Hillary Clinton 2016

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Unsavory Donors Put Clinton in Bind on Women's Rights

Saudi Arabia has provided some $10M to Clinton Foundation since 2001

(Newser) - Next month will likely see Hillary Clinton announce she's running for president, the New York Times reports, and women's rights are set to be a theme of her campaign. Though she has long championed the issue, things have recently gotten complicated: The Bill, Hillary & Chelsea Clinton Foundation...

Clinton Only Used Personal Email at State

Staff only recently provided 55K pages of email to government

(Newser) - Hillary Clinton's communications as secretary of the State Department may have broken the rules. She used a personal email account, the New York Times reports, and it seems she didn't have a government one. The Federal Records Act says her emails should have been held on government servers,...

Hillary Has Private Meeting With Elizabeth Warren

NY Times reports on 'cordial and productive' get-together

(Newser) - It's that season when one-on-one meetings between almost-official candidates and prominent members of the I-have-no-intention-to-run camp make headlines. In this case, the New York Times reports that Hillary Clinton met privately with Elizabeth Warren in December in what was described as a "cordial and productive" get-together. The Times ...

Clinton Tweet: World Is Round, Vaccines Work

Another potential 2016 candidate weighs in after Christie comments

(Newser) - After Chris Christie's call for "choice" in vaccination landed him in trouble , Hillary Clinton is making no bones about her own position. "The science is clear: The earth is round, the sky is blue, and #vaccineswork. Let's protect all our kids. #GrandmothersKnowBest," she posted on...

If Hillary Runs, We Need Specifics, Not Platitudes

Eugene Robinson: She must lay out her vision

(Newser) - Hillary Clinton's appearance in Iowa last weekend—"I'm baaaaack," she told the crowd—brings us closer to the political reality everybody expects: She's running in 2016. But then what? wonders Eugene Robinson in the Washington Post . Electing a female president might be a "great...

Hillary Says When She'll Decide on Presidency

Clinton figures she'll 'probably' decide by early 2015

(Newser) - The latest on Hillary Clinton's possible presidential run: She'll decide by early next year. Or so she said when asked about it today at a forum in Mexico City , MSNBC reports. "I am going to be making a decision … probably after the first of the year...

Ark. Republican: Clinton Would 'Get Shot at State Line'

Party official says comment 'out of context'

(Newser) - A GOP official in Arkansas says if Hillary Clinton runs for president, she shouldn't expect much support in her onetime home state. In fact, "she'd probably get shot at the state line," 2nd Congressional District chairman Johnny Rhoda told US News and World Report . "Nobody...

Clinton: I Wanted to Arm Syrian Rebels

Poll gives mixed numbers on possible presidential run

(Newser) - If Hillary Clinton had had her way, the US would have armed Syrian rebels "two-plus years ago," she says. The former secretary of state told CNN that she, the defense secretary, and the head of the CIA sought to arm moderates, but the president disagreed. "We pushed...

Hillary: Time to Shatter &#39;Highest Glass Ceiling&#39;
 Hillary: Time to 
 Shatter 'Highest 
 Glass Ceiling' 


Hillary: Time to Shatter 'Highest Glass Ceiling'

Says, 'I know I have a decision to make'

(Newser) - Hillary Clinton sits down with People magazine for a cover story, and the one media outlet you think might let The Subject of Unending Speculation go, in fact does not. "I know I have a decision to make," she says of making a second run for the Oval...

Karl Rove Hints Hillary Suffered Brain Damage

Tosses out possibility her 2012 fall was more serious than indicated

(Newser) - Karl Rove is busily stirring the 2016 pot, not-so-subtly suggesting last week that Hillary Clinton may have brain damage. At a conference near LA Thursday, Rove brought up the December 2012 fall, concussion , and subsequent blood clot that delayed Clinton from testifying about the Benghazi attack, Politico reports. Page Six...

Crackpot Conspiracists Love Chelsea Pregnancy

Timing is staged, they think, or maybe she's ... faking?

