
Stories 221 - 240 | << Prev   Next >>

In Audio, Border Agent Jokes About Screaming of Separated Kids

McCain calls policy an 'affront to the decency of the American people'

(Newser) - A harrowing recording from inside a border facility has added fuel to the controversy over the immigration policies that have separated thousands of children from their families. In the recording, which ProPublica says was made last week and provided to civil rights attorney Jennifer Harbury by a whistleblower, wailing children...

New Flashpoint in Border Controversy: Term &#39;Cages&#39;
New Flashpoint in Border
Controversy: Term 'Cages'
the rundown

New Flashpoint in Border Controversy: Term 'Cages'

Or are they 'security pens'?

(Newser) - When a reporter from the AP visited a facility in McAllen, Texas, where immigrant children are being held, he described the scene like this: "Inside an old warehouse in South Texas, hundreds of immigrant children wait in a series of cages created by metal fencing. One cage had 20...

UN Rights Chief Likens Border Separations to Child Abuse
Trump: Criminals Exploiting
Kids at the Border
the rundown

Trump: Criminals Exploiting Kids at the Border

Meanwhile, UN human rights chief likens the separations to 'abuse'

(Newser) - The UN humans rights chief issued his strongest denunciation yet regarding the separation of immigrant children from their parents at the US border and demanded that it stop immediately, reports the New York Times . "The thought that any state would seek to deter parents by inflicting such abuse on...

Infighting Over Immigration Threatens Germany&#39;s Merkel
May Be
in Trouble

Germany's Merkel May Be in Trouble

The chancellor is being hit by friendly fire over immigration

(Newser) - The bitter battle over immigration that's been brewing in Germany since Chancellor Angela Merkel opened the country's borders to Syrian refugees is pitting some within the leader's ranks against her. According to the Atlantic , Merkel's own interior minister, Horst Seehofer, drew up plans that would turn...

Border Pursuit Leaves at Least 5 Dead in Texas

An SUV pursued by border agents reportedly lost control while going more than 100 mph

(Newser) - At least five people are dead and several others hurt as an SUV carrying more than a dozen people crashed while fleeing from Border Patrol agents in South Texas. Dimmit County Sheriff Marion Boyd says the SUV went out of control at more than 100 mph and overturned on Texas...

White House Clarifies: Trump Misunderstood Question

President does support 'moderate' GOP immigration plan; he'd said no Friday morning

(Newser) - The White House has walked back comments made by President Trump on Friday that he would not sign a "moderate" immigration reform bill scheduled for a vote next week. A spokesman said Trump had misunderstood the question and does indeed back the measure, reports Politico . The tumult erupted as...

It Used to Be a Walmart. Now It's Holding Immigrant Teens

Reporters tour Texas facility as immigration debate stays in spotlight

(Newser) - Lawmakers from both parties have been criticizing the Justice Department's tough new policy that requires immigrant children to be separated from their parents at the border. On Friday, President Trump joined the critics, with a familiar caveat. "I hate it," he said. "I hate to see...

Bible Backs Up Border Separations: Sessions

The attorney general cited Apostle Paul in his defense of the highly criticized practice

(Newser) - Attorney General Jeff Sessions cited the Bible on Thursday in defense of his border policy, which is resulting in hundreds of immigrant children being separated from their parents after they enter the US illegally. Sessions, speaking in Fort Wayne, Ind., on immigration, pushed back against criticism he had received over...

Announcement Could Affect Thousands of Asylum Seekers

Jeff Sessions said Monday that domestic violence is not grounds for asylum

(Newser) - Immigration judges generally cannot consider domestic and gang violence as grounds for asylum, US Attorney General Jeff Sessions said Monday in a ruling that could affect large numbers of Central Americans who have increasingly turned to the United States for protection. "Generally, claims by aliens pertaining to domestic...

