timeless news

Stories 381 - 400 | << Prev   Next >>

Climate-Change Denier Vets Wikipedia's Sandy Page

'I don't believe that climate change bullcrap,' he says

(Newser) - Wikipedia's Superstorm Sandy page attracted more than 500,000 hits over three days, but most visitors saw no mention of global warming—because one of the most impassioned editors on the page is a climate-change denier, reports Popular Science . Ken Mampel, 56, an out-of-work media freelancer in Florida with...

Best Defense Against Asteroids? Try Paintballs
 Best Defense Against 
 Asteroids? Try Paintballs 
in case you missed it

Best Defense Against Asteroids? Try Paintballs

MIT grad student wins award with novel idea

(Newser) - If an asteroid were speeding toward a calamitous collision with Earth, we might be able to knock it off track by ... painting it white. The PopSci blog picks up on the novel idea by MIT grad student Sung Wook Paek: Let's say scientists determined that an asteroid were going...

Scientists: The World&#39;s Happiest Man Is ...
 The World's 
 Man Is ... 
in case you missed it

Scientists: The World's Happiest Man Is ...

... Matthieu Ricard, a confidant of the Dalai Lama

(Newser) - French neuroscientists have wired up a confidant of the Dalai Lama and declared him the world's happiest man—or at least the happiest one they know about, the Daily News reports. The brain scans of Matthieu Ricard, a renowned Buddhist thinker, show that his gray matter emits a quantity...

Romney Adviser Backed Bans on Abortion, Gays in Africa

Jay Sekulow's ideology undermines Mitt's new centrism: Andy Kroll

(Newser) - Mitt Romney, man of the political center? At Mother Jones , Andy Kroll ridicules that notion by emphasizing Romney's ties with Jay Sekulow, a star of the Christian right who has advocated bans on homosexuality and abortion in Africa. His American Center for Law and Justice—called by Time a...

Woman Breaks Into Home, Cleans It
Woman Breaks Into
Home, Cleans It

Woman Breaks Into Home, Cleans It

She also left a bill and has pleaded guilty to burglary charges

(Newser) - Talk about invasive marketing. A woman in Ohio allegedly broke into a home, tidied up a bit, then left a bill for $75 written on a napkin with her phone number, reports the Chronicle-Telegram of Elyria, Ohio. Police say Susan Warren took out the trash, vacuumed, dusted, and washed a...

Elephant Can 'Speak' Korean

Koshik apparently learned to make human sounds to bond with zookeepers

(Newser) - Who needs Doctor Doolittle when animals are learning to speak human languages? First a Beluga whale learns how to say "out" to a diver, and now an elephant in a South Korean zoo has learned to say five words, reports the BBC . Koshik, a male Asian elephant, can "...

Bite Your Nails? You Might Have an Official Disorder

Severe cases expected to be categorized as OCD

(Newser) - Those who can't stop biting their nails might soon be able to lay claim to an official-sounding excuse: They have obsessive-compulsive disorder. The Health on Today blog reports that the American Psychiatric Association plans to classify severe cases under the OCD label when the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of...

China Security Crackdown Includes Pigeons, Toy Planes

No dissent tolerated ahead of meeting of congress

(Newser) - Those planning to let their pet pigeons stretch their wings over Beijing tomorrow will have to reschedule. To limit potential protests or security threats before the opening of the Central Committee meeting, the Chinese government has made some interesting new rules, reports the AP . Among them: Pigeon owners must keep...

Bank President Greets Robber —With Colt .380

Peoples Bank in Missouri supports concealed gun rights

(Newser) - A bank robber in a Chucky mask got more than he bargained for when he stole $4,779 from the family-owned Peoples Bank & Trust in Missouri this week—the business end of a Colt .380 handgun. The robbery was witnessed by bank president David W. Thompson, who followed the...

Sandy Topples Old Oak, Unearths Skeleton

The bones are likely centuries old, experts say

(Newser) - When Hurricane Sandy blew through New Haven, Conn., she stirred up one of the gorier stories of the storm: A homeless woman was looking in the roots of a tree upended by Sandy and came across a human skull, reports the New Haven Independent . Police and a "death investigator"...

