South Korea

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N. Korea Executes 80— for Bibles, TV: Report

Raft of public executions said to have taken place this month

(Newser) - North Korea has publicly executed some 80 people this month, a source tells a South Korean newspaper. In the city of Wonsan, hooded victims were tied to poles in front of a stadium of 10,000 people, where they were shot with machine guns, the source says. Crimes reportedly included...

Robot Swarm's Mission: Kill Jellyfish

South Korean 'bots aim to catch them in nets and slice them up

(Newser) - Flesh-shredding robots that can devour 2,000 pounds an hour may sound like the stuff of horror movies, but they're very real and come with a purpose: kill jellyfish. Engineers in South Korea are working on something called the Jellyfish Elimination Robotic Swarm to cut down deadly attacks on...

South Korea Is Building 'Invisible' Skyscraper

Uses cameras and LED screens to disappear from sight

(Newser) - Superpowered skyscrapers seem to be all the rage these days. London has one that can melt cars , and now South Korea is planning to build one with the power of invisibility. The country's government recently gave the go-ahead for the construction of a 1,476-foot structure called "Tower...

South Korea Kills Man Trying to Sneak Into North floating across a river

(Newser) - Last week came the news that a South Korean who had been kidnapped by the North 41 years ago had managed to escape in a rare feat. Today brings an even rarer story, albeit with a worse ending: A man who was attempting to sneak into North Korea by floating...

South Koreans Once Again Commuting to North

Workers return to Kaesong industrial park, which has sat idle for 5 months

(Newser) - Five months after it was shut down amid increasing tension between the two Koreas, the Kaesong Industrial Complex has re-opened. Hundreds of South Korean workers crossed the border today to resume operations at the factory park, one of the only symbols of cooperation between North and South Korea and their...

Rarity in North Korea: South's Anthem Is Played

Weightlifter from South Korea wins gold at Pyongyang competition

(Newser) - A South Korean weightlifter heard his national anthem played today after winning gold in an international competition in North Korea, an unusual development between the bitter rivals and a vivid sign of the Koreas' easing tensions after a spring of war threats. Two South Koreans were the only competitors in...

After 41 Years, Kidnapped S. Korean Escapes North

Chun Wook-pyo was one of 25 fishermen captured in 1972

(Newser) - In 1972, more than two dozen South Korean fisherman were kidnapped by the North while sailing the Yellow Sea. Forty-one years later, Chun Wook-pyo, 68, has made it back home, South Korea today confirmed. He's "the only crewman from those two boats to have escaped," says a...

N. Korea&#39;s Latest Demon: Meth

 N. Korea's Latest 
 Demon: Crystal Meth 
in case you missed it

N. Korea's Latest Demon: Crystal Meth

Country is in throes of 'drug epidemic,' says journal

(Newser) - Illegal drugs are a growing problem in North Korea—and some users are turning to the substances to cure common illnesses, the BBC reports. "The whole of North Korean society is being affected by illegal drugs," a defector tells South Korea's Chosun Ilbo . "Some wealthy people...

Koreas Agree to 1st Reunions Since 2010

But Pyongyang wants a carrot

(Newser) - North Korea today accepted a South Korean offer for talks on reuniting families separated by war, but proposed separate talks on resuming lucrative tours to a scenic North Korean mountain in an apparent effort to link the two discussions. Last week, the two Koreas agreed to work toward a resumption...

In S. Korea, Roads Power Electric Buses

City electrifies its roads to power public vehicles

(Newser) - The future is now—in the South Korean city of Gumi, anyway, which just enabled 15 miles of road to recharge electric cars as they drive along, Business Insider reports. Cables about a foot underground generate a 20-kHz electromagnetic field, which is absorbed by a coil in the bottom of...

Hiker Attempts to Traverse Both Koreas

New Zealander wants to document something all Koreans love: their mountains

(Newser) - Hiking is not a popular pastime in North Korea—when you're starving, walking long distances is not a fun recreational activity. But that hasn't stopped New Zealand hiker Roger Shepherd, who has visited the country four times to climb the Baekdudaegan mountain range—the first foreigner to set...

On Korea War Anniversary, Hackers Hit Both Sides

Anonymous group involved

(Newser) - Today is the 63rd anniversary of the Korean War, and both Koreas found themselves under attack once more—cyberattack, in this case. Key North and South Korean government and media websites mysteriously went down for hours, the AP reports. Hackers from Anonymous had announced plans to attack North Korea, and...

South Korea: North Won't Answer Our Calls

Pyongyang refuses to pick up after talks collapse

(Newser) - Relations between North and South Korea appear to have descended into teenage-girl territory after high-level talks between the two countries collapsed yesterday . Seoul says Pyongyang now won't even pick up the phone, reports the BBC. The two countries have a hotline maintained by the Red Cross on which they...

Never Mind: North-South Korea Talks Scrapped

Countries can't agree on who would lead delegations

(Newser) - Well, that was fun while it lasted. South Korea and North Korea scrapped their long-awaited talks today, a day before they were slated to begin. Why, you ask? Because the two countries couldn't agree on who would lead their respective delegations, the AP reports. Seoul wanted each country's...

Koreas Hold 1st Talks in 2 Years

Hoping to pave way for higher-level talks Wednesday

(Newser) - Government delegates from North and South Korea began preparatory talks today in Panmunjom aimed at setting ground rules for a higher-level discussion on easing animosity and restoring stalled rapprochement projects. The meeting is the first of its kind in more than two years. Success will be judged on whether the...

North Korea to South: OK, Let's Talk

Seoul 'positively views' North's proposal on Kaesong

(Newser) - Some two months after it announced the removal of its workers from the Kaesong Industrial Complex, North Korea is ready to talk things over with the South. Pyongyang suggested new talks this morning, and South Korea says it "positively views" the idea, the BBC reports. Via its official news...

N. Korea to Let S. Korean Managers Back In

Proposes talks to reopen Kaesong industrial complex

(Newser) - Is North Korea ready to play nice? Pyongyang today invited officials and businessmen from South Korea to discuss reopening the Kaesong industrial complex , a joint venture in the North's territory that was shut down last month during Pyongyang's temper tantrum . Seoul had previously proposed government talks on reopening...

20% of South Korean Women Have Plastic Surgery

K-Pop fuels the obsession

(Newser) - Just how popular is cosmetic surgery in South Korea? So popular that one in five women there have had it, compared to one in 20 in America, according to the International Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgeons. The statistic comes courtesy of the Atlantic , which mentions it in a broader look...

Suicide Jumper Lands On, Kills Girl, 5

South Korean girl dies in hospital of skull fracture

(Newser) - A tragedy turned horrific in South Korea on Wednesday, when a man's suicide attempt ended up killing a young girl, too. The man, described as age 38 or 39, jumped from the 11th floor of his apartment building in Busan, and landed on the five-year-old, reports CNN . He died...

North Korea Still Firing Away
 North Korea Still Firing Away 

North Korea Still Firing Away

Launches missiles for third consecutive day

(Newser) - North Korea launched two more short-range missiles into the sea today, the third consecutive day of launches since three missiles were test-fired Saturday and a fourth yesterday . Pyongyang, not surprisingly, today blamed recent joint US-South Korea military exercises, Reuters reports. "Our military is conducting these exercises in order to...

Stories 601 - 620 | << Prev   Next >>