Osama bin Laden

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Cheney Praises Obama on bin Laden Mission
 Cheney Praises 
 Obama on 
 bin Laden 
sunday talk shows

Cheney Praises Obama on bin Laden Mission

But he's worried we've stopped waterboarding suspects

(Newser) - President Obama got rare praise from Dick Cheney today, as the former VP lauded the Osama decision on Fox News Sunday, reports Politico . "You’ve got to give him a lot of credit," said Cheney. "I give him high marks for making that decision." But Cheney...

College Kids Were Right to Cheer Osama's Death

US has 'nothing to apologize for': Maureen Dowd

(Newser) - Maureen Dowd has no patience for the hand-wringing going on over the Osama bin Laden raid. "The really insane assumption behind some of the second-guessing is that killing Osama somehow makes us like Osama, as if all killing is the same," she writes at the New York Times...

Zawahri Too Divisive to Lead al-Qaeda?

Despite strong credentials, al-Qaeda No. 2 lacks bin Laden's charisma

(Newser) - Longtime bin Laden deputy Ayman al-Zawahri has been generally assumed to be next in line for the leadership of al-Qaeda. But while the Egyptian surgeon has the smarts and the ideology, he lacks Osama bin Laden's charisma and is divisive to many in the terrorist organization, reports the Washington ...

Bin Laden's Youngest Wife 'Easygoing and Confident'

Family described as conservative but not extremist

(Newser) - Osama bin Laden's youngest wife, who was injured last week in the raid that killed the al-Qaeda leader, was a "very good overall person," from a large, respected Yemeni family, a relative tells CNN . "The family had no extremist views, even though they came from a...

Family Guy '06 Osama Episode a Lot Like Real Thing

Take a break from the melodrama, courtesy of Mediaite

(Newser) - There's plenty of serious and smart analysis going on about the newly released Osama bin Laden videos and what they say about the al-Qaeda leader's life in hiding. If you need a break from the melodrama, check out Mediaite's video comparing a tape in which bin Laden...

Videos Show Osama Watched Himself on TV

Pentagon releases video of al-Qaeda leader in compound

(Newser) - Videos seized by Navy SEALs show Osama bin Laden inside his hideout, watching himself on television and rehearsing for terrorist propaganda videos. The videos were released by the Pentagon as further proof that US forces killed the world's most wanted terrorist this week. One shows bin Laden, his unkempt...

In bin Laden Compound, US Watched 'the Pacer'

Bob Woodward fleshes out details of Osama bin Laden takedown

(Newser) - A mundane phone call led to the downfall of the world's most elusive terrorist: “I’m back with the people I was with before," Osama bin Laden's courier told a friend as US ears perked up. Bob Woodward fleshes out the takedown in today's Washington ...

Bin Laden Home Videos to Be Released

Data recovered shows al-Qaeda No. 1 much more active than thought

(Newser) - Among the trove of information pulled from the Abbottabad compound where Osama bin Laden was killed are home videos of the al-Qaeda honcho, reports the AP. The tapes, which show him strolling around the compound, are expected to be released today along with previously unreleased propaganda tapes. Sources tell the...

So How Far Could bin Laden Have Gotten on 500 Euros?

Maybe to Taiwan, if he spent wisely

(Newser) - Had Osama bin Laden somehow managed to elude the Navy SEALs, he would have escaped wearing pajamas that reportedly had two phone numbers and 500 euros sewn into them . So how far could he have gotten with that much cash? Jeremy Singer-Vine tackles the $725 question for Slate's Explainer...

Obama Honors SEALs Who Killed bin Laden

President also addresses troops at Fort Campbell

(Newser) - President Obama met privately today with the special ops forces who killed Osama bin Laden and gave them a presidential citation, reports MSNBC . In addition to the elite Navy SEALs who took part in the raid, Obama also met at Fort Campbell with the Army helicopter pilots known as Night...

