Conan O'Brien

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Dear Conan: Newark's Not Funny
 Dear Conan: 
 Newark's Not Funny 

Dear Conan: Newark's Not Funny

O'Brien's quips make light of grim inner-city realities

(Newser) - There have been some hilarious moments in Conan O'Brien's mock feud with Newark mayor Cory Booker, but there's nothing funny about the plight of America's inner cities, writes Bob Herbert. O'Brien and his audience are mocking a place that, like too many others in America, is "poverty-stricken, run down,...

Newark Mayor Bars Conan From NJ in Playful Feud

Booker fires back after O'Brien's Newark joke

(Newser) - Conan O’Brien and Newark Mayor Cory Booker have been lobbing insults back and forth—O’Brien on the Tonight Show, Booker via YouTube—for the past week. It started when Conan made a joke about Booker’s drive to improve Newark's health care—it "consists of a bus...

ABC, CBS Urge Stars to Boycott Leno

The Jay Leno Show performing well, but many still want it to fail

(Newser) - Jay Leno touched off a firestorm of industry backlash as he launched his primetime show, and it’s not over yet: Rival networks ABC and CBS are encouraging their stars to boycott The Jay Leno Show since it competes with their own 10pm series, the Los Angeles Times reports. Julia...

Conan: I Hit My Head So Hard I Understood Lost

Tonight host returns, makes light of Friday mishap

(Newser) - Conan O'Brien was back at work today on the Tonight Show, and joking about a stunt accident Friday that gave him what he calls a slight concussion. According to an NBC transcript of tonight's monologue, O'Brien says he hit his head so hard that for five seconds he understood the...

Conan Out of Hospital, Returns to Show Monday

(Newser) - Conan O'Brien is home from the hospital after whacking his head during a Tonight Show stunt. "Conan is resting comfortably," said an NBC statement. "He is expected to return to work on Monday." Guest Teri Hatcher spilled details on the accident, which reportedly happened while the...

Tonight Stunt Sends Conan to the Hospital

(Newser) - He's taken his lumps in the ratings, but yesterday Conan O'Brien hit his head during a stunt for the Tonight Show, and ended up at the hospital. The accident halted production, and a Tonight rerun with guest Jeremy Piven was aired. The scheduled show was to include Teri Hatcher and...

Obama's Guest Spot Points to Newly Political Letterman

Lineup coup as Dave veers toward politics

(Newser) - With President Obama tonight and Bill Clinton tomorrow, David Letterman is starting his new season with a bang—and a marked shift toward politics, the New York Times reports. Letterman, who chose to lay low in repeats last week as NBC trotted out big guests for Jay Leno's primetime debut,...

Leno's Back: 'Prepare for War'
 Leno's Back: 'Prepare for War' 

Leno's Back: 'Prepare for War'

Comedian's return comes at sensitive time for O'Brien, scripted drama

(Newser) - The premiere of the much-ballyhooed Jay Leno Show tomorrow night could revolutionize network television, thrilling Hollywood publicists and advertisers—or produce a stunning commercial embarrassment for NBC. Either way, "prepare for war," Guy Adams writes in the Independent. Leno’s rather noisy return to American television comes at...

Letterman, Not Leno, 'Gets' Real America

(Newser) - David Letterman is handily beating his new late-night rival, Conan O’Brien, in the ratings—just not in some of the key, younger demographics. And that’s due to his singular, quirky charms, writes Peter W. Kaplan in New York, calling Letterman the “last grown-up on network television.”...

Conan vs. Dave? Nightline's Beating Them Both

ABC launches ad campaign to tout its victory

(Newser) - ABC is trying to remind America that it has a show on at 11:35, too. The network is launching a campaign touting Nightline's ratings, which, since Conan O’Brien’s Tonight Show takeover, have averaged 3.459 million viewers a night. That puts it on top of both David...

