Mitt Romney

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Albright: Why Would Any Woman Vote Romney?

Republicans 'think that women should not have voices'

(Newser) - Yes, she's a "card-carrying Democrat," but Madeleine Albright is stumped as to why a woman would vote for Mitt Romney. "I think there are some who believe they are actually protecting women ... and that it is better for women to be taken care of," the...

Harold and Kumar Join Team Obama

Kal Penn, John Cho reprise roles in new ad

(Newser) - President Obama's latest supporters: Harold and Kumar. Kal Penn and John Cho reprise their stoner characters in a new Obama campaign video, in which the president makes a very important phone call asking Penn's Kumar for some help. Turns out that help involves Penn—a former member of...

Romney Speech a Record Dud
 Romney Speech a Record Dud 
poll finds

Romney Speech a Record Dud

Acceptance gets lowest ratings in Gallup history

(Newser) - Gallup has been polling on convention acceptance speeches since 1996, and Mitt Romney's has received the lowest ratings yet. Only 38% of those polled described his speech as excellent or good, compared to 47% who said the same about John McCain in 2008. (McCain was the next lowest-rated...

Harvard Study: Romney a Hottie, Ryan Is ... Meh

Undergrads rate ex-gov in the 99th percentile

(Newser) - Forget everything you've heard about Paul Ryan's good looks: He is officially not that handsome, according to a Harvard study. Mitt Romney, on the other hand, is quite the looker, the National Journal reports. In the study, undergraduates were flashed images of politicians for a single second each....

Where Have All Our Grand Dreams Gone?
 Where Have All Our 
 Grand Dreams Gone? 

Where Have All Our Grand Dreams Gone?

GOP, Dems mired in tiny ideas. Where's our modern race to the moon?

(Newser) - After three days of listening to speeches at the Republican National Convention, Thomas Friedman grew tired of listening to endless propounding about "American exceptionalism," he writes in his latest column in the New York Times . Fifty years after President Kennedy launched America on a great journey to the...

Not Much Post-Convention Bounce for Mitt
 Not Much 
 Bounce for Mitt 
Nate Silver

Not Much Post-Convention Bounce for Mitt

Poll changes mostly just 'noise,' says Nate Silver

(Newser) - Just days after the end of the Republican National Convention, it looks like Mitt Romney's "bounce" is pretty modest, writes Nate Silver for the New York Times . Rasmussen's poll produced the best result, giving Romney a five-point swing and a three-percentage-point lead now. Ipsos now has Romney...

GOP's Subtle New Strategy: 'Disappointment'

Calmly say Obama hasn't lived up to expectations: Politico

(Newser) - Politico's Jonathan Allen thinks Republicans have emerged from their convention with a subtle but potentially game-changing strategy that he sums up in one word: "disappointment." That's the label they want to lay on President Obama, especially with independent voters. Instead of bellicose attacks on policy,...

Romney Was Wrong to Ignore Troops, War
Romney Was Wrong
to Ignore Troops, War
Bill Kristol

Romney Was Wrong to Ignore Troops, War

Bill Kristol says candidate made mistake skipping the soldiers

(Newser) - Despite having 68,000 Americans serving in Afghanistan, Mitt Romney made no mention about the war in his acceptance speech Thursday evening, earning him a harsh rebuke from conservative Bill Kristol in the Weekly Standard . "Leave aside the question of the political wisdom of Romney's silence, and the...

In This Election, Fact-Checkers Take a Hit
 In This Election, Fact-Checkers Take a Hit

In This Election, Fact-Checkers Take a Hit

Neither party seems to care about getting called out

(Newser) - Paul Ryan's campaign speech on Wednesday was almost universally decried for distortions and inaccuracies , and Mitt Romney told his share last night as well. "The two speeches … seemed to signal the arrival of a new kind of presidential campaign," Michael Cooper of the New York Times...

