Moammar Gadhafi

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ICC Seeks to Tie Gadhafi to Libya Rapes

But so far no hard evidence, prosecutor says

(Newser) - Moammar Gadhafi could face rape charges—if the International Criminal Court can link him to any rapes. Prosecutor Luis Moreno-Ocampo tells CNN the court is still looking for evidence and cannot yet prove Gadhafi ordered the rapes that have taken place during the months of unrest in Libya. Even so,...

Court Issues Warrant for Gadhafi on War Crimes

Libya does not recognize Hague's ICC: spokesperson

(Newser) - The International Criminal Court has accused Moammar Gadhafi of crimes against humanity and has issued arrest warrants for him and two of his top aides. The ICC presiding judge says there are "reasonable grounds to believe" that Gadhafi and son Saif al-Islam are "criminally responsible as indirect co-perpetrators"...

Top Libyan Soccer Players Defect

Goalie tells Gadhafi to 'leave us alone'

(Newser) - Moammar Gadhafi has reportedly lost top military officials to defection, and now he'll have to do without his star soccer goalie. Juma Gtat and 17 other players from the national team have switched allegiance to the rebels, reports the BBC . "I am telling (Ghadafi) leave us alone and...

Admiral Confirms: NATO Is Trying to Kill Gadhafi

Rep. Mike Turner says Admiral Samuel Locklear told him so

(Newser) - Should you have any confusion about NATO's aims, you won't after reading this: The top US admiral involved in the mission has admitted that NATO is actively trying to kill Moammar Gadhafi. The revelation comes from Rep. Mike Turner, a member of the House Armed Services Committee, who...

US: Gadhafi Wants to Skip Town

Bombings drive Libyan leader to pack his bags

(Newser) - NATO’s bombing campaign has Moammar Gadhafi “seriously considering” getting out of Dodge—or in this case Tripoli—according to new US intelligence reports. It seems Gadhafi doesn’t intend to leave the country altogether, but he “doesn’t feel safe anymore” in the capital, an official briefed...

Libya: 19 Civilians Killed in Another NATO Strike

Government says they were killed when NATO bombed an official's home

(Newser) - Fresh woes for NATO: The Libyan government yesterday claimed that a NATO strike on the residence of one of Moammar Gadhafi's officials killed 19 civilians, including members of the official's family. This comes on the heels of NATO's admission Sunday that nine civilians were killed in another...

NATO Blames Target Flaw in New Civilian Strike

Missiles hit civilians twice in less than a week

(Newser) - The killing of two babies and seven other Libyan civilians in a NATO raid has been linked to a suspected "weapons systems failure." A NATO official revealed the problem as he apologized yesterday for the "loss of innocent civilian lives," adding that the operation takes "...

Gadhafi's Murderous Instructions Put on Paper

Bad news for him: The rebels have the files

(Newser) - Could Moammar Gadhafi be done in by a paper trail? The Observer thinks so. The newspaper was given the exclusive opportunity to read some of the files obtained by Misratan lawyers and hidden in the city. The thousands of documents contain orders from Gadhafi, and spell out his instructions to...

Obama Overruled Top Lawyers on Libya

Office of Legal Counsel says he needs congressional approval

(Newser) - John Boehner isn't the only one who thinks President Obama is overstepping his legal authority in Libya. The president overruled some of the administration's top lawyers when he decided to continue participating in the air war without congressional approval, reports Charlie Savage in the New York Times...

White House: US Action in Libya Is Legal

It doesn't amount to 'hostilities' under War Powers Act: Lawyers

(Newser) - Moammar Gadhafi might be a little surprised to learn that the US isn't waging war, or even "hostilities," on him. It's all a matter semantics: The White House today said it does not need congressional approval under the War Powers Act to continue because its actions...

We're Not Showering Libya With Olympics Tickets: IOC

Now rep says it is following a 'wait and see' policy

(Newser) - Now it looks like the Gadhafis and their nearest and dearest may not get to sit poolside and take in 10-meter diving at the London Olympics. Following the uproar that broke out after the Telegraph revealed that one of Gadhafi's sons, who heads up Libya's National Olympic Committee,...

Gadhafi Regime Scores Hundreds of Olympic Tickets

Gadhafi crew welcome even as London tries to 'bomb them to oblivion'

(Newser) - If Moammar Gadhafi wants to win back the ministers fleeing his regime, he could try wooing them with tickets to the 2012 London Olympics. British officials have surprisingly confirmed that the Libyan Olympic Committee, headed by one of Gadhafi's sons, has been awarded some 1,000 tickets for next...

Gadhafi May Be Hiding Weapons at Historic Site

Development could endanger Roman ruins at Leptis Magna

(Newser) - Libyan rebels say Moammar Gadhafi is hiding weapons at a UNESCO World Heritage site—and if arms are there, NATO won’t "rule out" bombing it, CNN reports. "We will strike military vehicles, military forces, military equipment or military infrastructure that threaten Libyan civilians as necessary,” said...

Clinton Urges Africans to Abandon Gadhafi

African Union leaders should adopt democratic reforms, Clinton says

(Newser) - It's time for Moammar Gadhafi's remaining African allies to defriend the dictator, Hillary Clinton told African leaders yesterday. Clinton, the first American secretary of state to address the African Union, warned the 53-member organization that without reforms, other African leaders could fall to uprisings like the ones sweeping...

While Libyans Battle, Gadhafi Plays Chess

Libyan leader apparently had nothing better to do...?

(Newser) - His country is being bombed and he’s now a legitimate target of NATO , but Moammar Gadhafi nonetheless took time out of his busy schedule last night … to play chess. The Libyan leader appeared on state television playing against World Chess Federation President and Russian provincial governor Kirsan Ilyumzhinov,...

Rebels Launch Surprise Attacks in West Libya

Taking the oil port of Zawiyah could be devastating to Gadhafi

(Newser) - Surprise rebel attacks all over western Libya, including on the vital oil port of Zawiyah, could be the first step of a big push toward Tripoli, reports the Washington Post . “They are making very good progress,” said a rebel spokesman. “I think we’re headed for the...

Gadhafi Sends Congress a Thank-You Note

He's so glad they criticized Obama

(Newser) - Moammar Gadhafi's letters are bizarre to say the least, and his latest doesn't do much to change that perception. In a note sent to Congress, he thanks them for scolding President Obama regarding his involvement in the attacks against Libya. "I want to express my sincere gratitude...

International Leaders Pledge $1B to Back Libyan Rebels

Gadhafi regime close to exit: officials

(Newser) - Countries that stepped into the Libyan conflict are promising $1 billion in support for the rebel cause. The pledge from nations including Italy, France, Turkey, and Australia is backed in large part by Libyan assets, notes the New York Times , but some legal considerations still stand between the money and...

NATO: Gadhafi Is a Legitimate Target

UN resolution authorizes killing leader, official says

(Newser) - As NATO jets continue to pound Tripoli, a senior military official in the alliance refused to tell CNN whether Moammar Gadhafi was being directly targeted. He did, however, stress that the leader, as head of the Libyan military, is a "legitimate target" to protect civilians. The UN resolution authorizing...

Hillary Clinton: Gadhafi Broaching Possible Exit

Libyan leader's closest aides proposing a 'transition'

(Newser) - Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton says she is aware of "numerous and continuing" overtures by people close to Libyan leader Moammar Gadhafi to negotiate his departure from power. Proposals from "people close to Gadhafi" presented to unspecified countries include the "potential for a transition," Clinton...

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