florida
Poll Numbers

Obama Opens 10-Point Lead in Ohio, 9 in Florida

Romney camp says polls are 'skewed' path to victory 'wide open'

(Newser) - President Obama and Mitt Romney are both campaigning in Ohio today, but a new poll indicates that the swing state may have already swung. Obama's lead there has widened to 10 points, according to a New York Times/Quinnipiac/CBS News poll released today. But Romney's camp is still optimistic;...

What Happened to the GOP&#39;s Intellect?
 What Happened 
 to the GOP's 

brooks, cohen

What Happened to the GOP's Intellect?

Don't blame Romney for devolving party: Richard Cohen, David Brooks

(Newser) - Conservative commentators have been complaining lately about a struggling Romney campaign—but it's the Republican Party itself that's the "real problem," writes Richard Cohen in the Washington Post . "While Ronald Reagan had to beat out a star-studded field for his GOP nomination, Mitt Romney "...

Romney, Obama Give Dueling Speeches at Clinton Event

Romney focuses on free enterprise, Obama on human trafficking

(Newser) - President Obama and Mitt Romney are giving dueling speeches at the Clinton Global Initiative today to discuss foreign policy issues. Here's the lowdown:
  • Mitt Romney kicked things off, and Bill Clinton gave him a glowing introduction, lauding his work on behalf of City Year. Romney thanked him, saying, "

Harry Reid: Mitt Romney Has 'Sullied' Mormonism

'He is not the face' of the religion, fellow Mormon Reid says

(Newser) - Harry Reid is a Mormon, and he wants you to know that Mitt Romney is not the poster boy for his religion, the Salt Lake Tribune reports. Speaking on a conference call Friday about Romney's upcoming visit to Nevada, where many Mormons live, Reid said that he agrees with...

Mitt Romney Thinks He&#39;s the Confidence Fairy
 Mitt Romney 
 Thinks He's the 
 Confidence Fairy 

paul krugman

Mitt Romney Thinks He's the Confidence Fairy

Believes his mere election will fix economy: Paul Krugman

(Newser) - Paul Krugman has long derided the " confidence fairy ": a notion that government cuts will somehow spark more consumers and investors to buy. We're seeing another version of that fairy now, after learning that Mitt Romney, at his infamous "47%" fundraiser, also claimed that his election would...

Romney, Obama Play Defense on 60 Minutes

New Obama ad slams Mitt on taxes

(Newser) - President Obama is unleashing the latest attack on Mitt Romney's taxes, following the candidates' dueling appearances on 60 Minutes last night, referencing his 47% comments as well as questions over his own tax rate. "Maybe instead of attacking others on taxes, he should come clean on his,"...

Romney's Tax Returns: How They're Playing

... great on the right, not so great on the left

(Newser) - Mitt Romney released his 2011 tax returns yesterday, revealing that he paid $1.9 million in taxes on income of $13.7 million for an effective rate of 14.1%. Here's a sampling of reaction:
  • Megan McArdle, Daily Beast : Yawn. "His tax planning seems to be entirely unremarkable

Myths About the &#39;47%&#39;
  Myths About the '47%' 

Myths About the '47%'

For starters, they do pay taxes, just not federal income tax

(Newser) - Now that "the 47%" is officially a thing thanks to Mitt Romney's video , the Washington Post debunks some misconceptions about the group in its Five Myths feature, including:
  • They pay no taxes: It's true that about 47% of Americans pay no federal income tax, but most of

Romneys Paid $1.9M in Taxes Last Year

He paid 14.1% on $13.7 million in income

(Newser) - Mitt Romney has released his 2011 tax returns: He and wife Ann paid $1.94 million in federal taxes on last year's income of $13.7 million, for an effective tax rate of 14.1%, his campaign said today. That's slightly above the 13.9% rate the couple...

Latest Meme: &#39;Texts From Mitt&#39;
 Latest Meme: 'Texts From Mitt' 

Latest Meme: 'Texts From Mitt'

Fake Romney talks about spray tans, makes car roof jokes

(Newser) - First there was Texts From Hillary , now there's Texts From Mitt. As you can imagine, these texts are a little less badass, a little more rich guy. Dreamed up by Nick Douglas at Slacktory and spotted by the Huffington Post , the fake Mitt sends texts joking about his birth...

Obama&#39;s Lead Is Starting to Look Real
 Obama's Lead Is 
 Starting to Look Real 
Nate Silver

Obama's Lead Is Starting to Look Real

Nate Silver's model shows the president's chance of victory is strong

(Newser) - President Obama has been doing very well in the polls lately—and it's looking less and less like the product of a post-convention bounce. According to the FiveThirtyEight prediction model, Obama now has a 76.1% chance of winning reelection, up from 75.2% on Wednesday, Nate Silver writes...

Romney Needs a New Boss
 Romney Needs a New Boss 
Peggy Noonan

Romney Needs a New Boss

Peggy Noonan thinks candidate needs to 'get his head screwed on right'

(Newser) - Peggy Noonan raised some eyebrows earlier this week when she called Romney's campaign incompetent . "I was being polite," she writes in today's Wall Street Journal . "I really meant 'rolling calamity.'" Noonan says almost everyone agreed with her dire outlook, including some midlevel...

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