
Stories 421 - 440 | << Prev   Next >>

Obama Delays Immigration Action Until After Election

President initially pledged to move by end of summer

(Newser) - Dropping his pledge to act by the end of summer, President Obama has decided to delay any executive action on immigration until after the November congressional elections, White House officials said. The move is certain to infuriate immigration advocates while offering relief to some vulnerable Democrats in tough Senate re-election...

How the Immigration Crisis Hurts Heartland Farmers

Farms far from border states struggle to find laborers

(Newser) - Immigration is a hot topic for many Americans—but for US farmers, especially those far from the Mexico border, it's a problem that needs a quick solution, McClatchy reports. "Because we’re not a border state, it’s definitely harder to get people over this far from the...

Obama Poised for Major Move on Immigration

Action could protect 5M here illegally: Washington Post

(Newser) - After rejecting a House-passed immigration bill , President Obama has pledged to act on the issue alone—and the Washington Post has the details of his thinking. Spurred in part by the huge influx of child immigrants from Central America, Obama is considering measures that could offer millions of undocumented immigrants...

To Ease Border Crunch, US May Screen Kids in Honduras

Proposal aimed at cutting down on number of youths crossing across Mexico to US

(Newser) - The White House is floating a sure-to-be-controversial plan to ease the flood of young immigrants trying to get into the US illegally: It would screen the kids in Honduras to determine whether they're eligible to head to the US on refugee or humanitarian grounds, reports the New York Times...

Tea Party Pol Mistakes YMCA Campers for Immigrants

Adam Kwasman said he saw 'fear' on kids' faces as bus pulled up at protest

(Newser) - Well, this is embarrassing. Adam Kwasman, an Arizona state rep and Tea Party member who’s vying for a Republican congressional seat, joined an immigration-related protest Tuesday in the town of Oracle. He was there to protest against a local academy that plans on housing Central American immigrant children who’...

US&#39; Best-Known Undocumented Immigrant Detained
Best-Known Undocumented Immigrant Released

Best-Known Undocumented Immigrant Released

Journalist, filmmaker Jose Antonio Vargas temporarily held at Texas airport

(Newser) - Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist Jose Antonio Vargas, whose documentary on undocumented immigrants aired last month on CNN , was released by US Border Patrol agents after being detained earlier today at a Texas airport, the AP reports. Though it's not clear if this was the case with Vargas, the AP notes...

Migrant Kids Now Draw Protest in Ariz.

We don't know if they're 'choirboys or gang members': organizer

(Newser) - In the wake of a protest in Murrieta, Calif., demonstrators are preparing a similar greeting for child migrants headed to a town in Arizona. Some 40 to 60 undocumented kids are due to arrive today in Oracle, Ariz., where a private facility in the town of 3,700 will be...

Real Cause of the Border Crisis: Following the Law

A 2008 bill paved the way for this issue

(Newser) - Conservatives like Ted Cruz and Sarah Palin have alleged that President Obama's "lawlessness"—in the form of his jury-rigged de facto Dream Act implementation—is to blame for the children currently swarming across the border. But the truth is "that this crisis has actually been brought...

Inside Texas' 'Death Valley' for Migrants

Brooks County has recovered 37 bodies this year

(Newser) - Border officials in Texas' Brooks County pray for rain to keep the heat down—and, as the chief deputy says, "to keep the body count down." "I really do pray for rain every day," he tells NBC News . Known by ranchers as "Death Valley,"...

Pastors: Feds Blocking Us From Immigration Camps

Meanwhile, Obama deflects criticism that he didn't visit the border

(Newser) - As the immigration crisis rages, pastors and faith groups are complaining that they're not being allowed to visit the children being held at border detention facilities. "It's pretty heartbreaking that they don't let anybody in there—even credentialed pastors," one pastor tells Todd Starnes at...

Man May Get US Citizenship —200 Years After Death

Bill could grant Bernardo de Galvez only the eighth such honor

(Newser) - A hero of the American Revolution who gave Galveston, Texas, its name may finally become an American. Some 200 years after he died, a bill that would give Bernardo de Gálvez y Madrid honorary citizenship will be considered by the House Judiciary Committee this week, the New York Post...

Sarah Palin: We Must Impeach Obama Now

She blasts him on immigration, and that could be bad news for GOP

(Newser) - Sarah Palin has mentioned the idea of impeaching President Obama indirectly in the past, notes Politico , but there's nothing indirect about her new essay at :
  • "It’s time to impeach; and on behalf of American workers and legal immigrants of all backgrounds, we should vehemently oppose

Obama Seeks Nearly $4B to Deal With Child Immigrants

That's nearly double the initial estimate

(Newser) - The White House had been kicking around the idea of requesting $2 billion to deal with the unprecedented wave of underage immigrants arriving from Central America. Today, in a sign of just how fast the crisis is escalating, it made a formal request to Congress for nearly twice that amount,...

Rick Perry Disses Obama, Then Agrees to Meeting

Didn't want any part of quick handshake on Austin tarmac

(Newser) - Rick Perry is not interested in a photo op with President Obama. The Texas governor and maybe-presidential-candidate yesterday said he would not be greeting Obama at the airport when he arrives in Austin tomorrow. "I appreciate the offer," Perry wrote in a letter to the president, according to...

Child Immigrants Have Little Choice
 Child Immigrants 
 Have Little Choice 

Child Immigrants Have Little Choice

Pablo Alvarado was one, and thinks the US is culpable in driving them here

(Newser) - Child immigrants are suddenly at the heart of the illegal immigration debate —which strikes a chord with Pablo Alvarado, the executive director of the National Day Laborer Organizing Network, because once he led his teenage little brother to the US for much the same reason: to escape violence...

White House Seeks Tougher Rules on Child Migrants

Central Americans could quickly be sent home

(Newser) - Amid an influx of child migrants , many from Central America, President Obama is calling on Congress to change the rules on how their cases are handled—and it looks like his proposals will make it harder for the kids to stay. As it currently stands, children from countries that don'...

US to Build Big Processing Facility for Migrant Kids

Site in McAllen, Texas, will hold 1K children

(Newser) - With the number of child immigrants from Central America overwhelming Border Patrol stations , the US plans to convert a giant warehouse into a processing facility for the kids in Texas, reports AP . The facility in McAllen will accommodate about 1,000 children, who will have access to an "interaction/play"...

US Grapples With Huge Influx of Migrant Kids

50K unaccompanied children held in 8 months

(Newser) - In its battle against illegal immigration, the US is facing a new challenge: The past eight months have seen some 50,000 unaccompanied kids held in attempts to migrate to the US, almost doubling figures from the last fiscal year, NPR reports. "Before, we were seeing great numbers of...

In Census, 2.5M Hispanics Change Race to White

Shift follows pattern of Irish, Italian immigrants

(Newser) - The racial make-up of America is changing—even among individual Americans. Census forms reveal that a larger proportion of Americans of Hispanic origin are declaring themselves to be white, for a net shift of 1.2 million between 2000 and 2010, the New York Times finds. Some 2.5 million...

Pakistan: No More Refugees, Please

Country cracks down on illegal Afghan immigrants, fearing flood after US withdrawal

(Newser) - If violence erupts when the US leaves Afghanistan, refugees are going to find the world a very unwelcoming place. Pakistan is cracking down on illegal immigrants from its turbulent neighbor, in anticipation of just such a surge, the Washington Post reports. Police squads in Karachi are actively hunting Afghan immigrants,...

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