Ted Cruz

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Poll Wants to Know: Is Ted Cruz the Zodiac Killer?

It's the final question on a survey from Public Policy Polling

(Newser) - A sampling of tweets sent within minutes of each other on Thursday: "I'm confused and I'm just trying to get to the bottom of this. Is Ted Cruz the Zodiac killer? Or is he not?" and "Is Ted Cruz the Zodiac killer? I haven't seen...

What to Watch in Thursday's GOP Debate

5 candidates left as Super Tuesday approaches

(Newser) - There are just a few days left before Super Tuesday, meaning Thursday night's GOP debate in Houston gives the five remaining candidates a final chance to make their case before voters in more than a dozen states and territories head to the polls. Here's what to look for...

Reports of Double Voting, Chaos in Nevada Caucus

One Rubio strategist is alleging widespread fraud

(Newser) - It sounds like early predictions of chaos for Tuesday's Republican caucus in Nevada were right on the money. "Trying to catch all the fraud that's going on here would be like trying to plug all the holes in the Titanic," a Marco Rubio strategist tells CNN...

Cruz Fires National Spokesperson After Rubio Brouhaha

Rick Tyler re-posted blog that turned out to be misleading

(Newser) - Ted Cruz fired his national spokesperson, Rick Tyler, Monday, after Tyler posted a story about Marco Rubio that turned out to be false, Politico reports. Tyler, communications director for Cruz's presidential campaign, posted a story from the Daily Pennsylvanian blog on his Facebook page; the blog post claimed that...

Trump: I'll Act More Presidential 'Pretty Soon'

But right now he's busily 'fighting for my life'

(Newser) - In the wake of Saturday night's victory in South Carolina , Donald Trump acknowledges he probably needs to act more presidential and says he'll do so "pretty soon." The often brash Trump tells Fox News Sunday, ''I think I'll be very presidential at the...

Carson, Cruz Held Secret Meeting in Closet

They discussed 'dirty tricks' on sidelines of SC convention

(Newser) - In one of the stranger events of a strange campaign season, Ben Carson and Ted Cruz ended up in a convention center storage closet for more than 20 minutes after looking for "neutral ground" to resolve some differences, the Daily Beast reports. The pair spent around 25 minutes in...

What&#39;s at Stake in Saturday&#39;s Races
 What's at 
 Stake in 

What's at Stake in Saturday's Races

Clinton needs to win big, while Bush may have come to the end of the road

(Newser) - Saturday is a big day for the presidential hopefuls from both parties, with Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders facing off in the Nevada Democratic caucuses and Donald Trump taking on all challengers in the South Carolina Republican primary. How both of those events play out could have major impacts on...

Ted Cruz's Eligibility Is Going to Court

Illinois voter says he's too Canadian to be on the ballot

(Newser) - The question of whether Ted Cruz is too Canadian to be president will be in front of a court in Illinois on Friday, which CNN notes will raise the unwelcome issue for him the day before the South Carolina primary. The case, which will be heard by the Circuit Court...

GOPers Talk Apple, Cuba, Music at SC Town Hall

Rubio says he's never been to a rave

(Newser) - Ben Carson, Marco Rubio, and Ted Cruz took turns fielding questions at a Greenville, SC, town hall event Wednesday night, hosted by CNN's Anderson Cooper. It will be Jeb Bush, John Kasich, and Donald Trump's turn on Thursday night. Some highlights from CNN , the Los Angeles Times , and...

Poll: Nevada Sure to Be a Nail-Biter for Democrats

Clinton has 48% support to Sanders' 47%

(Newser) - Saturday is Democratic caucus day in Nevada, and it should be a nail-biter: The latest CNN /ORC poll finds that 48% of likely attendees back Hillary Clinton and 47% support Bernie Sanders. Clinton is doing better with women while Sanders is doing better with young people, but both white and...