Border Crosser Kills Himself After Family Separation

Honduran man was found dead in Texas cell

(Newser) - A Honduran man who "lost it" when he entered the US and was told he would be separated from his family killed himself in a Texas jail cell, according to police and Border Patrol agents. Agents speaking under condition of anonymity tell the Washington Post that Marco Antonio Munoz,...

For 3rd Straight Month, Border Arrests Exceed 50K

It's highest level since Trump took office

(Newser) - More than 50,000 people were arrested trying to cross the US border in May, the third consecutive month that figure has been reached. The high volume suggests that tough new rules put in place by the Trump administration—including the separation of migrant children from their parents—are not...

High Court Sides With Trump Administration in Abortion Case

Justices toss lower-court decision that could have helped immigrant minors get abortions

(Newser) - The Supreme Court on Monday sided with the Trump administration in a case involving an immigrant teen's abortion. In one sense, the case is moot because the teen in question already had an abortion. But the justices tossed a lower-court ruling that allowed the abortion to take place, thus...

Thousands of Hondurans in US Will Need to Leave

US ends immigration protections put in place after hurricane

(Newser) - The Trump administration said Friday that it is ending special immigration protections for about 57,000 Hondurans, adding them to hundreds of thousands of immigrants from other countries battered by violence and natural disasters who are losing permission to be in the US. The US Department of Homeland Security's...

Border Impasse Over Migrant Caravan Ends

At least 8 were allowed to enter US

(Newser) - US border inspectors have allowed some of the Central American asylum-seekers from a "caravan of migrants" criticized by President Trump to enter the country for processing, ending a brief impasse over lack of space. Now, the migrants who crossed Mexico in a caravan may face a long legal path....

Controversial Caravan Reaches US Border. Now What?
Caravan at Border Must
Prove 'Credible Fear'
the rundown

Caravan at Border Must Prove 'Credible Fear'

About 200 migrants will make plea for asylum, a process that can take months or longer

(Newser) - The caravan of migrants that has drawn the attention of President Trump is much smaller than it used to be, but an estimated 150 to 200 Central Americans are now at the US-Mexico border hoping to gain entry into America. US border officials have slowed things down at least temporarily...

Feds: We Just Lost Nearly 1,500 Children

Health and Human Services admits its mistake

(Newser) - Federal officials lost track of nearly 1,500 migrant children last year after a government agency placed the minors in the homes of adult sponsors in communities across the country, according to testimony before a Senate subcommittee Thursday, the AP reports. The Health and Human Services Department has a limited...

Yes, One Large Group of People Is Walking to the US Border

This is the 'caravan' Trump is complaining about in Mexico

(Newser) - President Trump returned to one of his favorite recent themes on Tuesday, complaining about a "caravan" of immigrants in Mexico moving toward the US border. "The big Caravan of People from Honduras, now coming across Mexico and heading to our 'Weak Laws' Border, had better be stopped...

Trump Administration Hands Immigration Judges a Number

DOJ sets production quota for them

(Newser) - The Trump administration has introduced production quotas for immigration judges in an effort to reduce enormous court backlogs, raising concern among judges and attorneys that decisions may be unfairly rushed. The Justice Department's Executive Office for Immigration Review said judges must complete 700 cases a year to earn a...

Couple Dies Fleeing ICE Agents, Leaves Behind 6 Children

Farmworkers were in US illegally

(Newser) - A couple in the country illegally were fleeing US immigration officials in a rural California farm town when they lost control of their car and crashed into a power pole, killing the husband and wife with six children, police said. The deaths Tuesday come as immigrant advocates say US immigration...

Immigration Showdown: Feds Are Suing California

Justice Department thinks state 'sanctuary' laws too lenient toward undocumented immigrants

(Newser) - The nation's debate on sanctuary cities and states is about to play out front and center in a federal courtroom. The Justice Department is suing the state of California over three new laws that provide protection to undocumented immigrants, reports NPR . Attorney General Jeff Sessions will be in the...

Stories 221 - 240 | << Prev   Next >>