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Europe Braces for Greek Exit
 Europe Braces for Greek Exit 

Europe Braces for Greek Exit

Hollande backs eurobonds at inconclusive summit

(Newser) - New kid on the European block François Hollande made an audacious debut at his first EU summit, but the crisis meeting ended without a clear solution to the eurozone's woes. The French president, backed by most EU leaders, supports issuing "eurobonds" to shore up troubled EU economies,...

Hollande, Merkel Set for Eurobond Showdown

New EU dynamic expected to cause friction at crisis summit

(Newser) - Yet another European Union crisis meeting will be held today, but the dynamic has changed since the days when Angela Merkel and Nicolas Sarkozy met ahead of time to fix a strategy. Unlike his predecessor, François Hollande has sided with European leaders calling for growth instead of austerity and...

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