Ted Cruz

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Ted Cruz No Longer Canadian
 Ted Cruz No Longer Canadian 

Ted Cruz No Longer Canadian

Canada confirms citizenship renounced

(Newser) - Ted Cruz is no longer the Tea Party's best-known Canadian: The US senator from Texas has formally renounced his dual citizenship and received confirmation from the Canadians yesterday, a spokeswoman tells the Dallas Morning News . "He's pleased to receive the notification and glad to have this process...

GOP Rips Bergdahl Deal: 'We Have Now Set a Price'

Susan Rice again sent to face fallout for White House

(Newser) - Republicans are weighing in on the US-Taliban trade that yesterday set POW Bowe Bergdahl free, and they are decidedly not in favor. A sample of reactions on today's talk shows, as per Politico :
  • Mike Rogers : "The No. 1 way that al-Qaeda raises money is by ransom—kidnapping and

US Busts Russia on Tape With Ukraine Spies

John Kerry revelation comes even as secretary apologizes for the last one

(Newser) - US intelligence has recordings of Russian officials giving orders to operatives in the Ukraine, proving that Russia is indeed behind the forces destabilizing Eastern Ukraine, John Kerry told Trilateral Commission leaders Friday, in a closed-door meeting that, ironically enough, was recorded and leaked to the Daily Beast . "Everybody can...

Rand Paul Wins CPAC Straw Poll By a Mile

Takes 31% of vote to Ted Cruz's 11%

(Newser) - For the second time in as many years, Rand Paul has won the presidential straw poll at the Conservative Political Action Conference. This year, he took 31% of the vote, far ahead of second-place Ted Cruz, who received 11%, the Washington Post reports. Behind Cruz were ex-neurosurgeon Ben Carson, with...

'Ego Trip' by Ted Cruz Costs Republicans

Dana Milbank says he's putting himself above interests of GOP, nation

(Newser) - Ted Cruz has plenty of fervent supporters in the Tea Party movement, but he seems to be emerging as the ultimate villain on Capitol Hill, even among his own party. The latest wave of criticism stems from earlier this week, when Cruz forced a procedural vote on the debt-ceiling hike...

Cruz Bill Calls Out Feds for 'Forcing Gay Marriage'

He introduces legislation to bolster states' rights

(Newser) - Ted Cruz has introduced legislation in the Senate aimed at stopping the Obama administration "from forcing gay marriage on all 50 states," reports the Washington Post . Cruz and co-sponsor Mike Lee say the White House has gone too far in extending federal benefits to gay couples— like so...

After Dicey Vote, Senate Clears Hike in Debt Ceiling

Ted Cruz forces McConnell, other Republicans into tough spot

(Newser) - After a dramatic Senate tally in which top GOP leaders cast the crucial votes, legislation to allow the government to borrow money to pay its bills cleared Congress today for President Obama's signature. The Senate approved the measure by a near party-line 55-43 vote. All of those "aye"...

&#39;Sore Loser Laws&#39; Are Ruining Elections
 'Sore Loser Laws' 
 Are Ruining Elections 

'Sore Loser Laws' Are Ruining Elections

Mickey Edwards on how little-known laws are undermining democracy

(Newser) - How did an extremist like Ted Cruz make it to the Senate? Well, he got a lot of help from a little-known phenomenon known as the "sore loser" law, writes Mickey Edwards at the New York Times . These laws, which are on the book in some form in 44...

Ted Cruz Giving Up Canadian Citizenship

Move nothing to do with presidential bid, he says

(Newser) - Ted Cruz is still a Canadian but he promises he's taking steps to change that, the Dallas Morning News finds. The Texas senator and rumored 2016 hopeful says he has hired lawyers to help him renounce the Canadian citizenship he gained when he was born in Alberta to a...

GOP Plots All-Out War on ObamaCare

Democrats, meanwhile will attack 'CruzCare'

(Newser) - If it sounds like Republicans are reading from the same playbook in their ObamaCare offensive, it's because they are. A memo sent to House Republicans this week detailed an unusually focused attack plan, the New York Times explains. Republicans are to focus en masse on one of the program'...

