
Stories 121 - 140 | << Prev   Next >>

Moms Who Give Birth at Older Age Live Longer
Moms Who Give Birth at Older Age Live Longer
study says

Moms Who Give Birth at Older Age Live Longer

Study: Those who conceive naturally after 33 more likely to live into 90s

(Newser) - Women who are able to get pregnant naturally and give birth in their mid-30s and after tend to live longer than other women, a new study suggests. Specifically, Boston researchers found that women who gave birth after age 33 were twice as likely to live to 95 than women who...

New Reality Show: Childbirth in the Wild

Lifetime promises 'extreme' safety measures

(Newser) - A new Lifetime reality show is raising eyebrows, especially in the medical community: Born in the Wild will feature women giving birth outdoors with no medical assistance. The network says it is taking "extreme precautions" to ensure safety, including having an emergency professional on standby and a hospital within...

Comatose Mom Has Baby Boy
 Comatose Mom Has Baby Boy 

Comatose Mom Has Baby Boy

Melissa Carleton suffered seizure 2 months ago

(Newser) - A Fresno woman gave birth to healthy baby boy this week, a development making headlines because she herself is in a coma. Melissa Carleton, 39, delivered West Nathaniel Lande via C-section with husband Brian Lande by her side, reports the Fresno Bee . Carleton was diagnosed with a benign brain tumor...

Angry Mom: Doctor Forced Me to Have C-Section

Rinat Dray files suit for medical malpractice

(Newser) - Rinat Dray wanted to finally have a natural childbirth—but doctors gave her a C-section, and now she's suing them and the hospital, the New York Times reports. Having had two C-sections—and two healthy baby boys—Dray, 35, changed doctors and hired a doula to help her give...

8-Year-Old Delivers Her Own Brother

Krystle Garcia went into labor at home, and baby was in a hurry

(Newser) - Usually it's your mother threatening that since she brought you into the world she might grant your early exit, but imagine having to add your big sister to that threat? Such is the fate of Joseph James Snyder, who yesterday morning began putting in an appearance two weeks early...

Woman's Stomach Ache Really a 9-Pound Baby

Jennifer Scollin delivered a surprise baby boy Saturday

(Newser) - Jennifer Scollin hadn't been feeling well lately and chalked it up to a stomach bug that was going around. But when the Connecticut woman woke up Saturday morning with bad stomach pains, she called her boyfriend to come home—and minutes after he did, her water broke. They called...

Activists: Mexican Women Forced to Give Birth in Street

They say indigenous women are turned away from hospitals

(Newser) - Women's rights advocates sought international help yesterday in ending what they call a pattern of poor indigenous Mexican women being turned away from hospitals while in labor, forcing them to give birth on lawns, patios, or parking lots. Activists working in villages in southern Mexico say they have documented...

Opera Singer Farts When Singing, Files Lawsuit
Opera Singer Farts When Singing, Sues Over Surgery
in case you missed it

Opera Singer Farts When Singing, Sues Over Surgery

Amy Herbst says unkind cut ruined her singing career

(Newser) - Hitting a high C is hard enough without worrying about passing gas—and an opera singer in Nashville is suing over the dilemma, Fox News reports. Amy Herbst, a mezzo-soprano, says she was doing fine until an Army nurse screwed up her childbirth operation in 2012. The nurse at an...

Baby Born in Icy Atlanta Traffic Jam

Cops deliver baby girl as snow snarls traffic

(Newser) - Police in suburban Atlanta say they helped deliver a baby girl along a highway when snow and ice brought traffic to a crawl and sometimes a halt. Sandy Springs Police Capt. Steve Rose says the baby girl was delivered late yesterday afternoon. It's unclear if her parents were headed...

Induced Labor Could Be Linked to Autism
 Induced Labor 
 Could Be Linked 
 to Autism 
study says

Induced Labor Could Be Linked to Autism

Study finds increased risk in kids who were induced

(Newser) - A new study finds induced labor may be linked to an increased risk of autism, but doctors warn that more research is needed. The study of 625,000 children found that, overall, 13 out of every 1,000 boys and four out of every 1,000 girls developed autism. But,...