(Newser) - If you thought it was laughable when Rush Limbaugh suggested Hillary Clinton staged that shoe-throwing incident, wait until you hear the latest conspiracy theory related to the Clintons: Some pundits on the right-wing fringe are suggesting Chelsea Clinton is faking her pregnancy —or, at the very least, that she...

Limbaugh: Clinton Staged Shoe-Throwing

Suspect disrupted Holmes hearing in 2012

(Newser) - Is Hillary Clinton gearing up for a White House run by having stooges chuck shoes at her? That appears to be Rush Limbaugh's theory: He told listeners yesterday that he has "people telling me her reaction wasn’t natural," Politico reports. He explained that he found it...

Hillary's Past a 'Carcass' We Relentlessly Pick Clean

Columnists discuss the issue of Clinton's past

(Newser) - Now that the journals of Hillary Clinton's late best friend , Diane Blair, have come to light, is there anything about the former secretary of state we don't know? That's the question on Frank Bruni's mind. He's not saying the Washington Free Beacon shouldn't have...

As Hillary Mulls 2016, Loyalists Lay Groundwork

Politico reports on behind-the-scenes 'shadow campaign'

(Newser) - Is Hillary Clinton running for president in 2016? In public, she still says she hasn't decided, but in private, it's a different story. Politico offers an extensive look at the "shadow campaign" developing behind the scenes, with both her inner circle and a number of outside supporters...

Never Too Early? Christie, Clinton in Dead Heat

CNN poll takes stock with 3 years or so to go

(Newser) - Because there's only somewhere around 1,048 days between now and Election Day 2016, we needed a national survey on who might win. Your answer? It's essentially a dead heat between Chris Christie (48%) and Hillary Clinton (46%), according to the CNN /ORC International poll. Clinton trumps all...

Cruz: Fire Sebelius Over ObamaCare
 Cruz: Fire 
 Sebelius Over 


Cruz: Fire Sebelius Over ObamaCare

McCain thinks it's been a 'fiasco,' Pelosi sees room for improvement

(Newser) - Ted Cruz is less than impressed with ObamaCare's bumpy rollout, and would like Kathleen Sebelius' head to roll as a result, Politico reports. "Absolutely, she should resign. Why? Because the program she has implemented, ObamaCare, is a disaster. It’s not working, it’s hurting people all across...

Hillary Slams Voter ID Laws
 Hillary Slams 
 Voter ID Laws 

Hillary Slams Voter ID Laws

Clinton gives a very candidate-sounding speech, say observers

(Newser) - The first speech by Hillary the 2016 candidate? The former secretary of state yesterday lit into voter ID laws springing up across the nation as well as the Supreme Court's decision in June to defang the Voting Rights Act, reports NBC News . The big quote in her speech to...

RNC to NBC, CNN: Yank Hillary Shows or No Debates

Reince Priebus is not happy with 'extended commercial' for 2016 bid

(Newser) - CNN and NBC had better pull the plug on their plans to bring Hillary Clinton to the small screen, or Reince Priebus is threatening to take his 2016 presidential debates and find them another network home. In a sternly worded letter today to network honchos, the RNC chair calls NBC'...

Why Attacks on Hillary's Age Will Never Work

No matter how old she is, she's the candidate for youth: Michael Tomasky

(Newser) - The GOP's new plan of attack against Hillary Clinton, assuming she runs for president in 2016: Go after her age. A New York Times article revealed the strategy yesterday, with Karl Rove explaining the basic idea: "We're at the end of [Clinton's] generation and ... it's...

Carville Raising Money for Pro-Hillary Super PAC

He's the first of the family's 'inner circle' to do so

(Newser) - Count James Carville among those who really want Hillary Clinton to run for president in 2016. He's supporting Ready for Hillary PAC, a super PAC whose mission is to get Clinton into the race, the Washington Post reports. In an email Carville is sending today, he will ask other...

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