Cruz Took 6 Big Swings at Trump Yesterday

A confident Cruz bashes his rival in New Hampshire

(Newser) - Ted Cruz claims Donald Trump's "reaction to everything is to throw a fit, to engage in insults." On Wednesday, however, the insults were coming mainly from Cruz himself. Six biggies:
  1. At a town hall in New Hampshire, Cruz managed to turn nearly every answer into a critique

Trump: Cruz 'Illegally Stole' Iowa Victory

He's now demanding the results be nullified

(Newser) - Donald Trump's concession speech after his Iowa defeat seemed a bit out of character , but fear not: The billionaire was back to his usual self on Wednesday, alleging in a tweet that "Ted Cruz didn't win Iowa, he illegally stole it." The tweet was quickly deleted...

An Iowa Tie Might Be Bad News for Sanders

Not that Clinton should be whooping it up, either

(Newser) - Bernie Sanders and Hillary Clinton are so ridiculously close in Iowa that the AP still hasn't called the race . A look at what the outcome means for both campaigns:
  • One common theme: The virtual tie is an OK result for Clinton but an "ominous one" for Sanders, as

What Cruz's Win, Trump's Loss Mean for GOP

A Cruz-Rubio showdown is on the horizon

(Newser) - In an outcome that few analysts predicted, Donald Trump is not only a loser in Iowa, coming in second to Ted Cruz , he came within a whisker of being knocked into third place by Marco Rubio. Here's what pundits say this means for the GOP nomination race:
  • "The

In Cruz vs. Trump, One Iowa Number Matters Most

More voters means better chances for Donald, and there's a tipping point

(Newser) - Despite Ted Cruz trying to shame Iowa residents into coming out to vote in Monday's caucuses , he may not want too many of them to show up, unless he knows for sure they're voting for him. Per Politico , voter turnout will prove critical in the race between him...

Final Iowa Poll: Clinton Hangs on, Trump Back on Top

But turnout could be key for Sanders

(Newser) - With the Iowa caucuses kicking off voting in the 2016 presidential election on Monday, the final Des Moines Register-Bloomberg poll out of the state shows Hillary Clinton hanging onto a three-point lead over Bernie Sanders, 45% to 42%, reports NBC News . Martin O'Malley is polling at 3%. But results...

Ted Cruz Gets Bristly With Fox Moderator

'I may have to leave the stage'

(Newser) - Without Donald Trump on the stage, can Ted Cruz take the heat of being the top target? (Which FiveThirtyEight notes he was, at least in the initial portion of the debate.) He and Fox News debate moderator Chris Wallace had a bit of a verbal tussle early on. Chris...

Trump Impersonation Opens GOP Debate

'Everyone on this stage is stupid, fat, and ugly'

(Newser) - There was no empty podium for Donald Trump, but his absence was immediately acknowledged as the 7th GOP debate kicked off Thursday night. The first question went to Ted Cruz, via Megyn Kelly, who said, "Senator Cruz, before we get to the issues, let's address the elephant not...

Trump, O&#39;Reilly Get Testy Over Tonight&#39;s Debate

 Trump, O'Reilly 
 Get Testy Over 
 Fox Debate 
the rundown

Trump, O'Reilly Get Testy Over Fox Debate

Bill O'Reilly tries to convince him to show up, to no avail

(Newser) - It's GOP debate night, and the million-dollar question is whether Donald Trump will show. It turns out there's also a 1.5 million-dollar question on the table. The latest:
  • In a Wednesday night interview with Bill O'Reilly, Trump didn't come close to budging. The Hill recounts

Cruz: Being 'Terrified by TV Host' Not So Presidential

He wants to debate Trump 'mano a mano'

(Newser) - After Donald Trump announced his intention to skip Thursday's GOP debate , a gleeful Ted Cruz offered to debate him somewhere where Fox host Megyn Kelly wouldn't frighten him. "We'll do 90 minutes, Lincoln-Douglas, mano a mano, Donald and me," Cruz told a Tuesday night rally...

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