Hillary Clinton 2016

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Ted Cruz Mocks Clinton in Office Space Parody

'It feels good to be a Clinton'

(Newser) - The people making ads for Ted Cruz may not be familiar with softcore porn , but they've clearly seen Office Space. A newly released video goes after Hillary Clinton in memorable fashion by parodying a scene from the movie. In "It Feels Good to Be a Clinton," an...

Sanders Narrows Clinton's Lead Nationally

Meanwhile, Trump continues to cruise

(Newser) - Following his decisive victory in the New Hampshire primary this week, Bernie Sanders narrowed the gap between himself and Hillary Clinton in a national poll released Friday, the Hill reports. According to the Morning Consult survey , Clinton has the support of 46% of likely Democratic voters versus Sanders' 39%. It'...

Bill Clinton Accuser to Campaign Against Hillary

Kathleen Willey joins 'RAPE PAC'

(Newser) - A woman who says Bill Clinton sexually assaulted her is now campaigning against Hillary Clinton. Kathleen Willey, who says Clinton groped her in an Oval Office hallway when she was a White House volunteer in 1993, will be a paid national spokesperson for an anti-Clinton PAC that will become active...

Bill Clinton: Sanders Is 'Hermetically Sealed' Off From Reality

Ex-president Clinton goes on offensive against Vermont senator at NH event

(Newser) - Attacking Bernie Sanders is becoming a Clinton family affair. Just weeks after Chelsea railed against Sanders' health care plan , Bill Clinton—whom the Washington Post called a "doomsday device" for his wife's campaign—took to a New Hampshire stage Sunday to address what he calls dishonest and "...

Gloria Steinem to Female Bernie Fans: Sorry for What I Said

Feminist icon says women back Sanders for a personal reason

(Newser) - Are young women supporting Bernie Sanders just to meet young guys? That's what Gloria Steinem seemed to be saying on HBO's Real Time With Bill Maher on Friday night, MSNBC reports. "Women get more radical as we get older," Steinem says. "Men tend to get...

Biggest Lines From the Democratic Debate

“Experience is not the only point. Judgment is'

(Newser) - The first one-on-one debate of the 2016 election provided Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders plenty of opportunity to make their points and land punches. Here are some of the night's biggest lines: (The Washington Post has a full transcript.)
  • Clinton: "If you've got something to say,

Clinton Accuses Sanders of 'Very Artful Smear'

'If you've got something to say, say it,' she charges

(Newser) - The big attention-getter from the first half of Thursday night's debate is Hillary Clinton accusing Bernie Sanders of a "very artful smear" about her record. Clinton said the Sanders' campaign has been suggesting that she's too cozy with Wall Street donors, reports CNN . "Time and time...

Clinton: Yes, I'm a Progressive

Sanders has an unrealistic definition, she complains

(Newser) - Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders hit upon a familiar theme of late early in their debate Thursday night: Who is the true progressive on the stage? Clinton for her part quickly busted out what is becoming a common line: "I am a progressive who gets things done," she...

Clinton Not Connecting With Millennial Women
 Clinton Not Connecting 
 With Millennial Women 
the rundown

Clinton Not Connecting With Millennial Women

'Glass ceiling' argument isn't resonating with younger voters

(Newser) - Bernie Sanders didn't just defeat Hillary Clinton among the under-30 set in Iowa, he trounced her by an incredible margin of 6:1. And that holds true when looking solely at young female voters. What gives? Some related coverage:
  • Clinton "has aggressively reached out to young women with

Myth-Busting: Coin Tosses Didn't Decide Iowa Race

Besides, Sanders won several of them, too

(Newser) - Lots of headlines floating around Tuesday suggested that Hillary Clinton eked out her win in Iowa thanks to coin flips. Not so much, explains NPR . For starters, contrary to initial reports that Clinton had gone a remarkable 6-for-6, it turns out there were several more flips involved, and Sanders won...