Don't Count Conan Out . . . Yet

 Don't Count 
 Conan Out 
 . . . Yet  

Don't Count Conan Out . . . Yet

(Newser) - Conan O'Brien's well-documented struggles to find his way as the host of the Tonight Show may be cause for alarm, but it's hardly time to punch the panic button, writes Washington Post TV critic Tom Shales. O'Brien "is to be congratulated for the way the show has been going,...

Phelps Crashed in 'Tranny Hooker District'
 in 'Tranny 
 Hooker District' 

Phelps Crashed in 'Tranny Hooker District'

Plus, Edwards might finally cop to love child

(Newser) - After analyzing the location of Michael Phelps’ car accident, a Gawker tipster reveals that the Olympic legend “may have been leaving the tranny hooker district” of Baltimore at the time, leading blogger the Cajun Boy to wonder, “Was Michael Phelps trolling for a tranny? It's highly doubtful, but...

Shatner: Conan 'Holds Me Close'

 Shatner: Conan 
 'Holds Me Close'


Shatner: Conan 'Holds Me Close'

Actor dishes on relationship with O'Brien, still hasn't seen Star Trek

(Newser) - William Shatner’s beat-poetry homages to Sarah Palin on Conan O’Brien’s Tonight Show have become viral-video hits. Time magazine caught up with the actor and Priceline pitchman to find out about his off-camera relationship with O’Brien, Star Trek, and more:
  • “It's great,” Shatner reports. Conan

Letterman Beats Conan Again
 Letterman Beats 
 Conan Again 

Letterman Beats Conan Again

(Newser) - Dave beat Conan in the ratings again this week, garnering 3.38 million viewers to the Tonight Show’s 2.63 million, the New York Daily News reports. That makes four straight weeks Letterman’s come out on top, his longest streak since 1995. But NBC is quick to point...

Desperate NBC May Move Leno to 10:30: BBC Exec

(Newser) - After months of promoting Jay Leno's move to 10pm, NBC may shake up its prime-time schedule again, moving its late local news to 10 and Leno to 10:30, the network's onetime programming head speculates. Garth Ancier, now chief of BBC America, shared his speculation with critics at the summer...

Shatner Graces Conan With More Palin 'Poetry'

This time, drawn from her Twitter feed

(Newser) - After realizing Sarah Palin’s incoherent resignation address was not actually a speech but rather poetry, Conan O’Brien started investigating her Twitter feed. “Some people have found her tweets to be a little rambling, confusing, and off-topic,” O’Brien said on last night’s Tonight Show, but...

Shatner Covers Palin's Farewell Poem ... Er, Speech

(Newser) - Sarah Palin’s farewell speech may have sounded like random meandering gibberish, but it was actually random meandering performance poetry, Conan O’Brien explained last night on NBC's Tonight Show. To celebrate her obvious gifts, he enlisted William Shatner for a Beat-style reading—and yes, it's as amazing as you...

Dave Trounces Conan (With a Little Help From Paul)

(Newser) - Things are not going well lately for Conan O’Brien. The Tonight Show’s fall to the bottom of its timeslot ratings was punctuated Wednesday when David Letterman pulled in 4.4 million viewers while Conan drew just 2.5 million, the Baltimore Sun reports. That’s the worst number...

Conan Woos Far Younger Tonight Show Crowd

O'Brien lowers median age of Tonight viewers by 10 years

(Newser) - In just one month, Conan O’Brien has lowered the median age of the Tonight Show audience by 10 years, from 55 to 45, the New York Times reports. Conan has radically reshaped the demographics of the program by drawing an unprecedented number of new viewers aged 18 to 34—...

Palin May Give Letterman an Accidental Boost

Is Palin to Letterman what Hugh Grant was to Leno?

(Newser) - David Letterman's recent skirmish with Sarah Palin might be just what the late night host needs, reports the AP. Just as a repentant Hugh Grant, post-prostitution bust, launched Jay Leno into the ratings stratosphere in 1995, so might the Palin flap put Letterman back on top. And her timing is...

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