World Cup

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USA Flubs World Cup Pitch, Still Likely to Win

Bill Clinton, Morgan Freeman push US bid to FIFA

(Newser) - Soccer's governing body chooses the country to host the 2022 World Cup today and the US is widely expected to win—despite a somewhat shambolic presentation yesterday. Bill Clinton's speech was long and rambling and Morgan Freeman accidentally skipped a page in his script, but Team USA star Landon Donovan...

Church Cries Foul on Dutch Soccer Mass

Pastor suspended after praying for Holland to beat Spain

(Newser) - A Dutch priest is in hot water for praying— in vain —that the Netherlands would defeat Spain at a Mass celebrated the day of the World Cup final, reports the BBC . Paul Vlaar decorated his church in the team color, orange; wore orange and white vestments; and played along...

World Cup Gambling Rings Busted in Asia

More than 5,000 arrested in China, Singapore, Thailand

(Newser) - Illegal gambling dens across Asia are being rolled up in a post-World Cup crackdown. Police in China, Malaysia, Thailand, and Singapore have found almost 800 illegal gambling dens, arrested more than 5,000 people, and seized almost $10 million in bets, the BBC reports . The establishments handled more than $155...

Cops Foil New Uganda Attack, Bust Duo

Bomb in bag abandoned in popular hangout

(Newser) - Terrorists planted yet another bomb in a crowded bar in the Ugandan capital last night, but police foiled the attempted attack following a tip off from the bar's management. "A cell phone kept ringing from the bag and when an attendant opened the bag, the phone was attached to...

Vengeful TV Host Throws Octopus Into Blender
 Vengeful TV Host 
 Throws Octopus 
 Into Blender  
world cup fallout

Vengeful TV Host Throws Octopus Into Blender

Relative of Paul the psychic cephalopod meets grisly end

(Newser) - And you thought the run on octopus recipes was bad—a relative of Paul the newly retired World Cup psychic wound up in a blender on Argentine TV, reports the UK Sun . "Adios," Roberto Pettinato croons to the "pulpo Nazi" as he takes shooting the messenger to...

Paul the World Cup Octopus Retires

No more psychic stuff for this cephalopod

(Newser) - Paul, the octopus who correctly predicted eight out of eight World Cup outcomes, including the final match , is retiring. He’s taking a “step back from the official oracle business,” a spokesperson for his Germany aquarium tells the AP . “He won't give any more oracle predictions—either...

Spain Fans Party in the Streets
 Spain Fans Party in the Streets 
world cup

Spain Fans Party in the Streets

World Cup victory over the Netherlands sparks nationwide celebrations

(Newser) - Cries of "Viva Espana" are echoing through the streets of Spain as fans celebrate the national team's first World Cup title. "It's an extraordinary feeling, of happiness and nerves," one reveler in Madrid tells AFP . Says another: "We are very proud and very happy." Spotted...

Smugglers Make Fake World Cup Out of Coke

Colombian police seize illegal replica after noticing peeling paint

(Newser) - Colombian investigators didn't like the "bad condition" of the gold paint on what at first appeared to be a World Cup trophy, so they had it checked—and found that the trophy seized at the Bogota airport consisted of 24 pounds of cocaine. The real thing is solid gold...

US Team Has Soccer Rarity: College Grads

Rest of the world skips straight to the pros

(Newser) - The United States may not have the best team at the World Cup, but it definitely has the best educated, because American players actually go to college, the Wall Street Journal reports. In the rest of the world, promising stars get pro jobs so fast it would make LeBron James’...

Here's USA's Winning Goal
 Here's USA's 
 Winning Goal 
world cup

Here's USA's Winning Goal

Landon Donovan chips it in to save the team

(Newser) - Even American sports fans who roll their eyes at soccer have to appreciate the drama of Landon Donovan's clutch goal in the waning moments of today's World Cup game against Algeria. He doesn't knock that in, and the US is done. Instead, they're advancing to the knockout round with a...

Celebrate the World Cup With Lion Burgers?