AP Declares Clinton Victor in Iowa

Sanders will not challenge

(Newser) - It took some 17 hours after caucusing began, but the AP has finally declared Hillary Clinton the winner in Iowa. The state Democratic Party had Clinton with 49.8% of the vote and Sanders with 49.6%, reports the Des Moines Register . And the results will stand: State party officials...

How O'Malley Could Crown Iowa's Winner

Caucuses' quirky rules could make him more powerful

(Newser) - Martin O'Malley may be in a position to swing the Iowa caucuses toward either of his Democratic rivals—but the perpetually third-place candidate says that won't happen. As the Wall Street Journal explains, a candidate who lacks 15% of caucus-goers at any of Iowa's 1,600 caucus...

Justice Obama? 'Great Idea,' Says Clinton

She tells Iowa crowd she'd consider her former boss

(Newser) - From President Obama to Justice Obama? It could happen. Hillary Clinton says she would consider appointing Obama to the Supreme Court should she take his place in the Oval Office. Clinton looked pleased and a little surprised when a man at a campaign event in Deocorah, Iowa, asked her about...

Best Lines From the Democratic Town Hall

'You campaign in poetry. You govern in prose,' Clinton says

(Newser) - With a week to go before the Iowa caucuses begin, Hillary Clinton, Bernie Sanders, and Martin O'Malley treated a CNN town hall event as their last chance to make a pitch to the state's voters. But this was no debate: The candidates appeared in turn to take questions...

Walter Scott Lawyer Jumps to Sanders in Critical SC

Justin Bamberg yanks his support for Clinton

(Newser) - Justin Bamberg, a South Carolina lawmaker and lawyer for the family of Walter Scott , the man gunned down by a North Charleston cop, made a surprise political announcement Monday: He's taking back his endorsement of Hillary Clinton and throwing it Bernie Sanders' way instead, the New York Times reports....

&#39;Neutral&#39; Obama Sounds Like He Favors Clinton
'Neutral' Obama Sounds
Like He Favors Clinton

'Neutral' Obama Sounds Like He Favors Clinton

Opinion: President just 'undercut' Sanders in an interview

(Newser) - President Obama has promised to remain neutral during the Democratic primary, but a number of stories are suggesting that his public comments reveal him to be squarely in camp Clinton. In an interview with Politico , for instance, Obama downplayed the suggestion that Bernie Sanders is tapping into the same kind...

Sanders Gives Clinton a 'Nightmare' Scenario in NH

Sanders leads by 27 points among likely Democrats in NH

(Newser) - Things have gone "from bad to nightmare" for Hillary Clinton thanks to a new CNN/WMUR poll out of New Hampshire, per the Washington Post . The poll—which quizzed 927 of the state's likely Democrats from Jan. 13 to 18—shows Bernie Sanders has expanded a solid lead in...

Who Won, Lost Democratic Debate
 Who Won, Lost 
 Democratic Debate 

Who Won, Lost Democratic Debate

Sanders aimed for the heart; Clinton, the head

(Newser) - The last Democratic debate before Iowa and New Hampshire vote took place Sunday night in South Carolina—and Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders were taking no prisoners. The pair clashed over and over again throughout the debate, while Martin O'Malley failed to make much of an impact. Here's...

Clinton on Relationship With Putin: &#39;It&#39;s, Um, Interesting&#39;
Clinton on Relationship With Putin: 'It's, Um, Interesting'

Clinton on Relationship With Putin: 'It's, Um, Interesting'

As it so often is with 'bullies'

(Newser) - Asked by Lester Holt to describe her relationship with Vladimir Putin, Hillary Clinton paused, laughed a little, and said, "It's, um, it's interesting," to laughter. "It's one I think of respect. We've had some very tough dealings with one another and I know...

The Gloves Quickly Come Off
 Clinton, Sanders 
 Quickly Take Gloves Off 

Clinton, Sanders Quickly Take Gloves Off

Democrats tangle on gun control, health care

(Newser) - Ready to rumble, Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders jumped into Sunday's presidential debate by quickly tangling over who's tougher on gun control and sketching differing visions for health care in America. It's the last Democratic matchup before voting in the 2016 race begins in two weeks, with...

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