Romney Speech &#39;Solid, Workmanlike&#39;
 Romney Speech 
 'Solid, Workmanlike' 

Romney Speech 'Solid, Workmanlike'

He got the job done, but Eastwood speech may be the one people remember

(Newser) - Mitt Romney delivered the biggest speech of his life in Tampa last night, and while his solid, heartfelt address did not disappoint, there were no surprises. Some pundits suspect Clint Eastwood's ad-libbed ramble will be the speech more people are talking about this morning.
  • Romney's address was short

Reagan Hologram Skips Convention

Republicans feared it would upstage Mitt

(Newser) - Despite conflicting reports, there really were plans for a Ronald Reagan hologram to wow Republican National Convention attendees Tupac-style, according to Yahoo News . The holo-Reagan was to have appeared outside the convention hall to give a speech supporting the JOBS act—but Republican leaders decided that the hologram might upstage...

Romney: Hope Again With Me

He hails Bain record, talks of 5M jobs plan

(Newser) - A smiling Mitt Romney grasped hands all the way to the stage before a booming Republican National Convention tonight to hail his record at Bain Capital, lash President Obama's failed "hope and change" that America "deserved," and present his vision for the future. He pointedly wooed...

Clint Makes Mitt&#39;s Day
 Clint Makes 
 Mitt's Day 

Clint Makes Mitt's Day

'When someone's not doing their job, let 'em go'

(Newser) - Taciturn Hollywood tough guy Clint Eastwood saddled up for Mitt Romney tonight. People aren't all "left of Lenin" in Hollywood, said a tousled-haired Clint in a rambling 10-minute speech. "There are a lot of conservative people, moderate people, in Hollywood" who "play it closer to the...

Romney Excerpts: Obama Failed Us

'Promises gave way to disappointment and division'

(Newser) - Mitt Romney's campaign has released excerpts from his acceptance speech, which gets delivered in person in the 10pm hour tonight at the GOP convention. One quote that seems to be getting heavy rotation in previews:
  • "If you felt that excitement when you voted for Barack Obama, shouldn’t

What Romney Should Do Tonight

 What Romney 
 Should Do 

What Romney Should Do Tonight

For one thing, talk at length about his faith, say strategists

(Newser) - Tonight is Mitt Romney's big chance to win over millions who may be watching him speak at length for the first time. And if he wants to win, he'll need to make some adjustments, GOP strategists tell the Washington Post , including:
  • Talk about himself—something he doesn't

Oops: Secret Service Leaves Gun in Romney's Plane

Meanwhile, candidate is about to receive security briefings

(Newser) - There was something of a scare aboard Romney's charter jet yesterday, when a gun was found in the bathroom. The firearm turned out to be Secret Service gun presumably accidentally left there by a member of his security detail, CBS News reports. A member of the Service quickly retrieved...

All Eyes Turn to Romney
 All Eyes Turn 
 to Romney 

GOP Convention

Tonight: All Eyes Turn to Romney

Important speech will include rare mention of his religion

(Newser) - Mitt Romney will finally take the stage at the Republican National Convention tonight, in what Politico deems "the most important political moment of his life." Expect Romney, who's talked less about his biography than most candidates, to open up a bit about his past and try to...

Condi Rocks Convention

 Condi Rocks 

Condi Rocks Convention

Recalls childhood in 'Jim Crow Birmingham'

(Newser) - After a command performance by Ann Romney the previous night, another woman stole much of the thunder last night at the Republican National Convention. Condoleezza Rice wooed the GOP crowd with a straight-forward view of American strength and opportunity—one that aimed in part to defend Mitt Romney's wealth...

Obama Gets a Chuckle Out of GOP

Zings health plan: 'RomneyDoesn'tCare'

(Newser) - If the Republican National Convention is rattling President Obama, he's not showing it. In fact, he's cracking new jokes on the stump. Pointing to a debunked GOP TV ad claiming he ditched work requirements for welfare recipients, Obama yesterday shrugged, smiled, and said: “Sometimes they just make...

Ryan: It&#39;s the Economy, Stupid

 Ryan: It's the 

Ryan: It's the Economy, Stupid

He hits unemployment, debt, ObamaCare

(Newser) - Paul Ryan hit President Obama hard tonight on the nation's economic troubles—and ObamaCare—and offered a "clear choice" and goal to cut debt and put Americans back to work. "After four years of a runaround, we need a turnaround," he declared in his acceptance speech...

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