9 Months May Not Be &#39;Normal&#39; Pregnancy, After All
9 Months May Not Be
'Normal' Pregnancy, After All
new study

9 Months May Not Be 'Normal' Pregnancy, After All

Study finds pregnancy can naturally fluctuate by up to 5 weeks

(Newser) - A new study throws the whole concept of a "due date" into question, finding the length of pregnancy can naturally vary by as much as five weeks. The study of 125 women expands upon what the BBC reports are some fairly broad stats: Only 4% of women actually deliver...

Royal Birth Cost Less Than Most American Births
Royal Birth Cost Less Than Most American Births

Royal Birth Cost Less Than Most American Births

And Kate got better care: Sy Mukherjee

(Newser) - Rolling your eyes at all the pomp and fuss surrounding the newest prince in Britain? Well, dear American, allow New York Times reporter Elisabeth Rosenthal to temper the condescension with one eye-opening tweet : “British royal born in fanciest ward: $15000. Average US birth: billed $30,000; paid $18,000....

Hospital Charges Women $5 for Every Scream in Labor

Report cites practice as evidence of corruption in Zimbabwe

(Newser) - The Washington Post has spotted an almost too-hard-to-believe nugget from an international report on corruption: A hospital in Zimbabwe charges women $5 for every time they scream during labor. In theory, it's to curb "false alarms," but it's really about "separating mothers from their money,...

Doctors Cut Umbilical Cord Too Quickly, Study Says

Waiting at least 1 minute may mean healthier babies

(Newser) - Doctors who deliver babies usually cut the umbilical cord within the first minute of birth, but researchers involved in a major new study think that's too hasty, reports Medical Xpress . They urge doctors to wait at least a full minute, the result being babies with healthier levels of blood...

US Most Expensive Place to Give Birth in the World
 US Most Expensive Place 
 to Give Birth in the World 
in case you missed it

US Most Expensive Place to Give Birth in the World

Average delivery is $9,775

(Newser) - The average hospital baby delivery in the US costs $9,775—$15,041 if it's a Caesarean—more than any first-world country in the world, the New York Times reports. It's $3,541 in France, and $2,641 in Britain. And the price hike is not because US...

Survey Finds Proof of Orgasms During ... Childbirth

Midwives report 'orgasmic births' 0.3% of the time

(Newser) - Good news for those of you dreading childbirth: It doesn't have to be all pain and agony. There have long been stories of so-called "orgasmic births," and now a new study by a psychologist looks at the actual numbers. The study author surveyed French midwives, some of...

Couple Plans 'Dolphin-Assisted Birth'

Adam, Heather Barringer in Hawaii for the experience

(Newser) - A South Carolina couple is getting quite a bit of attention for their, shall we say, unconventional birthing plan: Adam and Heather Barringer headed to Hawaii last month, where they plan to welcome their baby in July via "dolphin-assisted birth," the Charlotte Observer reports. The Barringers are studying...

Cop Pulls Over Speeding Driver, She Gives Birth

Has baby on side of the road

(Newser) - A speeding driver gets pulled over en route to the hospital, only for the cop to realize she was speeding because she's in labor. Think it only happens in sitcoms? Think again: An Ontario police officer found himself in exactly that situation this morning, when he pulled over a...

Premature Babies More Prone to Mental Illness

Meanwhile, another study says fear makes labor last longer

(Newser) - A pair of new studies today took a look at pregnancy, birth, and the brain, with one focused on the baby and the other on the mother. The breakdown:
  • The first found that babies born very prematurely—at less than 32 weeks of gestation—were twice as likely to be

Do We Really Need to Chain Inmates Giving Birth?

Maybe the Cook County settlement will change things: Sadhbh Walshe

(Newser) - Chicago's Cook County Jail last month paid $4.1 million to settle a lawsuit by female inmates who say they were shackled when giving birth. Really, America? writes Sadhbh Walshe in the Guardian . "The practices of making pregnant women wear belly chains and of shackling their hands and...

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