Scottish Independence

10 Stories

Scottish Islands Want a Return to Norway

Orkney Islands say they're being neglected by Edinburgh and London

(Newser) - The push for Scottish independence has been going, well, not very well for centuries, and now Scotland's Orkney Islands are looking to take matters into their own hands. As the BBC reports, local officials, tired of getting what they deem short-shrift from their relationships with both Edinburgh and the...

Scotland's Leader: We'll Seek Another Independence Referendum

She wants to give Scotland another chance to leave UK after Brexit vote

(Newser) - Scotland's leader delivered a shock twist to Britain's EU exit drama on Monday, announcing that she will seek authority to hold a new independence referendum in the next two years because Britain is dragging Scotland out of the EU against its will. First Minister Nicola Sturgeon said that...

In Wake of Brexit, Scotland Threatens Revolt

Nicola Sturgeon says parliament could block exit from EU, new independence vote likely

(Newser) - The Brexit continues to reverberate : As a wave of British MPs stepped down Sunday over the vote to leave the European Union, Scotland's First Minister says Britain could be leaving by itself—and Nicola Sturgeon is putting her money where her mouth is, saying "of course" she's...

What's Next for Scotland—and the UK

'No' vote doesn't mean no changes

(Newser) - Scotland voted to remain part of the United Kingdom, but that doesn't mean there are no changes in store. The BBC , Telegraph , USA Today , and CNN run down what's next for the country and the UK:
  • Scottish Parliament will get more power. That's something the three biggest

Jokesters Erect England-Scotland Border Station

Makers aim to add 'a bit of a joke' to independence debate

(Newser) - The vote for Scottish independence isn't until Thursday, but travel between England and Scotland already requires a passport. That is, if you fall for a joke border control station that a photographer erected with some English and Scottish friends. An official-looking sign on a highway reads "Scottish Border...

Queen Makes Unexpected Scotland Comment

Voters 'should think carefully,' she says

(Newser) - With just a few days to go before Scotland votes on independence, Queen Elizabeth II has spoken out on the issue for the first time. In what opponents of independence have interpreted as a statement of firm support for their No campaign, the monarch told a well-wisher outside a Scottish...

Pro-Independence Side Ahead in Scottish Poll

UK offers new deal if Scotland stays in union

(Newser) - Is the UK on the road to Splitsville? Scotland votes on independence on Sept. 18, and one poll has put the pro-independence "Yes" camp in the lead with 51% for the first time, the BBC reports. The "No" side was 22 points ahead less than a month ago,...

Scots Debut Independence 'Blueprint,' Vow 'Revolution'

Country would keep queen, pound

(Newser) - Ahead of its Sept. 18 independence referendum , Scotland has unveiled a 670-page document (available here ) laying out the foundations for the proposed country. "This is the most comprehensive blueprint for an independent country ever published," says Scottish First Minister Alex Salmond. "We do not seek independence...

Scotland to Exit UK on March 24, 2016?

That's the selected 'Independence Date'

(Newser) - Scotland has no decision yet, but it does have a date. If citizens vote in favor of exiting the UK , the country could become an independent nation on March 24, 2016. The BBC reports that the date is presented in a government White Paper to be published on Tuesday; the...

Scotland's Battle for Freedom Kicks Off

'Yes for Scotland' campaign targets 2014 vote

(Newser) - Supporters of Scottish independence are about to officially kick off their campaign to end the country's 305-year-old marriage to England and Wales. The "Yes for Scotland" drive is being spearheaded by Scottish National Party leader Alex Salmond, whose party won a majority in Scottish elections last years, reports...

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