Arizona $21 lion burger raises animal rights ire

(Newser) - If the US beats Algeria today, soccer fans in Phoenix, Arizona, can celebrate with a World Cup-inspired lion burger, served with spicy fries and corn on the cob for the lion-sized price of $21. A Phoenix restaurant is offering the lion burgers in honor of World Cup host nation South...

US Faces Decisive Match Against Algeria
 US Faces Decisive Match 
 Against Algeria 
It's Do-or-Die Day

US Faces Decisive Match Against Algeria

It's probably a win-or-go-home scenario

(Newser) - One more game, one last chance to make their reputation. When the Americans play Algeria at the World Cup today (10am Eastern), they'll either live up to all the hype and earn a spot among the final 16 teams—or lose a watershed opportunity. "It's important for us because...

US-Slovenia Spotlight Shines on Ref
 US-Slovenia Spotlight 
 Shines on Ref 
world cup

US-Slovenia Spotlight Shines on Ref

Koman Coulibaly of Mali stirs controversy by nullifying late goal

(Newser) - The most famous person in American soccer today isn't an American or a soccer player: He's Koman Coulibaly, a World Cup referee from Mali. In today's US-Slovenia match , a 2-2 draw, Coulibaly awarded a free kick on an obvious dive, then negated a goal that would have given the Americans...

Head-Turning Reporter Blamed for Spanish Loss
Head-Turning Reporter Blamed for Spanish Loss
world cup

Head-Turning Reporter Blamed for Spanish Loss

Fans: Keeper's squeeze should stay off the pitch

(Newser) - Spanish soccer fans are blaming their country's shock World Cup loss to Switzerland not on the goalkeeper who let the game's only goal in, but on his girlfriend. Sara Carbonero, the girlfriend of goalie Iker Casillas, is a sports reporter for Spanish TV, and fans charge that her über-comely...

Vuvuzela: Horn of Deafness, Disease
 Vuvuzela: Horn of 
 Deafness, Disease 
Beyond annoying

Vuvuzela: Horn of Deafness, Disease

Horn is dangerously loud, a great way to disseminate disease

(Newser) - The only good thing that can be said about the vuvuzela, it appears, is that it's beloved to its devotees: Not only is it annoying to everyone else, but it's apt to destroy your hearing and scatter germs everywhere just for good measure. The Wall Street Journal takes a stern...

Annoying Horns Here to Stay
 Annoying Horns Here to Stay 
world cup

Annoying Horns Here to Stay

World Cup officials won't ban vuvuzela

(Newser) - World Cup fans and teams will have to learn to live with the blaring of plastic horns: Organizers have no plans to ban the vuvuzela, Reuters reports. Though the horns are tormenting players and spectators , a rep says, "Vuvuzelas are here to stay and will never be banned. People...

World Cup May Silence Annoying Horns

Organizers weigh ban on vuvuzelas

(Newser) - The nonstop drone of plastic horns has been the soundtrack of the World Cup so far, on and off the field, and they're so annoying that FIFA is considering a ban. It can't come soon enough for some. "We can't sleep at night because of the vuvuzelas." the...

UK Tabs Crucify Goalie: 'Hand of Clod'

Clever meanness heaped on bumbling keeper

(Newser) - England goalkeeper Robert Green is getting knocked around by today's British newspapers. Green's the keeper who fumbled Clint Dempsey's 25-yard shot last night, giving the United States a 1-1 surprising tie with England in the World Cup opener for both teams. The banner in the News of the World and...

Mandela's Great-Grandchild Killed in World Cup Crash

13-year-old was in car accident after concert

(Newser) - Nelson Mandela's 13-year-old great-granddaughter was killed in a car crash on the way home from a concert in Soweto on the eve of the World Cup. Zenani Mandela died in the one-car accident after attending the World Cup kickoff concert at the Orlando Stadium. Police have charged the unidentified driver...

World Cup Refs Learn English Swear Words

They want to be prepared for Wayne Rooney

(Newser) - The referees for Saturday’s US/England World Cup match have specifically brushed up on English profanity in an effort to crack down on foul language. In a move sure to terrify Wayne Rooney, Brazilian referee Carlos Eugenio Simon has had his team memorize 20 curse words. “We can’t...

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