Osama bin Laden

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GOP: 'To-Do List' v. 'Warrior'
GOP: 'To-Do List' v. 'Warrior'

GOP: 'To-Do List' v. 'Warrior'

Today's Romney-McCain showdown broken down in simple terms

(Newser) - The top contenders in today’s GOP primary are fundamentally different, and the contest's deep themes—John McCain as warrior, Mitt Romney as technocrat—were prominent in the closing arguments, Byron York writes in the National Review. Romney appeared with a 15-section to-do list as McCain vowed to follow Osama...

CIA May Launch New Covert Ops in Pakistan

Seeks to thwart al-Qaeda muscle; but Pakistan won't stand for it

(Newser) - Bush administration officials are weighing plans for the CIA and US military to conduct new, more aggressive covert operations in Pakistan, the New York Times reports. The proposal is a response to growing al-Qaeda and Taliban efforts to destabilize Pakistan, cast in sharp focus by the assassination of former prime...

Al-Qaeda Launches Cell Phone Videos

Group targets wide audience with dubbed, subtitled clips

(Newser) - Al-Qaeda has released videos that can be downloaded and viewed on cell phones, the AP reports. The terrorist group launched eight video messages from Osama bin Laden and No. 2 Ayman al-Zawahri, all available thanks to al-Qaeda's media branch, al-Sahab. The videos feature subtitles in English and dubbing in other...

Bin Laden: 'Blood for Blood'
Bin Laden: 'Blood for Blood'

Bin Laden: 'Blood for Blood'

Terror chief threatens Israel & Sunnis backing Iraqi government

(Newser) - Al-Qaeda terror chief Osama bin Laden denounced Sunnis supporting the US-backed Iraq government as “evil traitors,” and vowed to spread the group’s holy war to Israel, promising "blood for blood, destruction for destruction" in an online audiotape issued yesterday, AP reports. The message didn’t mention...

Face of Jihad Ever More Youthful
Face of Jihad Ever More Youthful

Face of Jihad Ever More Youthful

Teens as young as 15 turn to web to connect with extremists

(Newser) - They’re young, impressionable, disillusioned, and they’re seeking out al-Qaeda: Muslims as young as 15 are connecting with Islamic extremists over the web and becoming radicalized through jihadist videos and literature, the Christian Science Monitor reports. In Morocco and elsewhere, teenagers reinforce an increasingly decentralized al-Qaeda. They have “...

Bin Laden to Issue Message on 'Foiling Plots' in Iraq

May also rip 'Infidel' Arabic news channel Al Jareeza

(Newser) - A new message on "foiling plots" in Iraq from Osama bin Laden is about to be released on an Islamic web site, Reuters reports. The 56-minute recording will address the hardline jihadist group Islamic State of Iraq, according to the site announcing the message. It may also blast the...

US Billions in Pakistan Wasted
US Billions in Pakistan Wasted

US Billions in Pakistan Wasted

Money earmarked for war on terror diverted to shore up regime

(Newser) - Billions of dollars the US gave to Pakistan to bolster counterterrorism efforts against al-Qaeda apparently have been diverted to prop up President Pervez Musharraf's government and finance weapons systems aimed at India, reports the New York Times. Because the US has failed to properly monitor military aid programs, progress against...

Belgium Foils Terrorist's Prison Break

14 arrested in plot to free Osama disciple; security tightened

(Newser) - Police in Belgium today arrested 14 men accused of plotting to bust one of Osama bin Laden's devotees out of jail; authorities then ramped up security at airports and Christmas markets to guard against a terror attack. Police say the men planned an armed assault on the prison holding Nizar...

New Gitmo Hearing for Osama Driver
New Gitmo Hearing for Osama Driver

New Gitmo Hearing for Osama Driver

Third trial for man who drove bin Laden in 9/11 escape

(Newser) - The man who drove Osama bin Laden when he evacuated his compound just before  9/11 was the subject of a hearing yesterday on whether he can be tried as an unlawful enemy combatant. Salim Ahmed Hamdan, who was paid $200 a month as a driver and bodyguard for bin Laden,...

Osama Tape Cautions Europeans
Osama Tape Cautions Europeans

Osama Tape Cautions Europeans

Al-Qaeda leader urges withdrawal from Afghanistan

(Newser) - A new audio tape has Osama Bin Laden calling for European nations to sever military ties with US forces in Afghanistan. Cable network Al Jazeera today broadcast portions of the tape, in which a voice resembling Bin Laden's denies allegations that the Taliban, then ruling Afghanistan, knew of the Sept....