Storm's Unlikely Star: Bloomberg's ASL Interpreter

Lydia Callis' Sandy ASL updates were full of enthusiasm

(Newser) - There's not much room for positive news in the wake of Hurricane Sandy, but one woman has captured the hearts of those following the news of the storm, reports the New York Post . Lydia Callis is Mayor Michael Bloomberg's American Sign Language translator, and was on hand at...

Visit the Island Where People 'Forget to Die'

Health tips from the fabled Greek isle of Ikaria

(Newser) - Stricken by cancer and given six months to live, a Greek man living in America moved back to his native island of Ikaria—where the cancer mysteriously disappeared. The tale became folklore on Ikaria, where stories of good health date back 25 centuries. Now a study has confirmed what the...

Educated Americans Have Most Debt
 Educated Americans 
 Have More Debt 
studies say

Educated Americans Have More Debt Woes

They 'thought they were immune' to the financial crisis

(Newser) - Think highly educated Americans came out better in the 2008 financial crash? According to two new studies , those with college degrees actually took on more unmanageable debt than other Americans, reports Time . "People with college educations may have thought they were immune to any economic problems," says Sherman...

&#39;Dead Man&#39; Shows Up at His Own Wake
'Dead Man'
Shows Up
at His
Own Wake

'Dead Man' Shows Up at His Own Wake

His family is happily surprised

(Newser) - A car-wash attendant named Gilberto Araujo had to show up at his own wake to prove to everyone he wasn't dead. ABC News and the Guardian have the strange tale from Brazil: It started when another car-washer who kind of looked like Araujo was murdered, and both police and...

Florida&#39;s &#39;Mystery Monkey&#39; Finally Caught
 Finally Caught 

Florida's 'Mystery Monkey' Finally Caught

Newly named 'Cornelius' is probably headed to a sanctuary

(Newser) - A monkey who eluded Florida wildlife officials for nearly four years and became a sort-of unofficial neighborhood pet is on the lam no more. The Tampa Bay Times reports that animal-control officers finally caught the "mystery monkey" Wednesday with the help of a tranquilizer gun. Assuming the newly named...

Women Live 10 Years Longer by Quitting at Age 30

Smoking into middle age is the real killer, study says

(Newser) - Women who stop smoking by age 30 will enjoy huge health benefits and add about 10 years to their life, according to a new study. Those who quit by age 30 still lose roughly a month, and 40-year-olds lose about a year, but smoking into middle age is particularly deadly—...

Want to Lose Wrinkles? Try Thai Face-Slapping

Couple offers face-slapping therapy in Calif.

(Newser) - A slap from a beautiful woman usually means "how dare you"—except at a Thai face-slapping parlor in San Francisco, where it costs $350, the Seattle Post-Intelligencer reports. The therapist, Bangkok-born Tata, says it removes wrinkles and firms up skin without the cost of surgery or a single...

Your Smartphone Is Really Disgusting
 Your Smartphone 
 Is Really Disgusting 
in case you missed it

Your Smartphone Is Really Disgusting

And its bacteria could give you a cold, pinkeye, or diarrhea

(Newser) - Bad news for tech-loving germaphobes: Your smartphone, with its cozy warm screen and constant access to your face, is a paradise for bacteria that can make you sick, reports the Wall Street Journal . It doesn't help that we take them with us everywhere, and that most phone cleaners are...

Store Robber Tells Court: My Mommy Made Me Do It

And court agrees, giving her 7 years

(Newser) - A young London-area man confessed to organizing a robbery at the computer store where he worked—but swore his mother made him do it, the Daily Mail reports. A court handed Anthony Bradley, 22, a 3-year sentence for hiring a pair of thugs to rob a PC World store of...

Shark Falls From Sky Onto Golf Course, Gets Ride Back to Sea

A bird probably dropped it

(Newser) - Nobody yelled "Fore!" at a Southern California golf course when a 2-foot-long shark dropped out of the sky and flopped around on the 12th tee. The 2-pound leopard shark was apparently plucked from the ocean by a bird, then dropped on San Juan Hills Golf Club. No one...

Stories 381 - 400 | << Prev   Next >>