US economy

Stories 241 - 260 | << Prev   Next >>

More US Firms Not Hiring— Thanks to Europe?

Just 23% of firms plan hiring in next 6 months, down from 39% in April

(Newser) - US firms are getting nervous about the transatlantic effects of Europe's debt crisis—and fewer of them foresee hiring anytime soon. In early April, 39% of US companies polled planned to hire sometime within the next six months; by June that figure was down to 23%, the National Association...

Why June's Falling Retail Sales Matter

Because drop marks the first 3-month decline since 2008

(Newser) - Americans cut their spending at retail businesses for a third straight month, as a weak job market has made consumers more cautious. The Commerce Department says retail sales fell 0.5% in June from May. That followed declines of 0.2% and 0.5% in the previous two months. It...

80% of New Jobs Since 2009 Have Gone to Men

More men moving into retail sector

(Newser) - Men were hit hardest by job losses during the recession, but they have been way ahead of women in landing newly created jobs since the downturn officially ended in June 2009, the Los Angeles Times finds. Some 80% of the 2.9 million jobs created over the last three years...

Obama: Romney's Attacks Make Total Sense to Me

President admits he would argue over the economy, too

(Newser) - President Obama doesn't begrudge Mitt Romney's attacks over economic policy—not one bit, CNN reports. In fact, Obama says he would do it himself if he were battling an incumbent president. "If I was in his shoes I would be making the same argument," said Obama...

Scranton, Pa., Slashes Its Workers' Pay to $7.25/Hour

Mayor Chris Doherty says minimum wage is all the city can afford

(Newser) - City workers in Scranton, Pa., had to be surprised on Friday—when their wages dropped to just $7.25 an hour, the state's minimum wage. But Mayor Chris Doherty says that's all Scranton can afford. "I'm trying to do the best I can with the limited...

Big Change: Cities Growing Faster Than Suburbs

First time since 1920s

(Newser) - For the first time in decades, cities' populations are growing at a faster rate than suburbs'. The 51 US metropolitan regions with at least a million people expanded 1.1% between 2010 and 2011; suburbs grew just 0.9%, Census data show. Compare that to the past decade, which saw...

Local Food Could Save the Economy
 Local Food Could 
 Save the Economy 

Local Food Could Save the Economy

Tom Philpott offers a plan to create jobs

(Newser) - Americans spend nearly $1.2 trillion per year on food—that's almost one-tenth of the total US GDP—but very little of that helps our local communities, since most of our food money goes to large chains. If we could turn that around and shop for more local food,...

Poll: Obama Approval Sinks on Economy Fears

Most of his lead over Romney dissolves

(Newser) - Doubts about President Obama's handling of the economy have wiped out most of his lead over Mitt Romney and sent his approval ratings to their lowest since January, according to the latest Reuters /Ipsos poll. The percentage of voters who approve of Obama's job performance has dropped 3...

Fed Economic Report: Middle Class Getting Hosed

American families lose two decades of accumulated wealth

(Newser) - The Fed released its much-anticipated report on the economy today, and the news is not pretty. In short, the median American family's wealth has fallen to early-1990s levels, eliminating two decades of prosperity, while savings are down and debt hovers like a vulture over most Americans, the New York ...

Great, Now the Private Sector&#39;s Tanking, Too
Great, Now the
Private Sector's Tanking, Too 

Great, Now the Private Sector's Tanking, Too

Signs of life in consumer spending might help recovery, say economists

(Newser) - The private sector has been the lone strength in the US economy since 2009, with business investment and corporate earnings leading the underwhelming recovery. Until now, that is. As the dollar strengthens and economies around the world are slowing, the private sector appears headed for a tough patch, writes Paul...

Fed Will Help If Economy Craters: Bernanke

But it's unclear what action it would take

(Newser) - The Federal Reserve is prepared to take further steps to lift the economy if it weakens, Ben Bernanke said today—but he didn't signal any imminent action in testimony before a congressional panel. Bernanke said the European debt crisis poses significant risks to US financial markets. He noted that...

Dow Plummets 200+ Points
 Dow Plummets 200+ Points 

Dow Plummets 200+ Points

Weak jobs report leads to market troubles

(Newser) - The Dow's gain for the year is gone, thanks to today's terrible jobs report . The Dow fell more than 200 points following the report, according to the AP . At 11am EDT, it was at 12,170, down 224 points. That's a loss of about 0.3% for...

Unemployment Back Up to 8.2%
 Unemployment Back Up to 8.2% 

Unemployment Back Up to 8.2%

And US employers added just 69K jobs

(Newser) - Today's jobs report brings very unwelcome news: US employers added just 69,000 jobs last month, the lowest number in a year, and the unemployment rate ticked up to 8.2% from April's 8.1%, the first increase in 11 months. The Labor Department also had grim news...

Unemployment Falls to 8.1%, but News Not All Good

Just 115K jobs added in April: jobs report

(Newser) - The unemployment rate fell to 8.1% in April, the lowest it’s been since January 2009, the Wall Street Journal reports. But that still gets an "ouch" from blogger Steven Russolillo since just 115,000 jobs were added, when as many as 168,000 had been expected. "...

4 Things Obama Must Do to Win

 4 Things 
 Must Do 
 to Win 
robert reich

4 Things Obama Must Do to Win

Robert Reich: It's time for a clear economic strategy

(Newser) - President Obama's economic message is that "we're on the right track" and we should give him more time. But if the economy "stalls"—about a 50-50 chance—the message won't hold up, writes Robert Reich in the Guardian . It's time for Obama to...

Food Stamp Use: Up 70% Since 2007, and Growing

Improving economy will limit recipients after that, says CBO report

(Newser) - We earlier reported that 45 million Americans are currently on food stamps, and a new report out of the Congressional Budget Office puts that number in perspective: The number of food stamp users has jumped 70% since 2007, and shows no signs of stopping. The CBO expects it to rise...

Poll: Romney Catching Obama
 Poll: Romney Catching Obama 

Poll: Romney Catching Obama

Reuters finds two in statistical dead heat

(Newser) - Rick Santorum's exit from the GOP race has given Mitt Romney a boost in his face-off against President Obama, according to the latest Reuters /Ipsos poll. The poll found that Obama's lead against Romney has shrunk from 11 points a month ago to just four points now. Some...

Smile: People Are Quitting Their Jobs

It's a sign of economic confidence

(Newser) - February saw 2 million Americans quit their jobs—the most since November of 2008. And that's a very good sign for the rest of us, the Wall Street Journal notes. Quitting points to confidence in the economy, analysts say: If people don't think they'll be hired elsewhere,...

Obama Slam Dunk Over Romney, Except...

...when it comes to the federal budget and economy

(Newser) - President Obama holds significant leads over GOP frontrunner Mitt Romney in all categories—except for the federal budget, and his handling of the economy, according to a new Washington Post-ABC News poll . According to the poll, 51% of registered voters would pick Obama over 44% for Romney. The president also...

Recession Was Great— for Big Business

Firms come out streamlined; still slow to hire

(Newser) - For some of America's biggest companies, the recession amounted to growing pains: They're now "leaner, meaner, and hungrier," says one economist. Indeed, sales, profits, and employment among S&P 500 companies last year beat figures from 2007—before the crisis began, the Wall Street Journal notes...

Stories 241 - 260 | << Prev   Next >>