208 Nabbed in Saudi Terror Raids
208 Nabbed in Saudi Terror Raids

208 Nabbed in Saudi Terror Raids

Hundreds arrested, oil attack foiled

(Newser) - Saudi Arabian security forces have arrested 208 suspected al-Qaeda militants reportedly plotting an attack on a major oil field, the BBC reports. Those busted included missile experts, assassination squads—and a 16-person "media cell" bent on promoting extremist ideology. The money men behind the militants were also nabbed.

Could Bin Laden's New Video Be Fake?

Computer scientist thinks it's re-cut 2004 footage with new audio

(Newser) - Terror mastermind Osama bin Laden's latest video may have been faked, according to recent analysis. A computer scientist points out that the video freezes whenever bin Laden mentions current events and that the footage is nearly identical to a video released in 2004. It's likely the "new" tape is...

Qaeda Backers Enraged by Al Jazeera's Osama Excerpts

Critics also seek praise from scolding leader

(Newser) - Supporters of Al Qaeda have attacked Arab broadcaster Al Jazeera for selectively airing critical remarks by Osama bin Laden this week in which he blasts Iraqi insurgent groups for being too splintered. Critics called for the broadcaster to air the entire tape, which also includes praise for the groups.

We Say Osama, Mitt Says Obama
We Say Osama, Mitt Says Obama

We Say Osama, Mitt Says Obama

Candidate makes gaffe on the stump

(Newser) - Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney yesterday confused the mastermind of the 9/11 attacks with the junior senator from Illinois, the New York Times' Caucus blog reports. During a speech on global trade in Greenwood, SC, Romney said, “look at what Osam—uh—Barack Obama, said just yesterday. Barack Obama...

Bin Laden to Insurgents: Become 'One' With Al Qaeda

Taped plea emerges amid US military gains

(Newser) - Terror mastermind Osama bin Laden has issued a taped plea calling on his "brother fighters" in Iraq to unite with Al Qaeda—on the heels of US military reports of major gains against the network in Iraq, the Telegraph writes. Some Sunnis have even formed coalitions against  Al Qaeda....

Osama Attempts to Re-Take Al-Qaeda Reins

Media blitz aims to reassert power, unite fractured terror group

(Newser) - Osama bin Laden’s sudden media blitz this month isn’t just a message to the West—it’s also to his own fractured terrorist organization, a Taliban official tells Newsweek. An al-Qaeda faction had long told bin Laden to remain secluded for his own safety, advice the spotlight-loving leader...

Bin Laden Targets Pakistan in New Tape

Upcoming message will declare war on 'the tyrant Perez Musharraf'

(Newser) - Osama bin Laden is about to declare jihad against Pakistani President Perez Musharraf in a new tape, militant websites vowed yesterday, posting advertisements that usually presage a new recording by one to three days, according to the AP. At the same time, al-Qaida released a video on the same theme...

Second Bin Laden Tape Surfaces
Second Bin Laden Tape Surfaces

Second Bin Laden Tape Surfaces

Hijacker reads will in front of blazing Trade Center on terror anniversary

(Newser) - A new videotape today from Osama Bin Laden on the sixth anniversary of the 9/11 terror attack features one of the hijackers reading his will over an image of the burning World Trade Center, AP reports. The videotape hasn't been posted on web sites, but frames have been released by...

Bin Laden Will Roll Out 9/11 Vid
Bin Laden Will Roll Out 9/11 Vid

Bin Laden Will Roll Out 9/11 Vid

Even Qaeda caught up in summer sequel craze

(Newser) - A video of Osama bin Laden presenting the last testament of one of the Sept. 11th hijackers is set to be released tomorrow, the sixth anniversary of the attacks. Al-Sahab, the media production division of al-Qaeda, announced the video today on an Islamist website, the AP reports.

Osama Tape 'Sophomoric' and Bizarre

'I expect more from a terrorist mastermind,' says National Review

(Newser) - Osama’s latest tape is “a great disappointment,” as sophomoric as it is bizarre, says James Robbins in the National Review. The terrorist’s invitation for Americans to convert to Islam – which would force “warmongering corporations” to spend energy converting people back – is as odd...

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