Republicans Turn Up Heat on Sebelius (Sort of)

President stands by health secretary despite (some) pressure from GOP

(Newser) - Ten Republican senators sent a letter to President Obama yesterday demanding that he fire Kathleen Sebelius over ObamaCare's online debut, but Obama wasted no time in reaffirming his support for the embattled Health and Human Services secretary. "If a similar rollout from any other national company or private-sector...

Cruz on Cheney Shooting Accident: 'It Happens'

While out hunting with Steve King

(Newser) - Ted Cruz has defended Dick Cheney's infamous 2006 hunting accident, saying, "Look, it happens." The GOP senator made the remark while out hunting himself today, alongside fellow Republican congressman Steve King. King said the incident, in which Cheney accidentally shot a friend while out quail hunting, "...

Believe It or Not, the GOP Is Winning
 Believe It or Not, 
 the GOP Is Winning 

Believe It or Not, the GOP Is Winning

The whole policy discussion is still being held on their terms

(Newser) - Republicans may look like they're cleaning egg off their face right now. "House Republicans have suffered a huge tactical defeat of their own devising," writes George Packer at the New Yorker . "But in a larger sense, the Republicans are winning, and have been for the past...

Cruz: Fire Sebelius Over ObamaCare
 Cruz: Fire 
 Sebelius Over 


Cruz: Fire Sebelius Over ObamaCare

McCain thinks it's been a 'fiasco,' Pelosi sees room for improvement

(Newser) - Ted Cruz is less than impressed with ObamaCare's bumpy rollout, and would like Kathleen Sebelius' head to roll as a result, Politico reports. "Absolutely, she should resign. Why? Because the program she has implemented, ObamaCare, is a disaster. It’s not working, it’s hurting people all across...

The 7 Biggest Shutdown Losers

Hint: Most of them are Republicans

(Newser) - "There are no winners here," White House press secretary Jay Carney told reporters yesterday afternoon. This is because Jay Carney is not a political pundit who lives to declare winners in Washington dust-ups. But even taking Carney at his word about winners, there sure were a heck of...

It's Over: House Passes Senate-Backed Deal

Obama signs bill: We need to stop 'governing by crisis'

(Newser) - Federal workers, prepare to rejoin the morning commute. The Senate tonight passed its bill to end the government shutdown and raise the debt ceiling by a vote of 81-18, the AP reports; the House backed the bill 285-144, just hours before the Treasury would have lost its authority to borrow...

Senators Close to Deal, But Do They Have Time?

Cruz, allies may try delay tactics

(Newser) - With the collapse of the House's attempt to end the shutdown and avoid a government default, the Senate is having another crack at it, but it is far from certain that it will be able to pass anything before the Treasury's borrowing power expires tomorrow and the government...

Protest Speaker to Obama: Put the Koran Down

Vets, conservatives, Tea Partiers rally against shutdown in DC

(Newser) - A march against the closure of national landmarks due to the shutdown today attracted thousands of protesters from across the country, along with high-profile Tea Party speakers like Sarah Palin and Ted Cruz. But the attendee who will probably attract the most attention is Larry Klayman, the founder of conservative...

Cruz: Tie Debt Ceiling to ObamaCare
 Cruz: Tie 
 Debt Ceiling 
 to ObamaCare 

Cruz: Tie Debt Ceiling to ObamaCare

Also thinks GOP is 'winning the argument'

(Newser) - Ted Cruz today called for "ways to mitigate the harms from ObamaCare," and he's looking squarely at you, debt ceiling showdown: "The debt ceiling historically has been among the best leverage that Congress has to rein in the executive," he said today on State of ...

Cruz Under Fire as Shutdown Drags On

He pushed GOP into traffic and wandered away, Norquist says

(Newser) - As the government shutdown enters Day 3, a solution to the deadlock doesn't look any nearer—but Ted Cruz appears to be getting less popular by the hour. Insiders say that at a meeting yesterday, the Republican senator was blasted by party members who blame him for causing the...

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