Ohio Hotel: Flag Is Broken ... Not Mourning bin Laden

It's a very bad time to get your flag stuck at half-mast

(Newser) - An Ohio hotel has been fending off angry phone calls because a broken rope on its flagpole led some to think the business was mourning the death of Osama bin Laden. The rope left the US flag stuck at half-mast for several days this week outside a Hampton Inn in...

CIA Interrogators Deserve Thanks, Not Punishment

Waterboarding helped lead us to bin Laden: Linda Chavez

(Newser) - Waterboarding played a role in leading us to Osama bin Laden, writes Linda Chavez. So why is the Obama administration still pursuing its investigation of CIA interrogators, she wonders at the Washington Examiner . These agents deserve thanks, not punishment. The Obama administration must know it doesn't make sense: "...

Torture 'Apologists' Are Wrong: It's Never Justified, Even if it Led US to Osama bin Laden (Op-Ed)
Torture 'Apologists' Are Wrong: It's Never Justified

Torture 'Apologists' Are Wrong: It's Never Justified

Let's not embrace the values of Osama bin Laden: op-ed essay

(Newser) - The "apologists" crowing that we never would have caught Osama bin Laden without waterboarding and other forms of torture are sadly off base, write Charles and Gregory Fried in the Washington Post . For starters, we can't know if they're right. But even if they are, the larger...

Taliban: Osama's Death Inspires Us to Keep Fighting

New video shows purported frontline fighters

(Newser) - Al-Qaeda isn't the only organization making threats in the wake of Osama bin Laden's death: In a new video, unidentified fighters who identify themselves as frontline Taliban militants promise to continue fighting until all foreign forces have left Afghanistan. "Even if the news of Osama bin Laden'...

Radicals Name Osama's Watery Grave 'Martyr's Sea'

Obama shrugs off criticisms burial was disrespectful

(Newser) - The administration has said it buried Osama bin Laden at sea in part so devotees wouldn’t have a shrine to flock to—but that may have backfired. Radicals are now calling the entire Arabian Sea “Martyr’s Sea,” according to the Muslim Chaplain of Cambridge University. “...

US Saw Chance at bin Laden in 2007

Osama was expected at Taliban, al-Qaeda rally in Afghanistan

(Newser) - Four years ago, the US believed it had a chance to capture or kill Osama bin Laden: Militants would be gathering in the Tora Bora region of Afghanistan for suicide attack training, and there were whispers that bin Laden would attend. A secret raid on the site resulted in the...

Bin Laden Did Try to Protect Self Using Wife

Al-Qaeda leader acted 'cowardly' before death

(Newser) - Just in case you don't already have whiplash from all the times the story has changed, here's the latest: Sources involved in the raid on Osama bin Laden tell Fox News the al-Qaeda leader did, in fact, use his wife as a sort of human shield. Bin Laden...

Obama: Perpetual Afghan Footprint No Longer Needed
Obama: Perpetual Afghan Footprint No Longer Needed
'60 minutes'

Obama: Perpetual Afghan Footprint No Longer Needed

Bin Laden's death confirms Afghan war can be refocused

(Newser) - Osama bin Laden's death has stirred up a debate over whether the US should pull out of Afghanistan early. Asked about it on his upcoming 60 Minutes appearance, President Obama reminded Steve Kroft that he's already committed to a draw-down of troops starting in July. But bin Laden'...

Al-Qaeda Confirms bin Laden's Death, Vows Revenge

Terrorist group promises Americans' 'happiness will turn to sadness'

(Newser) - Al-Qaeda confirmed the killing of Osama bin Laden today and vowed revenge, promising that America's "happiness will turn to sadness." The statement, which appeared on militant websites today, was dated May 3, and signed by the "general leadership of al-Qaeda," the AP reports. "We...

Al-Qaeda Planned 9/11/11 Rail Attacks

Osama bin Laden plotted terror attacks from hideout, seized files reveal

(Newser) - Al-Qaeda leaders discussed attacking America's rail network on the 10th anniversary of the September 11 attacks, according to American officials who have seen the first batch of documents from Osama bin Laden's hideout. The documents reveal that bin Laden, who many experts believed had become merely an inspirational...

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