Affordable Care Act

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Screw ObamaCare, I Want My Dog's Insurance

Eric Wee says his dog gets far better health care than he does

(Newser) - When doctors found a bulge on Nelson's abdomen, they gave him an ultrasound and a CT scan, gave him a blood transfusion, and surgically removed the tumor, and insurance covered 90% of it, less a $500 deductible. And, as you've guessed by reading the headline, Nelson is a...

High Court Sounds Conflicted on Contraceptive Case

Women justices and conservative justices at odds over health care mandate

(Newser) - The Supreme Court sounded deeply divided today as it heard arguments in a politically charged challenge to the Affordable Care Act's contraceptive mandate , with its women on one side and its conservatives on the other. The hearing combined two cases—Sebelius v. Hobby Lobby and Conestoga Wood Specialties v....

ObamaCare Sign-Ups Hit 4.2M
Sign-Ups Hit 4.2M

ObamaCare Sign-Ups Hit 4.2M

But reaching March goal of 6M looks unlikely

(Newser) - The Obama administration said today it's making steady progress on health care sign-ups, but the White House needs something close to a miracle to meet its goal of enrolling 6 million people by the end of this month. It could happen with a sustained surge in consumer demand, but...

People Can Keep Health Plans 2 More Years

White House announces extension on ObamaCare rule

(Newser) - Warding off the specter of election-year health insurance cancellations, the Obama administration today announced a two-year extension for individual policies that don't meet requirements of the new health care law. The decision helps defuse a political problem for Democrats in tough re-election battles this fall, especially for senators who...

Restaurant Chain Adds Surcharge for ObamaCare

Gator's Dockside in Florida charges customers an extra 1%

(Newser) - An otherwise nondescript restaurant chain in Florida is suddenly national news thanks to a new policy: Gator's Dockside has added a 1% surcharge to cover the costs of the Affordable Care Act, reports CNN Money . Participating restaurants aren't trying to hide it, either. "The costs associated with...

Under ObamaCare, My Mom Can&#39;t Get Her Cancer Drug
Under ObamaCare, My Mom Can't Get Her Cancer Drug

Under ObamaCare, My Mom Can't Get Her Cancer Drug

We can, and must, do better: Stephen Blackwood

(Newser) - Stephen Blackwood offers a wrenching indictment of ObamaCare in the Wall Street Journal : His mother, diagnosed with carcinoid cancer in 2005, "wouldn't still be here" without a shot she gets twice a month of Sandostatin, a drug that slows the disease. But in November, her health plan was...

In a First, ObamaCare Beats a Monthly Goal

More than projected signed up in January, though overall total still under target

(Newser) - New enrollment data shows that the total number of people who have signed up for ObamaCare remains below target, but the numbers also provide some rare good news for the White House. Some of the odds and ends:
  • January goal met: Last month, 1.1 million people signed up on

CBO: Workers to Trim Own Hours Under ObamaCare

Analysts figure it's the equivalent of 2M full-time jobs

(Newser) - ObamaCare returned to the headlines today, with a Congressional Budget Office report predicting that the law would reduce the number of hours worked by Americans over the next several years a lot more than expected, reports the Hill . Figure the equivalent of 2.3 million full-time positions by 2021, says...

Hey, ObamaCare: Learn From Colorado's Pot Rollout

Nick Gillespie offers up 3 lessons

(Newser) - What's the difference between the rollout of ObamaCare and the rollout of legal marijuana sales in Colorado? Well, the latter was "overwhelmingly successful." The former, not so much. "Both policies ... fundamentally challenge our nation’s legal structures, business practices, and social customs," writes Nick Gillespie...

Wis. Senator: Here's Why I'm Suing Over ObamaCare

Ron Johnson takes aim at Congress' subsidy

(Newser) - Ron Johnson thinks he's getting special treatment under the Affordable Care Act—and he's so outraged that he's suing over it. The Wisconsin senator will today file a lawsuit arguing that the Obama administration has violated the law by allowing members of Congress and their staff to...

Expanding Medicaid Led to More ER Visits
Expanding Medicaid Led to More ER Visits
new study

Expanding Medicaid Led to More ER Visits

Harvard research debunks ObamaCare talking point

(Newser) - One of the favorite arguments of Affordable Care Act supporters has long been that the newly-insured poor will use primary care doctors more and expensive emergency room services less, saving the government money. But a new Harvard study totally contradicts that claim. Researchers looked at Oregon's partial 2008 Medicaid...

ObamaCare Coverage Makes Quiet Debut

Centers for Medicare and Medicaid reports smooth first day

(Newser) - After years of debate, legal proceedings, and technical glitches, health insurance purchased under ObamaCare began actually covering people yesterday, in what Kathleen Sebelius touted as an "exciting new day for health care." But on the ground health care providers weren't exactly inundated with new customers, in part,...

ObamaCare Kicks In —but Not for Nuns

Supreme Court grants temporary exemption

(Newser) - Before dropping the ball in Times Square , Sonia Sotomayor dropped yet another problem on ObamaCare, many key provisions of which kick in today. The Supreme Court justice granted a last-minute temporary exemption to a group of Catholic nuns who object to providing contraceptive coverage for employees, reports the Los Angeles ... Hits 1.1M Signups

ObamaCare saw big December surge ahead of deadline

(Newser) - is showing signs of life, the AP reports, with more than 1.1 million Americans now having signed up via the much-maligned government website. Almost 1 million of those came during a December surge, which both underscores how awful the first two months were (27,000 signups in...

AmeriCorps Workers' Insurance Flunks ObamaCare

Vista members told they need to buy another plan

(Newser) - AmeriCorps workers and Vista volunteers were told just this month that their health care plans don't measure up to the Affordable Care Act's standards—which is pretty ironic, given that the plans are provided by the federal government. "It's as if the right hand does not...

At 11th Hour, Obama Eases Health Care Mandate

People who lost policies can claim hardship exemption

(Newser) - In a surprise move, the Obama administration essentially lifted the individual mandate last night for anyone who saw their insurance policy cancelled thanks to the Affordable Care Act, just days before the Dec. 23 deadline to sign up for Jan. 1 coverage. These consumers will be able to apply for...

Tech Leaders Press Obama on NSA, in Person

In meeting, they air gripes about the agency's data mining

(Newser) - President Obama met with a who's who of tech industry leaders today to discuss the ObamaCare website. Or at least, that was the plan. Politico reports that the tech leaders—including Marissa Mayer, Tim Cook, Sheryl Sandberg, and Eric Schmidt—were way more interested in airing their concerns about...

Sick Find Key Drugs Missing From ObamaCare Plans

AIDS, cancer meds could cost patients thousands each month

(Newser) - Thanks to the Affordable Care Act, heath insurers now can't turn away sick people. That's the good news. The bad news: They don't actually have to cover the drugs those patients need. Key drugs are missing from some plans, the Washington Post reports, in what patient advocates...

0: Number Enrolled in Oregon Insurance Exchange

The ObamaCare rollout is not going well in this state

(Newser) - Here's how an Oregon state representative describes the ObamaCare rollout in the Beaver State: "It is such an epic failure, literally it's mind-boggling." Of course, Jason Conger is a Republican, but there's no arguing with the facts: No one has enrolled in the state's...

Obama Pushes Back 2015 Health Care Enrollment

Until after the midterm elections, coincidentally

(Newser) - The Obama administration plans to push back the start of next year's ObamaCare enrollment period by a month, from Oct. 15, 2014 to Nov. 15—which would just happen to push it to after the midterm elections, Bloomberg reports. The idea, ostensibly, is to give insurers more time to...

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